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Exploring microscopic life @WEHI_research 🔬🇦🇺 Breast immunology | #SciArt | Jesus ✝️=❤️️ | @AulieTsee
May 7, 2020 43 tweets 24 min read
We found unique breast immune cells in the duct walls – ductal macrophages. They remove dying cells, help remodelling + are key players in cancer.

How did we get from this first sighting to finding their identity and function? Follow this thread!
1/n Discovery of mammary ductal macrophagesTissue-resident ductal macrophages survey the mammary epithelium and facilitate tissue remodelling The breast contains mammary ducts surrounded by fat, blood vessels, immune + other cells.

We use 3D imaging to investigate the complex relationships b/w these cells to better understand disease.
#microscopy #mammarygland