hexcorized percy | 🍉 Profile picture
haikyuu and arcane, i write and retweet | 23, spa-eng 🇲🇽, MDNI
Feb 17, 2023 34 tweets 6 min read
#sakuatsu, angst, madtsumu.

miya atsumu is a man that holds grudges. he's the type to act like you're dead to him once you've wronged him.

kiyoomi didn't get the memo.

so when he tries to break up with atsumu because of his insecurities—

"fine. don't talk to me ever again." see, kiyoomi was /really/ hoping he could reach an agreement with atsumu.

he was ready to explain himself, to tell atsumu he doesn't feel capable of being a good boyfriend to him.
Feb 15, 2023 18 tweets 3 min read
#kghn, v-day.

on their third year, yachi brings candy to gift to all of her friends on valentine's day.

that day, hinata arrives slightly late to school and sees yachi give a heart-shaped lollipop to kageyama.

hell breaks loose when he sees him accept it. something ugly happens inside of him, a sensation that's too close to the sickness he felt when he was an inexperienced boy facing the volleyball court for the first time.

only this is worse. way worse.
Feb 8, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
PLEASE tell me if anyone's written smth like this but if not can we talk about angsty skts with vampire kiyoomi who bites vampire hunter atsumu and turns him and watches his descent into madness because as a hunter he hates he's become what he vowed to destroy???? can we PLEASE talk abt forced proximity because atsumu can't survive as a new vampire on his own because of his same monster hunter family????
Feb 6, 2023 41 tweets 6 min read
#skts, angst with happy ending. TW: suicide ideation, suicidal thoughts, (almost) suicide attempt, depression.

the sunset makes the sky look pink and orange, and kiyoomi wonders why he is only noticing now, right on the edge of the roof of his school’s building. it’s weird, realizing how many things about life he’s ignored in favor of academic excellence. it doesn’t sit right with kiyoomi.

life hasn’t been great lately.
Feb 3, 2023 37 tweets 6 min read
#SakuAtsuWeek2023 @sktsweek | day 4: crime, confessions. CW: ANGST!! blood, mentions of g*ns.

"fuck," kiyoomi sobs as he tends to atsumu's wounds. he can't lose his cool right now, not when he needs him.

"omi," atsumu whispers softly. "i'll be okay." "i don't care, atsumu," kiyoomi replies, his eyes fixated on the red stain atsumu's blood has left on the clothes he's wearing. "you're— fuck, you're bleeding so much."
Jan 25, 2023 20 tweets 4 min read
#skts, a/b/o, o!atsumu, a!kiyoomi.

atsumu decides to wear a patch with a different scent than his own just to see kiyoomi's reaction.

the alpha nearly goes insane with disgust because /that's not atsumu's scent/. it's an instinctual matter— a primal thing, if you will. there's something inherently wrong with someone's natural scent being altered or changed altogether.

kiyoomi is really not fond of it.

he readjusts his facemask when atsumu enters the locker room.
Jan 24, 2023 26 tweets 4 min read

kiyoomi is always /that/ friend.

x: kiyo, i met this hot guy at work and i think we—
k: is he actually hot or is he the only guy your age at work?

x: sakusa, what do you think? i like him but—
k: are you sure you like him? or is he the only other gay man in your class?" it doesn't help his reputation, of course. he always questions them, and they still end up with a shitty partner, kiyoomi just runs out of friends.

still, he only wants the people around him to raise their standards a little bit.
Jan 23, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read

IMAGINE WITH ME FOR A SECOND, imagine villain!kiyoomi and hero!atsumu, who fight eo for YEARS and become familiar with one another, they flirt n banter. imagine a greater evil making them work together. imagine atsu protecting kiyoomi from this newer evil and throwing himself in the way of an arrow that's aimed directly at kiyoomi's heart. imagine as atsumu gets in the way, right in front of kiyoomi, he kisses him for the first and only time before he DIES
Jan 17, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
#skts, nsfw-ish, breeding kink.

the first time vampire kiyoomi and human atsumu have sex, it's uncomfortable.

not because of the obvious, but because atsumu has a breeding kink and kiyoomi, as a vampire, needs permission to come inside. atsumu is just moaning and groaning and it never comes 😭😭😭 he's like WTF and kiyoomi's just embarrassed because YOU DIDN'T SAY I COULD SO I CAN'T
Jan 15, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
#skts, fluff.

kiyoomi's a tough man, but even he gets teary-eyed when atsumu is sleeping oh-so-peacefully besides him.

it's weird, to be so taken aback by affection. still, he wouldn't change it for the world. see, kiyoomi's not used to someone looking for him just to kiss his cheek. he isn't used to a man wanting him for everything, not just sex.

he's not used to atsumu holding him at night and whispering how much he loves kiyoomi.
Jan 11, 2023 20 tweets 4 min read
#skts, idiots, mutual pining.

kiyoomi decides he's had enough of his ridiculous yearning, so he writes a letter to confess to atsumu and asks bokuto to give it to him.

he forgets to sign it, though. and now atsumu has to explain to bokuto that he likes kiyoomi and not him. they should really give an award to kiyoomi or something, because his confession goes wrong in every single way.

the letter, though beautifully written, is unsigned. bokuto, though a very supportive friend, forgets to mention that the letter is from kiyoomi.
Dec 31, 2022 19 tweets 3 min read
#skts, arranged marriage, light angst, this literally makes no sense

listen, atsumu thought it would be funny.

yeah, hide in the garden, pretend like he left kiyoomi, leave a note...

...okay, to be fair, atsumu really didn't think it through. the plan was to just stage it, have a little laugh and move on! tease kiyoomi just a little!

so how is any of this his fault? really, how is it atsumu's fault that kiyoomi is now panicking and trying to reach his family?
Dec 22, 2022 21 tweets 4 min read
#skts, hurt/comfort

sakusa kiyoomi has never had an environment safe enough to let himself feel his feelings.

to make up, he becomes an /expert/ in analyzing them. he does anything and everything to not feel, to distance himself.

naturally, he explodes one day. atsumu's there too, which makes it so much worse. and it's not that kiyoomi's uncomfortable with him— quite the contrary, really— but it /is/ embarrassing.
Oct 17, 2022 22 tweets 4 min read
#kghn, confessions, fluff.

they're at tobio's house. it's unusually quiet.

usually, shoyo would be arguing with tobio about who's the dumbest (weird competition if you ask anyone who knows them, by the way), but today, practice was hard.

today, shoyo's tired. tobio is, too. maybe that's what does it.

maybe it's the way their eyelids are closing, or how their bodies gravitate to each other to look for comfort, for familiarity.
Oct 13, 2022 58 tweets 8 min read
#skts, angst, friends to...?

kiyoomi's new book is a confession— a love letter, even— to his best friend, miya atsumu.

kiyoomi worked on it as a secret for almost a year. when it's finally out, he gifts atsumu the first copy that was printed.

atsumu doesn't read the book. atsumu's expression changes then, when he's reminded of the purpose of his visit. suddenly, he's incapable of looking at kiyoomi in the eye.

"omi, i fucked up."