Vlad Magdalin Profile picture
Co-founder/CEO @Webflow (https://t.co/h4IxIZ3z4S)
Apr 17, 2019 25 tweets 6 min read
Let me tell you a true story of persecution—and ultimately of luck, privilege, and incredible timing—that led to me and my family immigrating to the United States as refugees in 1991.

Teaser: both Joseph Stalin and Kevin Costner make an appearance.

A thread. 🧵 First, an aside into religion in the USSR. After the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution, the state adopted an official ideology of eliminating all religions, aiming to establish state atheism.

In 1925, the USSR created the League of Militant Atheists to intensify anti-religion purges.
Feb 12, 2019 4 tweets 3 min read
My @webflow journey:

💡 2004– idea
1️⃣ 2005– 1st try, failed
💑 2006– married
2️⃣ 2007– 2nd try, failed
3️⃣ 2008– 3rd try, failed
👶 2009– kid #1
👨🏼‍💻 2010– day job
👶 2011– kid #2
4️⃣ 2012– 4th try, YC says no
🎉 2013– YC says yes, funded
📈 2014– hard work begins

tldr: keep trying! A screenshot of Webflow v0.0.1 (this one was from attempt #2 in 2007), this eventually turned into webflow.com/cms, which we launched in 2015.

(Btw, that logo was by @thesergie, who created the current logo too, and all the ones in between 😅 )