Kolley Kibber Profile picture
Bookworm, mischief-maker, law student. Literary Studies. Literature, Science & Medicine. Can be found in libraries. Be the elephant you wish to see in the room.
Dame Chris🌟🇺🇦😷 #RejoinEU #FBPE #GTTO🔶️ Profile picture John Miller Profile picture Charlie Helps FRSA ⚛️❣️💙🖤🤍 Profile picture Hicham Nouri - ⵀⵉⵛⴰⵎ ⵏⵓⵔⵉ - هشام النوري Profile picture Anna phylaxis Profile picture 5 subscribed
Apr 13, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
A gentle reminder to all that when you say Scotland "willingly" joined the Union, you mean English-educated and English-born aristocrat landowners in possession of vast swathes of land in Scotland agreed to join the Union, without input from the actual people of Scotland. It is perfectly possible to point out the injustices the Crown has dismissively inflicted on Wales without throwing Scotland under the bus.
Stating that Scotland joined the Union willingly does not accurately reflect the historical facts of the situation.
Apr 9, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Here's the context to this tweet, which is being misused to suggest I defend white nonces. It is a sarcastic reference to the fact that such an erotic sappic noir vampire film already exists, starring David Bowie alongside Catherine Deneuve and Susan Sarandon. The Hunger is famous for its erotic depiction of two beautiful women, one of whom is a vampire played by Catherine Deneuve, seducing Susan Sarandon.
This was what I was referring to.
Unfortunately a Twitter trawler is holding it up as proof I defend white sexual abusers.
Oct 2, 2021 9 tweets 3 min read
You want to talk percentages, Pixel Pete?
Okay, let's talk percentages.
A thread. When 96% of all murders globally are committed by women, get back to me. Image
Sep 30, 2021 12 tweets 3 min read
"Wayne Couzens abused his position as a serving Metropolitan Police officer to rape and murder Sarah Everard"

Easy enough. The headlines accidentally implying he was an ex-officer using his inside knowledge to commit this crime should stop.

A thread of poorly worded headlines. From the Met Police website itself:
Sep 24, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
February 2020 - yay, booked tickets to see @Daniel_Sloss in Inverness!

March 2020 - Global plague strikes

May 2020 - Yay, rescheduled for Oct 2020!

July 2020 - Yay, rescheduled for May 2021!

May 2021 - Yay, rescheduled for Oct 2021!

September 2021 - lost my fucking tickets MY EX HAS THE TICKETS
Sep 16, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Not your childhood bully frequently tweeting "Be Kind" 👀 I really feel adults who were teenage bullies should reach out to apologise to their victims before tweeting things like "Be Kind"
Sep 9, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
(Half hour before date)

Man: Hey, sorry, can we do this another time? I've got to be home at a specific time.

Me: Let me stop you there. No. You cancelled and rescheduled five times. Bye.

Him: ... Um, my nanna just went into hospital. I said I'd phone her at 8.

Me: ... Oh. Lesson learned. Always listen to the sixth excuse lest you become the villain of the story
Aug 7, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
Members of my family gaslighting me into letting my father verbally abuse me, and although now I can identify it, it doesn't make it easier when they say that sure, my father is unpleasant, but l when I stand up for myself, I'm making *them* feel awkward and uncomfortable. The same family members sat in silence when my father called me every name under the sun.
It took years but I learned to stand up for myself. No-one else did.
Finally, they spoke up to say "That's enough, now stop" - but they weren't talking to my father.
They were talking to me.
Jul 26, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
You're right, of course. Christians in the UK don't commit acts of terrorism.
Catholics and Protestants have never committed acts of terrorism in the UK. Especially not in Northern Ireland or Scotland, where sectarian violence never happened. Christianity has never played a role in UK terrorism, and there definitely wasn't a clear split between Catholics and Protestants during the Irish Troubles. The Ulster Volunteer Force never bombed Catholic owned businesses in N.I, which was obviously a coincidence.
Jul 23, 2021 11 tweets 3 min read
Imagine a child in a school playground. This child pinches other children, but she only targets children belonging to a minority group. The pincher is subtle; she does it only when teachers aren't looking.
But other kids see her do it, and following her lead, they join in. The kids being pinched don't deserve it. They just want to be left alone.
But the pinching child is telling everyone this minority group is dangerous. As evidence, the child shows everyone the scar of an old dog bite.
See, they say. Proof. Dogs bite; these children will too.
Jul 6, 2021 11 tweets 3 min read
17th century England was very familiar with the Black Death; it had been endemic in London for centuries, and regularly erupted with thousands of deaths each year.
In the year 1665, the Great Plague of London began.
Also in 1665, a furious protest document was printed. (2)
The title:
"THE SHUTTING UP Infected Houses As it is practised in ENGLAND Soberly Debated."
It was basically an anti-lockdown document listing "reasons" why quarantines were unnecessary, even harmful, during this epidemic of Black Death.
Some of them may sound familiar.
Jul 21, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
Jesus Image More details. TW: stalking, rape google.com/amp/s/babe.net…
Feb 25, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
Remembering the hideous anxiety I had as a young teenager - and watching the way Greta Thunberg is sneered at, bullied and mocked by supposed adults - by YOU, @piersmorgan - reminds me that I wouldn't have lasted two minutes doing what Greta is doing. I'd have committed suicide. Greta Thunberg has incredible courage to face the shitstorm of bullies she encounters every day. Piers Morgan has relentlessly sneered at her, mocked her, mimicked her - a fully grown adult, on television, online.
I wouldn't have survived what he - he alone - has put her through.
Feb 25, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
Weinstein reminds me of "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde".
Jekyll is a renowned doctor with an excellent moral reputation.
He wants to keep his reputation as a good, decent man, while also engaging in - gasp! - debauchery.
Jekyll wants the best of both worlds.
So... ... Jekyll invents a potion that transforms him into Hyde, an evil and cruel man, thus disguising his identity and allowing him to indulge in his vices. Voila! Jekyll retains the respect and admiration due to a successful, decent man, while also committing horrific acts.
Feb 5, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
Brexiters are lying when they claim the EU has deprived them of fishing rights. What actually happened? British fishermen sold their fishing quotas to other EU countries to make quick millions. Each country is free to share out its fishing national quota, but Britain let fishers sell their quotas abroad. The Dutch ship Cornelis Vrolijk owns 23% of the entire UK quota - which was willingly sold to them by British fishermen, eager for the chance to make a quick buck.
Feb 4, 2020 10 tweets 3 min read
THREAD: Remember when England's beaches were littered with human shit from the sewage being poured into the sea just off shore, and how the UK councils actually tried to fight the EU in court to keep it that way? google.com/amp/s/amp.theg…
Nov 6, 2019 6 tweets 1 min read
How many Leave voters had a problem with the EU before the referendum was announced?
I don't remember marches or demonstrations demanding an EU referendum. I don't remember a movement of millions of people claiming the EU was a corrupt organisation we should leave immediately.
I don't remember a petition of millions of people submitted to the government demanding we hold a referendum to leave the EU.
Oct 22, 2019 6 tweets 2 min read
Here's the newest development re: my lovely dogs.
Environmental Health appeared on my doorstep, having received an anonymous complaint about the dogs. The complaint was apparently made on Saturday in the evening, around the time I caught my neighbour throwing stones at them. The lady knocked on the door; my poodles barked when I let her in. They then ran up to her with wagging tails, wanting to be petted (this is what they do with all my guests).
The Environmental Health officer explained they'd received an anonymous complaint.
I told her everything.
Oct 22, 2019 6 tweets 2 min read
Fuck me, here I was thinking it was okay for films to be a form of entertainment. Some of us want to escape from our shitty world for a few hours, sorry Superhero stories are arguably among the most ancient narratives of storytelling. I consider Beowulf as a superhero story. The responsibility of power and endless war against evil are integral to the most ancient tales.
"Famed director" pearl clutching is boring.
Oct 19, 2019 5 tweets 1 min read
Although I know it's my civic duty to keep up to date with politics, in order to maintain an informed opinion and vote responsibly, I have officially reached saturation point. This neverending political horror show is devouring everything. I've never felt more helpless. Don't tell me I'm not helpless, or that my voice counts - it doesn't. We're all at the mercy of rich men with bloated egos and corrupt agendas. Marches and protests are ignored, while the greedy hoover up as much power and wealth as they can. This is the Iraq war all over again.
Sep 10, 2019 4 tweets 1 min read
It's funny how the only stand up comedians who insist that "comedy doesn't matter" are straight white men who target every demographic in their stand ups except straight white men I went out with a guy who proudly told me "[he] is not easily offended."
To which I thought: why in God's name would you be? There aren't any widely used offensive or demeaning ethnic or sexual slurs for straight white men in this part of the world.