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Sep 4 8 tweets 4 min read
Today DOJ revealed a $10M op to use US podcasters to push Russian propaganda, since 2023. Let's remember that Lauren Southern, "Commentator-5", went to Moscow in 2018 to make a film to "correct " "America's irrational fear of Russia". This stuff has been going on for years. 1/ Image Today's indictment doesn't claim Southern knew her recent funders were Russian. But in 2018, she must have known. Daniel Lombroso says that when Southern got to Moscow, she was so dismayed that she dropped the film. So it wasn't her idea. Whose was it? 2/
Aug 9 5 tweets 3 min read
This headline about how Trump lied about nearly dying in a helicopter crash gives major deja vu. Sure, today he mixed up Jerry Brown vs. Willie Brown. But there may be a deeper brain scramble going on. Trump famously lied about nearly dying in a helicopter crash in 1989. 1/
Image In Oct 1989, as Trump's casinos were edging into bankruptcy, 3 of his top casino execs died in a crash of a helicopter chartered by the Trump Org. The rotor simply fell off. Trump soon began telling reporters he was scheduled to be on the flight too. 2/…
Aug 8 9 tweets 4 min read
Since Trump has nothing new to offer, he can win only by smears and lies. That's why he hired Chris LaCivita, who "swift-boated" John Kerry with false slurs on his war record. LaCivita is already gunning for Walz. So let's talk about how to counter this swift-boat attack. 1/ Image Realize; the target of the smear is you. It's harmless if it's confined to Truth Social or GETTR. The goal is to get YOU talking about it. So ideally, we'd just ignore LaCivita's lies about Walz. The problem is, media is now helping them. They're making the smear the story. 2/ Image
Aug 3 8 tweets 4 min read
New info about Jan 6: the DHS OIG report confirms that Secret Service drivers were emailing about rumored plans to take Trump to the Capitol already the day before. On Jan 5, people knew. 1/…
Image Fliers had circulated for weeks telling people to march to the Capitol. By January 4, Kylie Kremer knows that Trump would call on them to go to the Capitol in his speech. But the DHS OIG report is the first documented evidence suggesting Trump planned to go along too. 2/ Image
Jul 31 7 tweets 4 min read
Trump's big flop today asking "is Kamala Black enough?" also shows he's being given talking points. This theme was pushed heavily in 2019 by astroturfed ops, some tied to Russia, many later to Jan 6. It was part of a wider effort to divide the Black community over immigration. 1/ This attack was used against Kamala Harris in 2019 by a chorus of voices including Donald Trump Jr and Ali Alexander. We all knew it was coming back. In this timeline note how it goes with a divisive, astroturfed push for reparations for non-immigrants. 2/
Jul 24 5 tweets 2 min read
Interesting times in the presidential race when JD Vance is going to be IN PRINT praising the plans of Project 2025 author Kevin Roberts. Vance was installed as an avatar of these antidemocratic forces. Trump's campaign is beholden to his backers. Keep the focus on them. 1/ Peter Thiel shows up in the Project 2025 sponsor list, though as usual he tries to keep his name quiet. The "T" icon here is Teneo, started by a Thiel employee and his protegee Josh Hawley - they coyly show only a logo, no name. Leonard Leo now runs it; JD Vance is a member. 2/ Image
Jul 22 4 tweets 2 min read
Yesterday's Dem unity is wonderful to see. Fascism may be on its heels. Just realize that the forces against Harris are the same as those against Biden. Here's media from today. The broligarchs won't quit. And Putin's fight is existential now. People must stand up for her. 1/
There's really no daylight between Peter Thiel's crowd and Putin anymore. Elon Musk and David Sacks are spreading direct Russian propaganda. And Putin's only hope of survival is electing Trump/Vance. This set will throw everything against Kamala Harris. 2/
Jul 19 7 tweets 4 min read
A fascinating trend in those calling for Biden to drop out: they're all in deep blue districts. No experience with swing voters. Their political world is fighting with other Dems in primaries. Here are today's: Huffman, Garcia, Pocan, Veasey. Their last elections: 68-74% D. 1/

Who else called for Biden to drop out? Adam Schiff - last election 73% D. Jamie Raskin - 80% D. These people live in deep blue bubbles. Their calls to drop out include no analysis, just "vibes". Why do we trust their instincts for swing voters in MI, WI, PA, NV, GA? 2/ Image
Jul 16 7 tweets 3 min read
We now know Trump's campaign strategy. With JD Vance for VP, it won't be traditional: Vance, like all Peter Thiel proteges, repels voters. Trump's only path to win is by using vast sums of money to divide the left, slander Biden and Harris, and suppress the vote. Brace for it. 1/ All Thiel's candidates ooze JD's repellent brew of resentment and entitlement. So let's review, to prep: Cruz, Hawley, Masters, Vance. Ted Cruz: his Princeton roommate said "We should be afraid" and "I would rather pick someone out of the phone book". 2/…
Jul 15 5 tweets 2 min read
Today's horror, but an expected one: Aileen Cannon has dismissed Trump's Mar-a-Lago case, exactly as predicted. No one should pretend to be shocked - no pearl clutching. This was so clearly the plan. Media, if you didn't see it, ask why you missed something so obvious. 1/ Ask how we got to this point, that obvious fuckery goes unchallenged. That media pre-comply instead of speaking truth to power. That editors don't let reporters dig. Authoritarians only succeed when institutions cede them power. We must fight back. 2/
Jul 15 11 tweets 5 min read
An eyewitness report now suggests JD Vance will be Trump's VP pick. If so, reporters must give context: Vance is an avatar of Peter Thiel, who bankrolled his entire career (and spent $15M for his Senate seat). And Thiel wants the presidency. Vance is a way to get there. 1/ If people are unfamiliar with Peter Thiel, he's such a Bond villain that he gets his own theme song. German-born, he can't run for US president himself, but he owns 3 Senators: Vance, Hawley, and Cruz. Vance is now his ticket to a higher seat. 2/
Jul 12 6 tweets 3 min read
People are foolishly passing around a Tim Alberta article in which he follows Trump's campaign advisers around and repeats what they say verbatim in The Atlantic: Susie Wiles wants Biden in the race to help Trump! Tim: are you so naive you can't see when you're being used? 1/ Image How can it be a surprise to reporters that Trump lies, and so do his advisers? If someone gives you days of access, it's because you're useful. You aren't using them. They're using you. This message - "Biden is a gift" - is what Susie Wiles wanted you to print. It's a lie. 2/ Image
Jul 5 5 tweets 1 min read
@grantstern @JRubinBlogger It is not all Democrats, or the polls would budge. It's a coterie of largely DC-based folks, and mostly white men. For the most part they are worried about PERCEPTION of weakness. Not that Biden is old but that voters will doubt. Biden's folks need to strategize carefully.. 1/ @grantstern @JRubinBlogger Where the meta-concern is that he will lose, Biden can counter by projecting strength and citing polls. Or by going on offense: attacking Trump on Project 2025. For pundits driven by resentment of Biden, it's trickier. But appeasing can project weakness & increase the pile-on. 2/
Jul 4 11 tweets 5 min read
To everyone appalled by NYT's July 4 op-ed "Why I don't vote. And maybe you shouldn't either", note that 1) author Matthew Walther DID vote in both 2020 and 2022, and 2) he's an extremist Catholic graduate of Hillsdale College, part of the religious-right faction behind Jan 6. 1/ Image Walther voted in both 2020 and 2022. (His Michigan voting record was posted by Timothy Burke on Bluesky.) In fact Waltjer wrote an entire essay about voting. The NYT did not do the most basic fact-checking. Even an op-ed shouldn't be a lie. 2/…
Jul 2 4 tweets 2 min read
Media failures pave the road to authoritarianism. The SC immunity decision could let Judge Cannon dismiss Trump's Mar-a-Lago case. If she does, remember: not one reporter covered her husband's work for a mafioso with ties to Trump. (Why: deference? wishful thinking? pressure?) 1/
Image The Jeffrey Epstein papers show the depth of the horror: decades of world-changing scandal, rottenness in the DOJ. If not for Julie Brown of the Miami Herald, media would have missed it. Only Brown really tried. Why? And what could they be missing now? 2/
Jun 30 5 tweets 3 min read
Today shows us the danger of men using "feels" and "vibes" instead of data to make last-minute switches to election strategy. Macron impulsively called a snap election in France. The result: Marine Le Pen's fascist, pro-Russia party took 1st place. Let's hope Biden is smarter. 1/ Image Fascism is too dangerous for overconfident snap calls. Today WaPo's David Von Drehle bizarrely, confidently lectured Biden to be like LBJ, who stepped down in 1968. David: LBJ's PARTY THEN LOST THE ELECTION. To Richard Nixon, the biggest threat to democracy before Trump. 2/ Image
Jun 28 5 tweets 2 min read
Dear media folks saying Biden should step off the ticket - why don't you suggest Trump step off? The one who spews unhinged lies, who tried a self-coup, whose own cabinet now doesn't support him? Why don't you call that out? It's both insane and disingenuous... 1/ If you're piously claiming to give advice for the good of the country, then lean into that goal. Tell your readers what Biden did for the economy. Tell them who Trump is. But if you're claiming to be a "savvy" oddsmaker, just calling the shots: why isn't Trump a liability? 2/
Jun 5 6 tweets 3 min read
We must remember what Congressmen did to support Trump's Jan 6 coup. Today Mike Johnson (#9 in the House Insurrection Index) appointed Scott Perry (#1) to the Intelligence Committee. Perry has 2 subpoenas already. Mark Meadows burnt notes from Perry in his fireplace that Fall. 1/
Image Just because the coup failed doesn't mean we are safe, if the collaborators are still with us. The Chief of Staff to a president planning an autogolpe burned notes after meeting with Perry. Perry cannot be trusted with our national secrets. 2/…
May 31 8 tweets 4 min read
Fascinating how the lawmakers upset about a 2024 New York fraud case are the same who helped Trump's coup in 2020. Mike Lee's hysterical letter today is signed by those Senators ranking #2, 4, 5, 7, 14 in the Senate Insurrection Index, plus the top 3 for post-Jan 6 actions... 1/ Image Here's the Senate Insurrection Index; screenshot has the signers of Mike Lee's letter marked. Leaders #1 Ted Cruz and #3 Josh Hawley (both Peter Thiel proteges) didn't sign it, but they were busy yesterday evening reciting their Trump talking points. 2/…
Apr 25 9 tweets 4 min read
As Israel's Netanyahu hysterically calls US campuses "horrific..German[y] in the 1930s", remember who took him to power: the divisive US operative Arthur Finkelstein, who also gave us autocrat Viktor Orban, antisemitic conspiracy theories, and indirectly, Donald Trump. 1/ Image From 1970, Finkelstein changed politics in the US and around the world with virulently negative campaigns that pushed fear & division ("rejectionist voting"), microtargeted messaging, 3rd party spoilers, and a complete disregard for truth and values. 2/…
Apr 24 6 tweets 3 min read
Tonight the Ukraine aid bill finally passed. That vote lets us ask: does being "anti-Ukraine" correlate with "pro-insurrection"? Answer: it sure does, especially in the Senate. The 18 Senators who voted no tonight (or didn't vote) all lie in the top 22 of Senate Jan 6 scores. 1/
None of the 8 Senators most culpable in supporting Trump's attempt to seize power Jan 6 voted for Ukraine aid. That's Cruz (TX), Tuberville (AL), Hawley (MO), Marshall (KS), Johnson (WI), Blackburn (TN), Lee (UT), and Paul (KY). 2/…