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Writing #LatestOnCardano. I don’t read DMs and will never DM you. $awhale
₳ Ben Profile picture Peter Profile picture Buddy Profile picture Teatreelover Profile picture F3RA78 Profile picture 6 subscribed
May 28 25 tweets 10 min read
1/Cardano has a vibrant ecosystem but some news goes unreported

In #LatestOnCardano, I curate a sample of some of the latest news and events, irregular but about once a month

Disclaimer: Am just one guy, so will miss much. Here’s #31 in the series. DYOR 2/@DexHunterIO built the best Cardano welcome or landing page I have ever seen over at

Highly recommend taking a look and sharing this with any crypto curious person to get them started in Cardano
Apr 15 25 tweets 9 min read
1/Cardano has a vibrant ecosystem but some news goes unreported

In #LatestOnCardano, I curate a sample of some of the latest news and events, irregular but about once a month

Disclaimer: Am just one guy and Cardano is huge, so will miss much. Here’s #30 in the series. DYOR 2/@cardexscan introduced Instaswap: Monitor the global mempool and directly counter trade

Step by step these tools will help make Cardano markets more efficient
Mar 24 25 tweets 9 min read
1/Cardano has a vibrant ecosystem but some news goes unreported

In #LatestOnCardano, I curate a sample of some of the latest news and events, irregularly but about once a month

Disclaimer: Am just one guy and Cardano is big, so will miss a lot. Here’s #29 in the series. DYOR 2/We saw the launch of lending protocol @LenfiOfficial v2

They introduce pool manager NFTs: create a pool, manage it, and any ADA supplied into it is staked to an SPO chosen by the pool manager

Adding to lending pool yield and amount staked with the stake pool
Feb 4 26 tweets 9 min read
1/Cardano has a vibrant ecosystem but some news goes unreported

In #LatestOnCardano, I highlight a *sample* of news and events. All things Cardano. Irregular, hopefully frequent

Disclaimer: Am just one guy and Cardano is big, so will miss a lot. Here’s #28 in the series. DYOR 2/Cardano’s main synthetics protocol @Indigo_protocol launches its v2 in March

This brings restructured fee mechanisms, a maintenance ratio, redemption margin ratio all of which should contribute to better iAsset stability
Jan 19 5 tweets 2 min read
Idea of crypto for me was always we as people of the world would run new financial infrastructure that everyone, banks included, could build on

On equal terms. A neutral, decentralised system. This is incompatible with banks running said infrastructure directly or via proxies Of course bank chains do not inhibit financial or tech innovation, nor gains, and many are happy with the current system anyway

These chains and aligned network of media and institutions will frame the narrative to be only about technology, TVL, volume. Stuff they can control
Jan 13 27 tweets 15 min read
1/More institutional and tradfi money is bound to find its way into crypto soon

Now might be a good time to recap why Cardano exposure is a worthwhile idea to explore for them

The mantra of the majors and every VC coin is repeated to them ad nauseam, but where does $ADA fit in? 2/Cardano is based on peer reviewed research. At its core it’s an almost academic, open source protocol. Many see it as the Linux of crypto

Not sexy marketing, but rock solid foundations on a stable, secure, lightweight network that can power a decentralised world

6y uptime

Dec 12, 2023 25 tweets 8 min read
1/Cardano has a vibrant ecosystem but some news goes unreported

In #LatestOnCardano, I highlight a sample of news and events. All things Cardano. Irregular but hopefully frequent

Disclaimer: Am just one guy and Cardano is big, so will miss a lot. Here’s #27 in the series. DYOR 2/We welcomed @TeddySwap to Cardano. Transacting feels snappy and yields are attractive. TVL is now up to 3.5m ADA, 217% APR on ADA/TEDY up for grabs
Nov 5, 2023 25 tweets 10 min read
1/Cardano has a vibrant ecosystem but some news goes unreported

In #LatestOnCardano, I highlight news, minor and major. L1+L2 upgrades, stats, dapps, SPO, NFT, governance, community and more

All things Cardano. Irregular but hopefully frequent. Here’s #26 in the series. DYOR 2/The Cardano Summit took place and some interesting announcements were made

Biggest by IOG was probably the launch of Partner Chains, with @MidnightNtwrk as a first

ADA holders eligible for an airdrop, SPOs will get involved in running the network. The Cardano world is growing
Oct 17, 2023 25 tweets 9 min read
1/Cardano has a vibrant ecosystem but some news goes unreported

In #LatestOnCardano, I highlight news, minor and major. L1+L2 upgrades, stats, dapps, SPO, NFT, governance, community and more

All things Cardano. Irregular but hopefully frequent. Here’s #25 in the series. DYOR 2/@DexHunterIO has been on an absolute tear

They created the best trading experience yet on Cardano and effectively unlocked a sharded order book across the chain

New features being added almost daily, one time I suggested something and 7 hours later they added it, true story
Sep 28, 2023 25 tweets 10 min read
1/Cardano has a vibrant ecosystem but some news goes unreported

In #LatestOnCardano, I highlight news, minor and major. L1+L2 upgrades, stats, dapps, SPO, NFT, governance, community and more

All things Cardano. Irregular but hopefully frequent. Here’s #24 in the series. DYOR 2/We saw the launch of the @OptionFlowTeam testnet. Besides bonds, derivatives are another area where Cardano DeFi will shine

Haven’t seen this flexibility elsewhere: Issue put or call options for a token x expiry x strike combination, then straight to the secondary market
Sep 6, 2023 25 tweets 12 min read
1/Cardano has a vibrant ecosystem but some news goes unreported

In #LatestOnCardano, I highlight news, minor and major. L1+L2 upgrades, stats, dapps, SPO, NFT, governance, community and more

All things Cardano. Irregular but hopefully frequent. Here’s #23 in the series. DYOR 2/ADEX by @AstarterDefiHub launched its open beta on Cardano. Quite like their clean and minimalist UI

Aug 26, 2023 11 tweets 4 min read
1/Price. Since some want to give ADA the final verbal push into even deeper discounts, bit of perspective from my side without outright talking targets or whatever. ADA today is worth 10x more than previous bear market bottom, despite living through two huge inflationary shocks 2/Inflationary shock 1: Shelley upgrade (July 2020). Staking went live 3y ago, since then supply went ~ +35% to 35bn. Inflationary shock 2: Mary upgrade (March 2021) brought a sort of ICO boom. Just the current top 10 coins are worth 2-3bn ADA fully diluted. Another ~12% dilution
Jul 17, 2023 19 tweets 6 min read
1/ADA native (fixed) yield strategies on Cardano

Staking yield is coming down (~3.5% now vs 5.0% in 2021) so for those comfortable with DeFi it is becoming increasingly interesting to look at additional yield sources

Let me run you through a few I use, and some basic concepts 2/I will ignore yield farming or other strategies putting ADA at market risk here. What we want is to put an amount of ADA in, and after a period take more ADA out

Main risks are:

- Default risk: lend out ADA and borrower does not repay

- Smart contract risk: dapp gets hacked
Jun 29, 2023 25 tweets 9 min read
1/Cardano has a vibrant ecosystem but some news goes unreported

In #LatestOnCardano, I highlight news, minor and major. L1+L2 upgrades, stats, dapps, SPO, NFT, governance, community and more

All things Cardano. Irregular but hopefully frequent. Here’s #20 in the series. DYOR 2/We saw the launch of NFT lending platform @levvyfinance
Jun 11, 2023 25 tweets 15 min read
1/Cardano has a vibrant ecosystem but some news goes unreported

In #LatestOnCardano, I highlight news, minor and major. L1+L2 upgrades, stats, dapps, SPO, NFT, governance, community and more

All things Cardano. Irregular but hopefully frequent. Here’s #19 in the series. DYOR 2/We saw some market turbulence / manipulation so the DeFi ecosystem got its first proper stress test

From firsthand I know we could use more capacity in a few dapps & some big boys got taken out, but overall it held up well

Feel more at ease now to deploy. ADA TVL still >500m ImageImage
Jun 10, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
Always knew they would come after crypto, play favourites and divide and conquer (which doesn’t mean the favs are safe btw, just that they get spared for now). Didn’t really expect them to take a machine gun out and randomly spray coins catching their eye. Bit annoying Anyway, keep in mind:

- TVL and activity growth have been diametrically opposed to price for Cardano lately

- US is 4% of world population, also has a habit of forcing banks to add an “are you a US citizen” box to everything that requires a signature, same will come to crypto
May 6, 2023 25 tweets 15 min read
1/Cardano has a vibrant ecosystem but some news goes unreported

In #LatestOnCardano I highlight news, minor and major. L1+L2 upgrades, stats, dapps, SPO, NFT, governance, community and more

All things Cardano. Irregular but hopefully frequent. Here’s #18 in the series. Pls DYOR 2/In big news for Cardano itself, state channel protocol Hydra achieved mainnet compatibility. Learn more here:

Initially this facilitate things like payments (think BTC Lightning) and auctions. One of the key components of Cardano’s scalability plans
Apr 15, 2023 25 tweets 15 min read
1/Cardano has a vibrant ecosystem but some news goes unreported

In #LatestOnCardano I highlight news, minor and major. L1+L2 upgrades, stats, dapps, SPO, NFT, governance, community and more

All things Cardano. Irregular but hopefully frequent. Here’s #17 in the series. Pls DYOR 2/IOGs @lace_io wallet found its way to mainnet. This one has been long in the making and will likely grow in prominence in the Cardano ecosystem. A very clean looking wallet
Dec 25, 2021 18 tweets 6 min read
1/Merry Christmas!🎄

If you’re new to crypto or invested in other coins, you might wonder: why #Cardano?

Influencers are mostly full of it when it comes to $ADA

So let me *again* break down my views on it in evidence-based bite-sized pieces, and you can decide for yourself (Sorry if this is repetitive to some of you, I know I’ve tweeted similar threads before but I think it’s important to reiterate these points occasionally - I’ll try to keep it shorter this time 😉)