caroline sinders Profile picture
researcher+artist | AI+harms+dark patterns+platforms+feminist tech| current @iconews @cendemtech |💙for @hks_digital @Eyebeamnyc @mozilla @ArsElectronica
Feb 24, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
Honestly I wish more places companies had trauma informed design and consulted harassment experts.

Took an Uber home and had a chat w the driver- he asked me about the place I’m in- I leave and look around to make sure I have everything. If I don’t, he says he’ll drop it by… I go inside, unpack and I notice 10 mins later in the app it says he’s outside and the ride is still continuing as in he hasn’t ended the ride. I’m not sure what to do bc maybe he forgot? But also I want the ride to end so I can pay him and also…why isn’t he moving?
Sep 8, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
one thing i've been thinking what people think artists are worth, how much we should be paid (per residency, commission, speaking gig, or yearly salary etc) and then how much an artist ought to be paid. (1/?) i'm truly realizing i don't have any answers- and it wildly differs from org to org (and if you're super famous, then you get sooo much more), and country to country.

but it feels there's a MAX amount an artist "should make" or that is deemed to be 'enough.' (2/?)