Matthew Carrigan Profile picture
@huggingface engineer. I'm the reason your LLM frontend has a jinja2cpp dependency. Sometimes yells about housing and trans rights instead of working He/him
Jun 21 19 tweets 5 min read
Good morning. At some point this summer, perhaps quite soon, @AIatMeta will be releasing a LLaMA-3 model with 400B parameters. It will likely be the strongest open-source LLM ever released by a wide margin.

This is a thread about how to run it locally. 🧵 First up, the basics: You can quantize models to about ~6bits per parameter before performance degrades. We don't want performance to degrade, so 6 bits it is. This means the model will be (6/8) * 400B = 300GB.
Apr 9 9 tweets 3 min read
Alright, strap in. Support for Command-R+ was merged into llama.cpp exactly 4 hours ago. We're going to start talking to a GPT-4 level model on local hardware without a GPU. If you have 64GB of RAM, feel free to follow along 🧵 First up, a note about hardware: Text generation is limited by memory bandwidth. This will run on any machine with 64GB or more, but if you want speed I recommend DDR5, ideally on an 8 or even 12-channel motherboard, like Xeon/Epyc/Threadripper Pro/Apple silicon.
Jun 29, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
We're exploring end-to-end NLP TensorFlow models in 🤗Transformers! We've got a quick gist here if you want to get started, or you can read on for more. 🧵… Firstly, what's going on here? Briefly, we've integrated TensorFlow Text with 🤗Transformers, so that you can easily get a TF tokenizer that matches your model checkpoint. This works for any checkpoint, even one you trained! (Only BERT-based for now, but that will change)
Jun 10, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
There's a fully functional protein design space on HuggingFace now, which would have felt like outrageous science fiction even 18 months ago. I'm going to try to explain what the incredible potential here is. 🧵… Proteins are long chains of simple chemicals called amino acids that fold up into complex 3D shapes. Different amino acids affect the structure in different ways - some stick to each other, some repel, some force bends into the chain.