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NYC Based Stand-Up Comedianā€¢Noel Casler Podcastā€¢Car Rantsā€¢ 'Noel's Notes' on Substackā€¢Tour Dates at
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Aug 24 ā€¢ 4 tweets ā€¢ 1 min read
Trump is the kind of man who would sacrifice one of his supporters without blinking an eye and everything about his initial photo-op reaction to his ā€˜assassination attemptā€™ and the way he has used the images and story since tells me that is exactly what he did. Flynn is the sort who could pull it off and Donald sought out sympathetic Secret Service agents since day one. That part is NO secret (pardon the pun) hence the deleted agents texts after J6 and the transfers to Tampa. Nothing about it feels legit. If you donā€™t law enforcement agents, especially conservative leaning white ones can be manipulated and corrupted you donā€™t live the same country that I do. Weā€™ll never really know, like so many of the things Trump has gotten away with in his career but everything about it smells.
Aug 11 ā€¢ 5 tweets ā€¢ 2 min read
Thereā€™s a lot more kind & thoughtful people in the USA than idiots who support Donald Trump, problem is the types that support him are embedded in the mediocrity of this land as they have been since they settled for crumbs to do the bidding of the ruling class. They settled for badges and uniforms and the illusion of superiority. First time I met a cop who was on Donnieā€™s payroll was red carpet at the VMAā€™s I donā€™t remember the year but he brought Vanky as his date. He called Trump the biggest ā€˜poon houndā€™ in NYC & his off duty job was to stand around the booth at nightclubs (Bungalow 8 type spots) and make sure he did whatever he wanted and no wives ever found out. He always had a way with cops, they looked up to him, which is pathetic but unsurprising.
Aug 1 ā€¢ 4 tweets ā€¢ 1 min read
Trumpā€™s grandfather got kicked out of Germany for refusing to serve his country (sound familiar) came to USA and went into the booze & brothels business (sound familiar?) his mom came on a boat from Scotland & worked as a maid (no shame, but he dosenā€™t brag on it) his dad was KKK made his fortune securing FHA loans to build loan income housing while discriminating against minorities & abusing tenants while serving as a front for NY area ā€˜Five Familiesā€™ his idiot scion branched out into NYC and selling condos thru LLCā€™s to Russian mobsters. One of his 3
Jul 19 ā€¢ 4 tweets ā€¢ 1 min read
Iā€™ve found the last 3 weeks of punditry absolutely exhausting. I know privileged white dudes, esp Hollywood types & podcast bros and theyā€™re used to getting their way. They will be in a perpetual tantrum until election day re: Biden. Itā€™s worth noting in regards to Clooney.. who noted that Biden wasnā€™t the ā€˜Joe of 2020ā€™ at the Hollywood fundraiser. That POTUS had flown across 10 times zones from G7 Italy on that particular date because it was the only day Clooney had free on HIS schedule. It should be the other way around but money talks. Vote Blue.
Jul 18 ā€¢ 5 tweets ā€¢ 1 min read
Within hours of buying Twitter Musk shadow-banned many on the left, he made it harder to share content like podcasts links & Substacks (in the case of my humble entry there were warnings attached to Podbean links, etc) this was all by design and in response to Bidenā€™s success. ā€˜Red Waveā€™ never materialized in midterms and they realized they had to further dismantle the messaging infrastructure on the left that allowed Biden/Harris to win in 2020. Tech overlords like Musk went after the online stuff and stripped safety feature while encouraging trolls.
Jul 8 ā€¢ 4 tweets ā€¢ 2 min read
Of ALL things Iā€™ve said on SM, the ONLY posts ever removed dealt w/SCOTUS. Tik Tok took off all my Car Rants that had SCOTUS in the title, FB removed a post saying Ginni Thomas helped organize J6 (true) & now IG removed a satirical post on Alito. SCOTUS has friends in tech. Image Iā€™d been planning on parring down to ā€˜Noelā€™s Notesā€™ on Substack & ā€˜Noel Casler Podcastā€™ on youtube. I think twitter is a bit of a trap-its gives the illusion of ā€˜fighting backā€™ but weā€™re corralled here with the powers that be pulling the strings and manipulating the algorithm.
Jun 23 ā€¢ 6 tweets ā€¢ 1 min read
If the intersection of drug cartels, money laundering, sex trafficking & Wall Street/Banking/Real Estate Dev had an address it would probably be Trump Tower in the 80ā€™s. Start there you may begin to understand the tentacles of treason.. Head north on 5th Ave and make a right at 71st. There you will find Jeffrey Epsteinā€™s old townhouse, next door to Howard Lutnick. (Jeffā€™s brother brokered the sale) here we see how money laundering requires deregulation, how to get politicians involved in helping billionairesā€¦
Jun 21 ā€¢ 5 tweets ā€¢ 2 min read
ā€˜Justice Alito rose early on this morning. He slipped into his bikini briefs, as the strains of Cypress Hillā€™ ā€˜How I Could Just Kill a Manā€™ drifted up from the kitchen. Martha-Ann was up early, it was her big day too. She fixed his fav brekkie which was a staple of his hero Matthew Hale: Cream of Wheat, no brown sugar. They waited months for this moment and it has finally arrivedā€¦.ā€™ ā€˜Across town, Ginni was up early too, she texted Leonard Leoā€¦ā€™same time as usual? Donā€™t forget the cash, unmarked billsā€¦ā€™ as Clarence finished up watching videos of cats playing piano and eating ā€˜Eggs Benedict Arnoldā€™ and inside joke from Harlan Crownā€™s hunting lodgeā€¦
Jun 18 ā€¢ 7 tweets ā€¢ 2 min read
Iā€™m told Steve Bannon is being sent to Danbury Fed which is a coinky dink cause thatā€™s where they sent Trumpā€™s helicopter pilot when he got busted trafficking cocaine but got a sweetheart deal courtesy of Trumpā€™s sister Maryanneā€™s Federal Courtroom. Will Bannon buy a condo in Trump Tower for all cash upon his release as Weichselbaum did after getting busted for drug trafficking? He never get busted again since TT was like an invisibility cloak for cocaine dealers thx to NYPD & Russian Mob but Iā€™m not supposed to say that.
Jun 6 ā€¢ 5 tweets ā€¢ 1 min read
If you look at Trumpā€™s casino execs who died in the NJ pine barrens after being summoned to NYC by Donald and transported in a rental helicopter that happened to have a crack in the rotor (he owned several of his own) in the light of his desire for payback you may find answers. Hell, you could even look into Dr Bornstein (his guy since the 80ā€™s who was a notorious Dr. Feelgood on UES) died suddenly in his home in January 2021, no cause of death listed in a quiet notice in NYT. Or you could look into his pal Jeff Epstein dying in fed custody while under
Jun 3 ā€¢ 4 tweets ā€¢ 1 min read
Iā€™m exhausted by the stupidity of this country. What Trump unleashed, the MTGā€™s, the feckless choads of the GOP. The anti-science bros from jocks to hack podcasters has sullied the integrity of this nation. Dr Fauci was one of the few bright spots in the dark hours of pandemic. GOP attacked him for being smart, because Trump was a dumbass and he thought COVID hurt his re-election chances so he lied about it. Over 1M Americans ultimately perished all of whom would have contributed more to this life than Donald Trump and his loathsome brood & the morons
May 30 ā€¢ 4 tweets ā€¢ 1 min read
Think of MAGA as a weapon Putin has deployed against USA. He studied judo so he knows using his opponents own weight against him works. In this case greed, whoā€™s the greediest mfker around? Trump. He knew GOP/MSM would go along w/the chaos when it started making bank. Vote Blue. If you donā€™t believe me just look at how much of the heavy lifting both Republicans & their media arms, Fox, Tucker, Musk do on behalf of Putin. Burnett was tip of the spear of this op with ā€˜Apprenticeā€™ which was originally an idea he pitched in Moscow for a show on MIR. They put him on Trump in NYC.
May 29 ā€¢ 8 tweets ā€¢ 2 min read
I worked on TONYā€™s for 20 years, my last time there I was assigned to Springsteen as I go back with his crew. I brought him stage left & handed him off to a stage manager just as Robert De Niro walked out to introduce Bruce. You know what happened next, truer words never spoken. ā€˜F*ck Donald Trumpā€™ Jack Sussman freaks out & gets on his cell, too late to cut it in OZ, think USA might have heard a bleep but got the point. Bob & Bruce are quintessential NY/NJ artists. Their work is rooted in truth & the common experience we share in work & struggle.
May 22 ā€¢ 4 tweets ā€¢ 1 min read
The genius of GOP was convincing working & middle class ā€˜merica that they should resent their tax dollars going towards healthcare & infrastructure but be totally cool with tax cuts for billionaires. The secret sauce was of course racism. Itā€™s like catnip for mediocre white boys. ā€˜Listen, Social Security & Medicare will be gone by the time you need it so Harry Hedgefund can buy another Benetti but in meantime you can wear this red hat & cheer for the obese drug addict reading poorly from the teleprompter before hoping on his 747 & going back to Palm Beachā€™
Apr 23 ā€¢ 6 tweets ā€¢ 2 min read
ā€˜A big, loud place reeking of gasoline & teeming with ignorant people making too much noise. It needed a hero as perverse & backward as it had itself become. Something made from the same noxious material, a man with the same appetite for salt & fat and transactional sexā€¦ā€™ Someone for whom intimacy & education were the domain of the stratum he never understood. The kinda folks that kept books in their homes & read them. That cared for their kids instead of exploiting them as trophies. His sons born of the same rotten seed, he could only view them..
Apr 16 ā€¢ 4 tweets ā€¢ 1 min read
Now you see why Trump didnā€™t make it into the Oval Office until noon everyday. WH staff covered by calling it ā€˜executive timeā€™. In reality it is called addiction & dysfunction. Trump is NOT fit to serve. Vote Blue. P.S, this greasy mfker was just as unmanageable back in ā€˜Celebrity Apprenticeā€™ days but NBC kept that part quiet cause he made them money.
Apr 15 ā€¢ 9 tweets ā€¢ 2 min read
ā€˜Back in his gold plated fortress in the sky the orange man was restless, he was never one for sleep, but tonight he would be having none. This was a given & not just because abusing pharmaceuticals was what passed for a hobby in his rattled old mindā€¦this was his home or atā€¦ Least it once had been. He raised his kids here; well at least the hired help of the three wives who bore them did. He remembers Don Jr going downstairs to play video games with MJ back in the day. He would go downstairs and play other games in the brothels theā€¦
Apr 10 ā€¢ 6 tweets ā€¢ 2 min read
ā€˜He sauntered on to his private G550, wearing a tight black t-shirt that silhouetted his plump b-cups. A black cowboy hat was on backwards but none of the sycophants gathered for the short flight from Austin had the balls to tell him. He told a joke in his strange clipped dialect as if he had learned to speak from a drunk donkey. More bray than balance. The emphasis falling on the wrong syllables & cascading into a word salad no one could decipher but were paid to endure. He walked to his private back lounge where he had a massage table and a Space..
Apr 5 ā€¢ 6 tweets ā€¢ 2 min read
ā€˜He was nothing more than a wrinkled sack of fat & grease, once the Ozempic kicked-in his sagging skin draped from his fragile bones. A few strips of corn husk glued to his scalp resembled the hair on a doll from the 19th century..he avoided the pool at Mar a Lago anywayā€¦ā€™ A lifelong fear of water, the only man in Palm Beach without a boat. In the old days he would toss ā€˜modelsā€™ into the pool when Epstein visited to impress his partner in all things trafficked. He hated Barr now but was grateful he took care of Jeff for him. Hell, it was half reason he picked him for his AG. He knew..
Apr 1 ā€¢ 6 tweets ā€¢ 2 min read
ā€˜He spent Easter with a scowl on his oily orange face. A few snorts of Addy to get the synapses firing like an old Plymouth with timing issues. It wasnā€™t perfect but it was all he had. Hell, his followers didnā€™t know the difference anyway. They just wanted to SEE him, to smellā€¦ him, to luxuriate in the polyester presence of a thousand other lost souls seeking something they would never find: redemption. The was no time for salvation in Trumpā€™s world. He was sent here to burn things not to build them. What passed for absolution was spittle inflected bile
Mar 25 ā€¢ 5 tweets ā€¢ 1 min read
ā€˜The corpulent orange predator sauntered on to the stage, his pulpit in his favorite church. The courthouse, he pretended to be put-off but he secretly loved it. It was his arena & had been since the Roy Cohn days, when he learned it was one of the few places left a rich whiteā€¦ man could move the goal posts to their advantage. He loved the pageantry, the way the bailiffs always said ā€˜Hello, Sir!ā€™ and he just knew theyā€™d be bragging about meeting him to the wives back on Staten Island. He knew the press would be there, especially now, and he knew..