sun kin (is being robbed) x CataclysmicEvent Profile picture
BSD • TGCF • 18+ • all works on carrd • do not unroll threads or repost w/o permission • current thread has trans / nb Chuuya (beginner artist)
graves 💤 Profile picture riooo~♡⁵ Profile picture 🦋 Starya on AO3 🍃 Profile picture 🍜 Profile picture jdyn 🍉 Profile picture 27 subscribed
Jul 15, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Thinking about teen SKK kissing during a stupid game of “never have I ever” during a party where Chuuya admits he’s never kissed anyone, and on Dazai’s turn he admits he’s never kissed a guy, and they get goaded essentially into kissing in front of everyone and get CARRIED AWAY Because Chuuya has never really WANTED to kiss anyone before, but Dazai smells so good and his hair feels so nice under his hands, and Dazai didn’t think he was bi, but Chuuya’s lips are SO soft and he’s clumsy and overeager but it’s so GOOD and,,
Jul 15, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
But now I’m thinking about Ranpo doing this and then being the first person to ever see Kensuke’s SILLY SIDE When the fucker TICKLES HIM BACK

Like rolling around and pinning him and tickling the little fucker till he SCREAMS Image AND!! Basically demanding Ranpo surrender, laughing when he hears the younger man snarl, “go to HELL” in return, and Ranpo is AFFRONTED until he realizes it’s the first time he’s ever heard Kensuke legitimately laugh 🥺
Jul 15, 2021 11 tweets 2 min read
After the EON sequel, my next big AU on main is going to be *drum roll* ANOTHER HIGH SCHOOL AU

but differeNT It's gonna be about Chuuya coping with the disappearance of his little sister, and Dazai adjusting to moving in with his uncles and trying to negotiate a very tense relationship with his little brother

they start as enemies, then become accomplices, then they save one another 🥺
Jul 11, 2021 1861 tweets >60 min read
something he /wouldn’t/ do.

Dazai spares /one/ glance toward Chuuya, /embroiled/ in her fight with Fyodor, jaw clenched king with discomfort at the /risk/ he’s about to take.

The figure pauses, their helmet turning slightly when Dazai aims for /Fyodor./


Now, in the course of this sort of work, Dazai has seen a /lot/ of things that one might qualify as /freakish/ or /unlikely./

But /never/ has he seen something outright /unnatural./


Like, for example, someone using the right angle and timing to shoot one of /Dazai’s/ bullets
Jul 4, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Thinking about Chuuya and Ranpo meeting for unrelated reasons and becoming friends and kind of bonding over their experiences with being trans and neither of them having ANY IDEA Like Her mentioning how she gets kinda stressed out and nervous with sex with her boyfriend because her body is changing and Ranpo, obliviously “I only recently started seeing a guy who made me feel comfortable with my body, so I get it”

Jul 4, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read
you know,,, it wasn't until I really started to explore my feelings around my own neurodivergency that I started to feel frustrated with the way it's depicted in media mainly because I was so deeply wrapped up in a lot of trauma when I was younger that I never really understood how much the underlying disorder I had impacted my life, and part of why it took me so long to accept that i HAD that condition was the way it was portrayed in media
Jul 3, 2021 17 tweets 4 min read
*tears in my eyes* w,,,what about widower kensuke and babysitter ranpo,,,who's an awful babysitter but they fall in love anyway 🥺🥺 like he's a college kid with no family who's really desperate for some cash so he takes the job when one of his friends mentions it 🥺🥺 and he claims to be really experience and pads his resume and the minute kensuke leaves him alone with Kouyou and Chuuya, Ranpo is just like
Jul 1, 2021 11 tweets 2 min read
the one thing that kinda gets me about the star wars sequel trilogy in particular is how much of the movies were structured around marketing and not story telling, and how they manipulated the audience into thinking they were forward thinking in any way because lets be real, Disney got Lucasfilm, looked at some focus groups and saw that older fans wanted more "rebels versus the empire" content, and they essentially rendered the first trilogy MEANINGLESS with extremely poor writing
Jul 1, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
AU where Dazai is a late night show host with a fucked up sense of humor and Chuuya is his exasperated executive producer who cannot control him at all Dazai, to a guest: if you win, you get 20 thousand dollars!

The guest: yay--

Dazai: if you lose, it goes to childhood cancer research!

The guest:

Dazai, smiling menacingly: spin the wheel, Gerald
Jun 27, 2021 2426 tweets >60 min read
point /not/ to.


"...You realize you don't /have/ to leave before morning, right?" He mutters, sitting in the middle of the bed, reaching back over his shoulders to run his fingertips over the fresh scratches on his back, realizing--

There's no denying it /now/, no more /avoiding/ the conversation when he gets home.

And he thinks Ranpo must /know/ that.

The younger man smirks, an oversized pink t-shirt drifting off of one shoulder as he pulls up his jeans, tugging at the zipper as he glances over his shoulder, "Is that your
Jun 12, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
The one thing that irritates me about the way people are pushing sustainable fashion isn’t the principle of it, but the fact that they don’t recognize that it’s an inherently privileged thing to be able to do.

Plus sized women?? don’t?? have the same options??? And it really just demonstrates the fact that a LOT of “ethical consumerism” has this underbelly of classism and fat phobia.

It’s this idea of, “well, if you can’t get this product in a way that I deem socially acceptable, you don’t DESERVE to have it.”

Like?? MAN??
Jun 3, 2021 2767 tweets >60 min read

“Chuuya?” The voice feels echoey, far away, like they’re listening through water, and all they want to do is tune it all out and just—


They lift their head off of the kitchen table, sluggish after a night of almost /no/ sleep, curled up on Dazai’s side of the bed, one of his shirts pressed against their face.

Kensuke stares back at them, /almost/ as exhausted as they are, arms crossed over his chest. “It’s time to get dressed.”

He’s been staying with them for the last two days—and it’s a double edged sword. Chuuya’s father has
Apr 14, 2021 1332 tweets >60 min read
sheet, trying to recognize pharmaceutical terms. “What are they for?”

“Managing panic episodes,” Hayashi murmurs, “That’s what happened yesterday.”

Most people don’t think of /panic/ as something that can trigger someone to something like /that/, but—

It creates this blind, /overwhelming/ urge to escape. By whatever means possible.

“Avoiding triggers is going to be important for her while she’s still in a fragile state. No phones, no social media...”

“We’re getting her a new number entirely,” Aina mumbles, putting the prescription in her purse, so
Apr 12, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
I would like to wish all of the bottomzai writers and artists a very nice evening And all of the topzai writers and artists a very nice evening
Apr 9, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
Contemplating making a weird U-turn and writing an SKK sci-fi au about astronauts Dazai being an ex-navy test pilot who has never been shot down, despite flying like he has a death wish, turned youngest space shuttle pilot in history.

Just Dazai with windswept hair and aviators and a flight suit
Apr 1, 2021 2000 tweets >60 min read
staring at the ground, thinking this was /it./

“I /decided/ to give you another chance.” Haruto explains, “Can you imagine how much I’ll make it hurt when I’m /trying/ to kill you?”

She claps a hand over her mouth, silencing the hyperventilation before it can /start./

“I’ll give you some time to get this whole thing /smoothed out./ I’ll find a way to get to you after that, and we /more./“ She fights back the urge to /gag./ “Have we learned our lesson about being /disrespectful?/“ Silence follows, and he snarls—

“/Answer me./“

Mar 17, 2021 1651 tweets >60 min read
set of fingerguns, firing them at him, “For the handguns you go, pew pew pew!” She pantomimes shooting at him, “But for those Yakuza sub machine guns it’s gotta be like something.../hefty/ ya know? Like—“ she shifts her hands, holding an imaginary semi-automatic, “/Gra-ta-ta!/“ She spins a little faster, “Eat lead, you bastards!” She stops suddenly, glaring. “...What’s...what’s so funny?”

“They don’t...” No one has really heard Yukichi laugh like this. Sure, the occasional chuckle—but right now he’s drunk, he’s stressed, and—

He is /cackling./

Mar 14, 2021 1231 tweets >60 min read
driver’s license get behind the wheel?”

Yosano’s jaw is /slack./

And she’s /offended/, but—


It’s like a gong, ringing in her head aggressively as she stares back at her.


She swallows hard.

/Fuck/, I am /so/ gay.

“I—“ her face is warm as she retorts, “I’m not a virgin.”

The /opposite/, really. She’s been through pretty much every viable partner in her social circles at this point—

Would have gone for Chuuya, honestly, if Dazai hadn’t swooped so fast, but now that she knows her older sister is a literal /goddess/, Yosano doesn’t feel
Mar 13, 2021 1216 tweets >60 min read
long after that when she’s engrossed in a conversation with Nikolai about some judo technique they’re going to try in practice on Monday, and Dazai heads off to grab something to drink from downstairs.

And he gets what Yosano meant earlier—it /is/ strange, at times.

Not the environment, Dazai has been to plenty of parties like this, but...

The other kids.

It’s /weird/, knowing they’re all his age (some a year or two younger, give or take, but close enough) and they’re all so...

In his /normal/ environment, Dazai is treated with a certain
Mar 13, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
But also the conflicts in this scene are making me very contemplative Image Because I don’t think we’re supposed to think about it that deeply but Shuji essentially wants all of the respect and privileges that comes with adulthood without accepting the accountability that comes with it 🤔 cause ur an adult now, daddy not loving you enough isn’t an excuse
Mar 10, 2021 5 tweets 3 min read
❗️❗️ ATTENTION ❗️❗️

There have been some @Etsy sellers stealing designs from artists on this fandom, then trying to pass them off as “handmade” for a profit, as seen here, with Sarah’s Chuuya design.

Despite the artist reaching out for help, these items are STILL being sold. ImageImage This is absolutely predatory, taking advantage of smaller creators who don’t have the means to take legal action, and despite promoting itself as a safe haven for small creators and businesses, @Etsy has allowed and enabled this behavior.

Please report the shops involved, +