Catalyst: Feminism, Theory, Technoscience Profile picture
Peer-reviewed #FeministSTS journal: feminist, queer, intersectional, decolonial scholarship. Lead Editors: @DrLauraAFoster, @nassimparvin, and @bahngerama
Apr 22, 2021 71 tweets 25 min read
Our 5th year anniversary event "Foundations and Futures of Feminist Technosciences" is beginning now!

More info here:…

We'll be live-tweeting the conversation as it goes. Please join along, you can tag @catalyst_sts and use #Catalyst5th and #FeministSTS. One of our lead editors @NassimParvin has welcomed everyone and thanked the many organizers, including @maramills, Anne Pollock, and Sonja van Wichelen, as well as sponsors of the event: @DILAC_GT, @cdsNYU, @GTliberalarts.