Sebastian Ghiorghiu Profile picture
5x Covid survivor, still in my 20s, and most importantly Nice guy.
ROGUEWEALTH Profile picture sapltm23 Profile picture Denny | Your Friendly E-com Growth Partner Profile picture Althentic 🧬 Profile picture 4 subscribed
Jul 5, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
Google wants you to run performance max campaigns. It's the CBOS to Facebook a few years ago.

Here is exactly how to set them up :)

Note - The following must be considered for your brand before launching a Performance Max Campaign: 1. The content on your landing page must be rich and informative, relating directly with the service that you're offering.

2. Your Ad Account must be seasoned and have significant conversion data inside of it for a higher chance of success through P Max.
Jun 1, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
I'm 23

- R8 and truck paid off
- 3 million dollar dream house being built
- 7 figure company
- Money in the bank
- Paid off moms car, bought family a vacation to the islands

- Grew up poor, 1 mom working at Wendy's and 4 kids in a little apartment

Yes it's possible. “How did I do it?”

- watch my YouTube video:
May 30, 2022 13 tweets 3 min read
@croquetclubnft or GCC is my favorite project right now for 3 reasons

Quick Thread - Utility - This the one of the most popular buzzwords in the NFT space but unlike nearly all projects, this one actually has real world utility, meaning you can get something quite useful out of it day 1.
Jul 20, 2021 31 tweets 4 min read
Validation - How it's holding you back

Recently I ran a poll asking people on twitter if they ever felt sad and lonely for no apparent reason. It didn’t come as a surprise that 71% of people said yes.

Thread Validation

The act of validation, in a general sense, is simply reaffirming that someone matters, it makes them feel important and loved and it’s extremely necessary, especially in youth.
Jul 9, 2021 33 tweets 5 min read
How I made my first 100k - Thread

In this thread I’m going to take you on a journey from having $300 dollars in my bank account up until the day i reached $100,000. It started when i was in 10th grade, I really wanted a car, cool clothes and just money to spend so that i could have friends and enjoy life.

So i looked for ways to make money.

My school sold muffins for 1.50 and literally everyone would buy them.
Jun 29, 2021 21 tweets 4 min read
We are all VERY addicted

A thread on addiction and how it harms you Deep within our brains we have a limbic system that is primarily responsible for the regulation of our survival emotions.

Fear, Anger, Hunger, Sex
Jun 28, 2021 15 tweets 2 min read
12 weird statistics about Google Advertising, that you DEFIANTLY didn't know

If you have any sort of online business you're gonna wanna read these.. 1.) 1.) Search ads increase brand awareness by as much as 80%. (Google, 2014)
Jun 25, 2021 31 tweets 4 min read
How to become wealthy In simple 4 steps (HARD)

From poor immigrant to top .01% As some of you know, I grew up in a less than ideal way

Parents divorced, 3 siblings, mom never home

We lived in a two bed room apartment in Detroit, 3 boys in one room, my mom and sister in the other

Right now I’m top 1%
Jun 17, 2021 14 tweets 3 min read
Let me tell you a story..

It's 5 am, cold, my 17 year old mom is on her way into town to get milk and bread. Shell bring it back home for everyone to eat.

In the house she grew up in you won't find a toaster, no microwave, not even a fridge. If you need to keep something cold, it would go outside underneath the house in a hole. Forgot what they call it.

My family lived in Romania underneath the communist regime of "Ceaușescu".

Say that name to a middle aged romo and see how they react.
Apr 8, 2021 21 tweets 3 min read
Depression -> Making life my bitch

Thread Let me start by saying I used to discredit depression before I ever felt it. In my mind it was stop wining and grow up.
It was easy to say at the time.
But I did have a phase that lasted about 8 months.
Jan 7, 2021 10 tweets 2 min read
Today is my birthday so here’s a list of lessons I’ve learned in my 22 years (In no order of importance). 1.) Everyones life is a tragedy
2.) We are all really just alone together
3.) You can always count on yourself, if you can count on yourself
4.) Loyalty is extremely hard to come by
5.) Money will not buy you happiness
Jul 23, 2019 12 tweets 2 min read
A very VERY HARSH thread on why you don’t succeed in business

If everything you’ve ever done has failed, give this a read…. 🔽 1.) Listen closely, there’s a very very clear reason most people are stupid, broke, and average — its because it’s easy. In the past humans had to hunt for food, go to war. Life, in terms of survival, has progressively gotten easier which has made us LAZY.