Carol Black Profile picture
Writer, filmmaker, observer of nameless things. Off-leash learning for all.
Anna Pilhoefer Profile picture 2 subscribed
Jan 19, 2022 14 tweets 3 min read
"Missionaries who visited the Arctic... wrote in their diaries that it seemed like Sámi children could do whatever they liked, & that they lacked discipline altogether.

"However... the seemingly rule-free Sámi way of child-rearing has its own intricate structure and philosophy." "One of its guiding principles is that rather than following a fixed schedule, the whole family adapts to whatever tasks need to be carried out, be that earmarking, travelling or other joint activities. Within that framework, children make their own choices."
Apr 15, 2020 10 tweets 4 min read

Why we need to FLATTEN THE CURVE of non-essential memorization in schools: Here’s a fact:

Fifty percent of Americans DON’T KNOW that antibiotics can’t cure a virus.


Including this one right here:
Dec 16, 2019 42 tweets 6 min read
THREAD: The Elephant in the Reading Room

In a recent piece on dyslexia, a well-known cognitive scientist states that “we know that (dyslexia) is not simply a delay, a product of the fact that kids develop at different rates.”… His evidence for this assertion is that “the kids who read poorly in elementary school continue to struggle” later on down the road unless they receive specialized intervention.

Okay, this makes sense. Or does it?
Oct 21, 2018 9 tweets 3 min read

Dr. Chester M. Pierce, who coined the term "microaggression," also coined the term "childism:" HT @TobyRollo #Childism 2. "In childism, the child-victim is put on the defensive. He is expected to accommodate himself to the adult-aggressor, and is hardly ever permitted to initiate action or control a situation."
Oct 8, 2018 11 tweets 5 min read

When educators talk "core knowledge," or "standards" or "sharing the best of our culture," ask yourself:

Whose knowledge? Whose standards? Whose culture?

What are we required to remember? What are we required to forget? In E.D. Hirsch's Core Knowledge test, "What Your Kindergartener Needs to Know," 5-year-olds are required to learn that Christopher Columbus was "a dreamer, with big ideas!"

And great hair!
Jun 16, 2018 21 tweets 7 min read
Okay, there’s a thing we need to #DISMANTLE.

I just published, “Science / Fiction: Evidence-Based Education, Scientific Racism, and How Learning Styles Became a Myth.”… Wait, what? Learning styles? I thought scientists had concluded that believing in learning styles is like believing in Big Foot! Or unicorns!

Well… not exactly.
Apr 15, 2018 24 tweets 12 min read

In @TheAtlantic on Friday, @natwexler says children need a core knowledge base in order to become fluent readers.

She suggests teaching about "Native Americans and Columbus”… in kindergarten.

Welcome to our nightmare world, little ones. 2. But don’t worry. She's not advocating that we teach kindergarteners the *truth* about Columbus. She’s basing her ideas on the E.D. Hirsch Core Knowledge curriculum.

In Hirsch’s “What Your Kindergartener Needs to Know,” Columbus is "a dreamer, with big ideas!"

And great hair!
Mar 19, 2018 26 tweets 4 min read

Brief tutorial in why innovations in institutional education always "fail." 2. First ask yourself: Why does the existing education system consistently fail a large percentage of kids?

(Aside from the obvious issues of poverty, inequity, racism, trauma.)
Oct 9, 2017 11 tweets 3 min read

How kids learn without your “feedback:” Kids, like artists, scientists, & athletes, obsessively repeat the things that interest them –– over & over & over.
Sep 6, 2017 13 tweets 4 min read
This is not a surprise. At it’s core, Didau's anti-LS position rests on a narrow IQ-based view of intelligence that is structurally racist. Here’s Dr. Yana Weinstein on Didau's Learning Spy blog: