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Husband. Dad. Church Planter @TheTablePCA | CoHost @_PostEverything ( | Bylines: @mereorthodoxy + @TGC | #AmWriting
Jan 12, 2021 12 tweets 4 min read
A vitally important thread. Much isnt new, but is so in the air we breathe we forget how RECENT it is & therefore how unaccustomed we r to coping w/it. At the risk of hijacking her great observatns, theyre pivotal to points others have made re: Institutional Evangelicalism...1/12 1. The increased burden of sifting fact from fiction is one that only the economically privileged have the bandwidth to keep up with day-to-day, especially w/the SPEED of news generation we've seen in the last 6-10 years. This contributes to polarization & significantly... 2/12
Jan 10, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
Excerpt from tomorrow’s sermon: “When a Messiah crowned in thorns & praying His Father’s forgiveness for those crucifying Him becomes compatible w/a political movement defined by selfishness & advocating violence against those who merely hold different political convictions... 1/ “... you are no longer following Jesus. You are following a god remade in your own cultural or political image. You are not submitting your cultural or political identity to the God in whose image you were made. Period.” 2/3