Cathy Cowan Becker Profile picture
Dual master's in public policy and environment and natural resources. Animal lover, especially cats big and small. Opinions are my own. RT≠endorsements.
Mary Waggener Profile picture 1 subscribed
Feb 25, 2019 7 tweets 3 min read
James Hansen told Congress about climate change in 1988. @SenFeinstein and everyone else in Congress had 30 years to do something about it. @NBCNews and every other mainstream outlet had 30 years to report on it. But none of them did their jobs, and now we are in an emergency. Kids that bring that to our attention are not being manipulated. Politicians who are asked to take action by their constituents are not being attacked. Human civilization and most life on earth is at stake.
Dec 28, 2018 30 tweets 10 min read
I am seeing a lot of either/or and flat out misinformation about two proposals to address climate change: Carbon Fee and Dividend and a Green New Deal. Here's a thread with my thoughts. First, let me make it clear that I support both. I started the Citizens Climate Lobby chapter in my city, which is still going strong though I have moved on to chairing the Sierra Club's Ready for 100 campaign in my city.