CC🏳️‍🌈🍉🪁 Profile picture
I'm a recovering addict in school for psychology w/addictions. Ive been married for years and have amazing teenage boys. I move farther left every day.
May 30 115 tweets 38 min read
This pinned post will have all threads about Israel and Palestine. Everything from the Israel lobby to the history of the nakba. I will continue to add to them.
Free Palestine. Image This thread has information about the history of the nakba and demonstrates that the process of the nakba continues to this day.
May 5 67 tweets 22 min read
Israeli private intelligence companies and spyware have interfered in elections around the world, spied on presidents and kings, interfered in treaty negations and has gotten activists and reporters killed.
A 🧵 It is a story of decade-long friendships with Israeli businessmen and former security officials, generous contracts with Israeli cyber surveillance firms, and business partnerships which enabled human rights abuses at Zerón’s hands.…
May 3 20 tweets 9 min read
@JustLuai Some facts about Israel

In a leaked recording, Bezalel Smotrich said he could take measures against the LBGTQ+ community because his voters 'don't give a damn about the gays'… @JustLuai Israeli Rabbi Zvi Thau, who has been accused of multiple sex crimes, describes the LGBTQ community as a ‘crime against humanity,’ calling on readers of his new book to join the fight against ‘a fatal disease’ threatening to destroy Israel…
Apr 26 29 tweets 6 min read
@EylonALevy Israeli agents infiltrating as Arabs were discovered, arrested and criminally prosecuted in Egypt when their explosives malfunctioned, leading to a crisis in the Israeli government and relations with the US.
40 @EylonALevy The Senate Foreign Relations Committee, which mentioned the Lavon incident twice in three pages, expressed caution about investigating such sensitive matters.  “There would undoubtedly (even with care)
Apr 23 11 tweets 4 min read
@gumby4christ I think people need to be aware of the Israeli spyware and private intelligence companies as well.
According to the research group Forensic Architecture, the use of NSO Group’s products has contributed to over 150 physical attacks. @gumby4christ Aims’: the software for hire that can control 30,000 fake online profiles…
Apr 22 34 tweets 10 min read
@IsaiahTalton2 @Judywantschange The nakba a 🧵 @IsaiahTalton2 @Judywantschange Between 1947 and 1949, at least 750,000 Palestinians from a 1.9 million population were made refugees beyond the borders of the state. Zionist forces had taken more than 78 percent of historic Palestine, ethnically cleansed and destroyed about 530 villages and cities,