Ceej is a linear accelerator. Profile picture
Oopsitect, Distinguished Engineer, pronouns she or they
Dec 27, 2019 60 tweets 6 min read
Did you hear that? They’ve shut down the main reactor. We’ll be destroyed for sure. This is madness!

We’re doomed.

There’ll be no escape for the princess this time. First comment: The opening crawl is superfluous. It adds flavor, but no information the moviegoer can’t glean from context, lighting, costumer colors, the soundtrack, and dialogue in the first minutes.

It doesn’t do an exposition dump like RoS does.
Sep 20, 2019 14 tweets 3 min read
I’ve spent the last 7 months repairing both an engineering team and the systems the team works on, and it’s been a delight to do. It’s so good watching the turnaround happen, hearing from people how much better they feel now than they did.

Great work is ahead of this team! General lessons learned:

Tooling matters. Build tools, deploy pipelines, the eaze of the developer experience all matter. Invest in this first and invest deeply. It’s as highly leveraged as work gets.
Jul 31, 2018 16 tweets 3 min read
And as long-time followers know, I learned a lot from being a bit player in that failure. Still haven't watched the documentary, though.

Sample things I learned from General Magic:

Founders & executives lie to employees, because the amount of money they have at stake warps all all their thinking.

Founders, execs, & VCs make money. Not you.