Christopher Flavelle Profile picture
Climate adaptation reporter at The New York Times. I write about the struggle to cope with a warming planet. Views my own. 🇨🇦
Nov 3, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
I write a lot about the ethics of climate adaptation -- which groups of people get help with climate shocks, and why.

I've got a piece in today's paper about what might be the most important test case right now in the US. Here's what I found. (1/x)… Last year's infrastructure bill included $130 million for the Bureau of Indian Affairs to spend on community relocation -- helping move tribes threatened by climate change. So far as I can tell, it's the country's first standing climate-related relocation program. (2/x)
Oct 30, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
Kudos to @dwallacewells, who argues that an increasing likely 2C to 3C of warming demands that we think harder about how to adapt.

One point worth amplifying: I cover climate adaptation, and I truly don't think people realize how hard it will be. (1/x)… As an engineering matter, the potential to adapt to climate change, at least in wealthy countries, is enormous. We know how to build our way out of many of the worst climate threats. Our capacity for innovation is astounding. (2/x)
Sep 27, 2019 5 tweets 1 min read
New data suggests banks are shifting climate-related mortgage risk onto taxpayers. Here are a few reasons why that matters. (1/x)… First, it indicates that banks are aware of the risk that natural disasters pose. So this is the latest example of the market acting while governments argue about the science. (2/x)