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Feb 13 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
So if I understand the hysteria correctly, absolutely no other country on Earth can produce food or medicine for their citizens, and roughly 8 billion people rely exclusively on me showing up to work so they can survive another day.
Listen, I get there is legitimate need out there. Natural disasters, refugee crisis, diseases and on and on.
But we're supposed to accept that all of it, every possible human struggle, is our financial responsibility, without questioning or we're somehow killing millions.
Jan 26 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
It doesn't matter if a story isn't true as long as it has the desired impact.
The left is psychologically prepared to experience anxiety and rage about Trump.
Any story with him in it turns into an opportunity for anxiety and rage.
Being false doesn't change that experience.
The headline is published which is designed to maximize anxiety and rage.
It gets widely shared by the left who experience individual and collective hysteria.
They commit to an oppositional stance.
The facts or context come out and they either justify the lie or ignore it.
Dec 8, 2024 • 5 tweets • 3 min read
How LGBTQ media manipulates the, 'violence against trans,' narrative.
2017: Ava Le'Ray Barrin, 17, was shot and killed in Athens, GA.
HRC: 'Barrin is the youngest known transgender murder victim...
Almost every victim has been a woman of color, nearly all of them Black...'
But an important detail has been left out.
His killer is a black transwoman, Jalen Breon Brown, 22.
Yet in the same article, trans activist groups put out the below message on the injustice of black transwomen being killed. onlineathens.com/story/news/sta…
Dec 4, 2024 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
An older transwoman talked to me when I was 21 or so about my interest in transitioning.
'You'll spend the rest of your life asking yourself why you gave up being a cute, but insecure, gay man and trapped yourself in the body of someone who kind of looks like a woman.'
'Every day you'll stare in the mirror studying every shadow, every hint of your former face, convinced it is shining through. You'll try to hide it with makeup, long hair and more makeup.
But you'll always see him.
Your clothes won't fit right. You're too tall, too lanky.'
Dec 4, 2024 • 16 tweets • 3 min read
The polite social reality for quite some time has been to be shocked to discover someone was trans, and frankly impressed, or to feel obligated not to stare or say anything mean.
It's a disastrous condition for most people to find themselves in. Absolutely life destroying.
Nov 29, 2024 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
The expert class is an insular self-sustaining bubble where leftwing academics congratulate each other on their brilliance and importance.
They peer-review each other, publish each other and cite each other.
They never challenge one another or allow transparency.
Media cite them.
Colleges make their books and papers mandatory reading.
Researchers cater to them in order to be published or get funding.
The cycle creates an assumption of rigorous academic study and verification. This is the foundation of the illusion of authority.
Nov 9, 2024 • 12 tweets • 2 min read
It's always been like this. In 2012 I watched a leftwing coworker, who filled her cubicle with leftwing activist stickers, posters and so on, march over to a cubicle with a single, 'Sarah Palin for President,' sticker and demanded she be fired for making her feel unsafe.
That same leftwing woman shut down a Christmas party and even complained to HR so frequently they took down red and green wrapping paper off doors because she felt, as an atheist, it was discriminatory and hateful.
She shut down a potluck because no vegan options were brought.
Jul 14, 2024 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
Beyond the desperation to blame one political side or the other for this, attempted political assassinations are never simple.
It's an extreme act, rare and requires both absolute dedication and intense planning.
This guy was 20.
What drove a 20 year old to this?
How does a 20 year old decide to sacrifice his life for this singular goal?
You don't see a few social media posts and decide this. He had to plan, prepare and maintain focus knowing he'd almost certainly be killed in a moment.
That requires deep psychological commitment.
Jul 7, 2024 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
"More than 100 prominent Black men released a strongly worded open letter Monday, warning Biden that not picking a Black woman would cost him the election."
Joe Biden pressed again to name a Black woman as his running mate wapo.st/3Lemsmc
"It is a fact that the road to the White House is powered by Black women and Black women are the key to a Democratic victory in 2020," npr.org/2020/06/12/875…
Jun 23, 2024 • 30 tweets • 7 min read
Every man I had sex with when I was 14 knew I was 14 beforehand.
LGBTQ culture has no socially imposed boundaries on it. They don't police themselves. They are too consumed with protecting their political causes and shaming rightwing bigots.
Teen sex work is the norm in LGBTQ centers.
Trans icons glamorize being prostitutes as teens and it's viewed as a rite of passage.
13 - 17 year olds are a high HIV risk group.
Progressives view children as sexual beings and independent from their parents.
This is a culture, one protected from scrutiny.
In gay male culture it's viewed as a kind of social acceptance and kindness. Older men took in teenage runaways, treating them as adults.
Many leftwing gay men recall these first encounters fondly and see themselves as welcoming the next generation in a sex positive environment.
May 18, 2024 • 14 tweets • 3 min read
I finished The Umbrella Academy last night, a show I've enjoyed, and came away with a few things about how they decided to handle Elleniot Page's character.
Vanya, Page's character, always sucked the air out of the room, every scene she was boring, whiny and added nothing.
When she came out as a lesbian, it was boring and underwhelming. But her transition from Vanya to Victor and the following fixation on validating her new identity, was absolutely tedious.
Page transitioned abruptly before filming the 3rd season, so they decided to force it.
Apr 19, 2024 • 10 tweets • 2 min read
'Why did the right go from only opposing child transition and gender inclusive bathroom policies to opposing all transgenderism?'
The left forced the question.
Basically, most people, I think, never thought much about the mechanics of transition before. It was mostly jokes.🧵
You might have caught a sex change Before & After episode of a talk show or a 'woman trapped in man's body,' reference on a TV show.
A guy, 'getting his dick chopped off,' was a joke.
But beyond that, it was far away in San Francisco.
Then, all of a sudden, it was everywhere.
Mar 13, 2024 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
Nex Benedict was a bully.
She suffered from severe mental illness.
She was aggressive, violent.
She assaulted other teenage girls over a comment, slamming one girl into the wall.
She was fine at the hospital, and overdosed that night.
Her trans ID did not make her a victim.
The LGBTQ industry has been determined to make her a martyr for their cause since the news broke of her death.
They will not stop. They'll lie, twist and exploit until it fits what they need.
This girl was troubled and needed help. She's not a prop for LGBTQ/bullying activism.
Jan 2, 2024 • 28 tweets • 15 min read
Starting to see an institutional pattern here...🤔
Nov 19, 2023 • 15 tweets • 3 min read
Let's imagine the left's narrative about Israel is true.
In 1948, a peaceful culture that lived on the land for thousands of years was brutally uprooted by white colonialist Jews who killed them, stole their land and built an oppressive occupation on top of them.
Those people were then forced to live in an Apartheid state where they were denied basic human rights (no clear indication of how from 1948 to say 2005ish).
Jump to Gaza, where they are put into an open-air prison and brutally oppressed. Forced to live under Israeli rationing.
Nov 4, 2023 • 14 tweets • 3 min read
The only viable argument against Israel is that during the time between Roman control and British control, a population built a culture in the area and was forcibly displaced for the artificial creation of a European country called 'Israel.'
Pretending there's no connection between the Jewish people and then Christianity and Israel is impossible.
The only way is through a religious lens that views all of this history as *their* history, ie: Islam.
Islam sees Adam as the first Muslim.
Oct 14, 2023 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
When I organized pro-Israel events in my town, the biggest champions were Christians.
Especially Evangelical Christians.
The Jewish community, almost entirely leftwing, refused to even attend the events because they didn't want to be associated with rightwing Christians.
When Glenn Beck hosted his amazing Israel event a few years back, a megachurch hosted the live viewing and invited me to speak.
No one from the synagogue would go because Beck was involved.
They all financially supported Israel, but they voted Democrat.
It matters.
May 16, 2023 • 9 tweets • 3 min read
Awww...this sweet teacher just wanted to help students expand their minds and feel safe at school when MEAN PARENTS CALLED THE POLICE.
Or...She handed out the book This Book is Gay which has extremely graphic instruction on how to have kinky sex... msn.com/en-us/news/us/…
"The difference is that I have that love and care for all students, not just a singular student," she adds. "In regards to the book that was challenged in my classroom, it was a message to the LGBTQ+ community in my room and in my district that they're 'less than.'" She whined... twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
May 15, 2023 • 6 tweets • 1 min read
A good actor convinces you they are someone else. What they look like is largely irrelevant.
Historic or real stories should be accurate if they are designed to be as such, like Evan Peters playing Dahmer.
But historic fiction can be as creative as you want.
The issue is the left's obsession with 'representation,' and forcing the characteristics of the actor to override the character they are playing.
It's the overt political attitude that's obnoxious.
May 14, 2023 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
'Just because he...doesn't mean he DESERVED to die!'
It's nonsense moral virtue signaling.
Completely meaningless.
It's a placeholder argument that accounts for any inconvenient facts that get in the way. It *feels* impactful, but its blather.
An activist at a leftwing protest runs up and punches a rightwing person? JUSTICE! His existence made them feel unsafe!
A random citizen acts to stop a violent member of one of the left's favored groups? VIGILANTE! MURDER! LYNCHING!
It is simply nauseating.
Apr 26, 2023 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
After years of benign support, I can't ethically support gender transition as a viable medical intervention.
I think body modification should be legal for adults.
But I don't think transition is the answer to gender anxiety.
I am anti-transition.
I think its harmful.
I think the answer to resolving anxiety around gender and physical sex is acceptance and therapy.
I do not support the belief system that people are somehow supernaturally mismatched or psychically gifted with knowledge of their true gender.