Jimmy Mack Profile picture
I love my family, friends, my home town of Portland, the Portland Timbers, love to brew beer and listen to all kinds of music. Always learning and listening
Jul 5, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
Time for another installment of #30yrsAgoToday
We last left off with three of us leaving Chiang Mai on a train after losing all my money in a blackjack game & being arrested for pot possession. It was a cosmic kick to the jewels to say the least that required a deep soul dig. From my journal:
The afternoon was pretty much routine for Ayutthaya: go to market, drop off film, buy a paper, get some fruit (rambutan!! yum!!), slop down a fruit shake, pick up the film, go back to BJ's and read or chat for a while.
Jun 25, 2022 36 tweets 8 min read
Time for the #chiangmai episode of my #30yrsAgoToday & it's a long one

It all started on our 3rd day in Chiang Mai..I went down to the train station at 7:30am to meet a few friends. For one reason or another they weren't there & I ended up meeting a Thai man by the name of Kim. We started the normal chit chat that happens when you meet a local. "Hello, where you from?"
"Why are you here?" and so forth. We ended up talking for a while and then he invited me to a Thai birthday party for his cousin...how could I refuse? He said he'd give me a ride