Cezar Halmagean Profile picture
15+ years of Rails experience • Building the Practical Ruby on Rails For Beginners course • I tweet about Ruby, Rails, and web development.
Nov 10, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
Do you use TailwindCSS for your emails?

If you do, I think that's cool 👍

But you're not... why not?

I recently tried doing that, only to realize it's not that easy.

Fortunately, there's a simple way to do it. Here's how 👇🧵 1/ Email CSS != Browser CSS

The first thing I've quickly realized after adding my first TailwindCSS class to my mailer layout is that email clients are living in a separate universe.

Every email client renders email content differently.
Jul 10, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
Ruby on Rails is coming back!

If you're on the Javascript train, you're probably tired of new releases.

But this one's gonna rock the boat. Here's why... 👇🧵 1/ Hotwire is the new React

I remember when React was the new kid on the block, but I think the JS fatigue is real, and everyone needs a break.

Hotwire is the solution to that. Instead of JSON + React + JSX, you get HTML over the wire. And it works!

But there's more...
Jun 29, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
I used to spend hours googling a solution to transition my ideas into code.

Fast-forward 15+ years, the code writes itself.

And it's so simple, I wish I knew this back then. Here's how 🧵 1. Start with the end in mind (WHY)

Most web applications exist to solve a problem for the user.

- What's the user's goal?
- What is the user trying to achieve?