(((Charlie Martin))) Profile picture
if I have to choose between being your friend and getting the facts right, well, good luck in your future endeavors.
(((Charlie Martin))) Profile picture 1 subscribed
Feb 14, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
@JunellieG There are tricks. First, every paper pretty much has intro, terminology, methods, results, discussion, conclusions.(may be slightly different; depending on your field. Find a favorite paper in your field and model that.) second, write each heading on a separate piece of paper. … @JunellieG Third, put the introduction page away for now, take the conclusions page and draft your conclusions. (If you don’t know the conclusion, you’re not ready to write the paper.)

It can help to title the draft “shitty first draft”. That reduces the pressure. …
Jul 17, 2022 9 tweets 6 min read
@5cottE @deesnider See, that’s the problem: a white guy did write the opinion. But it’s the black guy taking the heat. Part of the problem is a lot of people who were told Thomas wrote an opinion, when what he wrote was a concurrence. It expresses his thought, but it’s Alito’s opinion./1 @5cottE @deesnider What Thomas actually wrote was that he thought the whole “substantive due process” reasoning was wrong and should be reconsidered. But that’s not part of the opinion. Lawyers call it “dicta”, which means that unlike the opinion, it’s not binding./2
Jun 1, 2022 7 tweets 8 min read
@SchnellTim1 @m_bridgm @lisakwildman @ChristinaPushaw Yep. NO VACCINE makes 100% of a population completely immune. It always increases immune response making people less vulnerable. Often a large proportion is nearly completely protected. But breakthrough infections still happen. In many cases those breakthroughs are less severe./1 @SchnellTim1 @m_bridgm @lisakwildman @ChristinaPushaw measles are a good example: one dose of MMR is about 93% effective, which means about 93 of 100 who would have gotten measles will not. Two doses, 97%. Neither number is 100. Of vaccinated people exposed to measles, 3% will get a breakthrough case, but it will be less severe./2
Oct 25, 2021 7 tweets 5 min read
@Majikula @LisaMarieBoothe You can also work it out with arithmetic. The vaccines are 80 percent or more effective at preventing infection, so compared to an unvaccinated population, that means only 1/5th as many infections. This means 4 of 5 won't transmit the virus. That suffices. But then ... @Majikula @LisaMarieBoothe breakthrough infections are relatively rare anyway, so among the 1/5th who get the disease anyway, only a smaller percentage get a breakthrough, and without an infection, you can't transmit, So let's assume that 10 vaccinated get an infection anyway. ...
Jul 10, 2021 7 tweets 3 min read
@David_desJ Well, no. I'm working on a detailed article with legal sources, but Congress is allowed to make its own rules and manage its own facilities. So if it wants to have a security operation for the Capitol, that's okay. ... @David_desJ It's analogous to Google hiring its own security guards. But having security guards doesn't mean it's permitted to set up a security office in Tampa and make arrests. It's worth remembering that the Constitution enumerates the things the government is allowed to do.
Jun 18, 2021 6 tweets 3 min read
@ChristineTatum Bat soup was an old wives tale from the start. The Wuhan market was a statistical cluster that not even the first paper — which mentioned the cluster from the market — said was the only source. Another paper in February 2020 described person-person transmission. Almost nothing/1 @ChristineTatum we've been told by the legacy press OR the upstart press OR politicians on any side has been accurate. Many of Fauci's "lies" — like reserving masks for first-responders — were said openly in March and ignored, to become lies when they were said again in June./2
Jun 16, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
You know this is one of the problems. As time goes on, what really happened seems to be diverging farther and farther from the original stories. Have there been any firearms charges at all? Why for example were the medical examiners conclusions on Sicknick withheld so long? See also amgreatness.com/2021/06/14/who…
Jan 13, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
You’re not old enough to remember when AT&T was the phone company. So ask around to somebody who is old enough and ask them what the reaction would have been if AT&T had declared that GTE could no longer have access to the long distance phone network.... Followed by GTE’s bank announcing that they would no longer handle GTE accounts. Followed bye landlords of GTE rented property “coincidentally“ all announcing that they would no longer renew the leases and in fact were demanding GTE vacate in 48 hours. ...
Jan 9, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
That's the problem. If it were ONLY twitter, then this might be a valid argument. But what we've seen in the last 24 hours has been an apparent coordinated effort to remove opposition accounts from Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Shopify, ... .., and a similarly coincidentally-timed effort by both Apple and Google to remove the main likely competition to Twitter in Parler. We have discovered that the "public square" has gates guarded by Democrats and their allies.
Jun 11, 2020 10 tweets 16 min read
@janemiami @AncientMirror @GodonFrank @RonColeman @tracybeanz @GovMurphy @pnjaban Yeah, but check who said what. Fauci said that HCQ was unproven and reports of success were anecdotal — BUT that if he had a family member with the virus, he'd prescribe it and he would enter a clinical trial if he caught it. This was turned into "Fauci said it's worthless." @janemiami @AncientMirror @GodonFrank @RonColeman @tracybeanz @GovMurphy @pnjaban What he said was completely true. The part about using it himself went unreported. But it gave an opportunity for the megalithic media to run a story "Trump's own advisor says it's no good." ...
Mar 30, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
@secupp The media in this whole crisis has been horrible. When Trump wanted to reduce traffic from China the media said he was a racist. When he said hydroxychloroquine had the potential to be in a treatment and trials were being contemplated, the media attacked him for that./1 @secupp As a result several several democrat governor‘s and other officials have been trying to block trials. And Nguyen to Darwin award candidates overdosed on aquarium additive the press blamed Trump using pictures of the human drug. /2
Mar 28, 2020 21 tweets 18 min read
@outta_so @Sjanderson86 @Neoavatara didn't mean to be short, I was on my phone. Basically this idea has been around for a while. IF there are lots of old cases that simply weren't identified as COVID-19, THEN it would drive the case fatality ratio down. Fauci talks about that here. nejm.org/doi/full/10.10… @outta_so @Sjanderson86 @Neoavatara Numbers for influenza-like-illness were high this year; that wouldn't be inconsistent with lots of occult COVID-19. nejm.org/doi/full/10.10…
But people may also just be going to the doctor for respiratory bugs more often
Mar 18, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
You know, I've been sharp about people's xenophobic and even racist reactions to the origin of the 武汉病毒 and I've also objected to calling COVID-19 a "flu" because coronaviruses and flu are unrelated. /1 But the facts are that it originated in So I'd just like to clarify that this virus started in 中华人民共和国湖北省武汉市, and given the situation, it is my official position that the motherfucker started in 中国 China, and "Kung Flu" is hilarious./2
Mar 12, 2020 8 tweets 5 min read
@SalsaPrice @NolteNC Fauci's written estimates are "a case fatality rate between 0.1 and 1 percent." 480,000 *deaths* by the end of the year is mathematically **very** suspect, although he's at least backed down from 480,000 deaths in the next two months, which is what it was a week ago. @SalsaPrice @NolteNC 480,000 deaths from 38 today means lg(480,000-38) ~ 19 doublings, unconstrained by the end of the year. Nowhere, not even Hubei, has sustained doublings of deaths at that rate.
Mar 9, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Okay, look around: who is freaking out the most, including posting wildly wrong "mathematics" about COVID-19? It seems to be three groups: Qanon, pushing the notion that the patent for a vaccine for a coronavirus that causes pig diarrhea is really a patent on a biosuperweapon/1 Second group is stock traders and skeevy finance sites, posting things predicting 500,000 deaths by, like, May, which simply can't be justified, and far left people insisting that the Administration should DO SOMETHING — and lying about what the CDC and NIH are actually doing./2
Dec 8, 2019 15 tweets 6 min read
@oliverdarcy Oh and if you guys were more careful about which anonymous sources you believe, you wouldn't appear 42 times on Sharyl Atkinson's list of 102 major press reporting failures on Trump.

sharylattkisson.com/2019/01/50-med… @oliverdarcy Number 48 is particularly interesting: "CNN’s Oliver Darcy and others excerpted a Trump comment as if he had referred to immigrants or illegal immigrants generally as “animals.” Most outlets corrected their reports later ... Trump was referring to MS-14
Dec 7, 2019 7 tweets 3 min read
@StephanieHazen The definition of what is pornography is easily capable of political manipulation. The banning of any form of speech is pernicious. The assertion of state power over private behavior is always something to be very closely watched./1 @StephanieHazen It wasn’t very long ago that ANY overt reference to homosexuality was considered pornographic, and photos of Michelangelo’s David had to be figleafed in textbooks. And publication of the word “fuck” was literally illegal.
Oct 28, 2019 4 tweets 2 min read
Brian, the funny thing about this is that this is pretty much the same whiny excuse you give every time. Atkinson is getting close to 100 major news screw ups about Trump. The Washington post excuse rings pretty hollow when they literally changed the headline after the fact to “austere scholar”. That wasn’t a hasty hed screwup, that was an after publication change, which they then revised again after the outrage.
Sep 25, 2019 8 tweets 3 min read
Okay, so to recap: A whistleblower who didn't actually hear the conversation said Trump made promises to Ukraine, the democrats opened an impeachment press conference saying they were going to think about impeaching Trump, really and truly this time,/1 not like the impeachment inquiry they opened a couple weeks ago, and challenged Trump to release the unredacted transcripts. So Trump did. Then they said it was the whistleblower's complaint that was really significant (although we know said wb hadn't actually heard the call)/2
Aug 18, 2019 4 tweets 2 min read
Well Joe, I don’t think you’re passing the test. In the last election, the other candidate had proven that she thought she was above the law and may have been right. You at least have to look at the probable hundreds or thousands of violations of 18 USC793./1 In the current election on the Democrat side we’ve got two Democrats telling blatant lies that encourage racial discord and display malicious ignorance of gun laws, one who bragged about using political influence to get rid of a prosecutor/2
Jul 14, 2019 10 tweets 5 min read
@ToddMikeSchultz In your fevered imagination. But the point is that we call the place where people are detained who are believed to have committed a crime and who are unlikely to appear for court “a jail.”/1 @ToddMikeSchultz A subsidiary point is that the conditions and policies involved date from well before the Trump administration and only became significant to the “woke” for political convenience in the last couple of months. This is shown in part by the fact many of the images date from 2014./2