Anjali Chauhan Profile picture
PhD,DU| Feminist |📖Women,Labour&State Politics| Author-Scroll, Gender&Development, Asian Labour Review, Frontline, Outlook, Quint, Newsclick, DoingSociology +
Jul 13, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Women are quite literally just one unfortunate event away from being "disposed" in ways Sharmila Rege explains. Just one photo away, one overhead phone call, one glance at a protest site, one emotional outburst, one unfortunate event, one presence at the wrong time/place away. I can't fathom the intensity of dual lives women are forced to live. The amount of energy, patience and sanity that goes into everyday calculations to not let our conservative families know about our true selves, about our work, about our political inclinations. It's exhausting!