Anthony Harris Profile picture
Executive Chef Lover of fine Wine, great scotch and Snickers. Not looking to hookup or date. (unless you're Elga Ghironi 😎) #resist #wetriedtotellya #aightthen
Jul 27, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
From my friend Olivier....a Frenchman living in the US.

“It’s not real until it becomes personal."

"No, that’s the reaction when you don’t have empathy. Like the mayor in Jaws (“Martin, my kid was on that beach too!”)." If you have empathy, it is real whether it affects you personally or not. That's how white people come to care about the Black Lives Matter movement, and why hetero people fight for LGBTQ civil rights, and why many of us wear masks and avoid physical contact even though we're