Chelsea Harvey Profile picture
Climate reporter @eenewsupdates @politico | Ex energy/enviro contrib @washingtonpost | Itinerant southerner | ·
Oct 6, 2021 14 tweets 3 min read
New research finds that the earth is "dimming," or reflecting less sunlight back out to space -- and experts say climate change will probably make it worse. Quick 🧵 on an interesting paper with some unexpected quirks:… This paper has the latest updates from Project Earthshine, operated by Big Bear Solar Observatory, which monitors the earth's reflectance, or "albedo." It uses telescopes to measure the light reflected off the earth onto the moon. (A technique inspired by Leonardo da Vinci!)
Jul 8, 2021 15 tweets 3 min read
The recent Pacific Northwest heat wave would have been "virtually impossible" without climate change, a new attribution study has found. And it was a truly exceptional event even in the current climate. Quick 🧵:… First: Attribution studies -- which link individual weather events to climate change -- are increasingly revealing that some extreme events likely would not have occurred at all in a world without climate change. This in itself is not a terribly surprising finding.
Apr 10, 2018 10 tweets 2 min read
A quick thread about melting glaciers, which I've written about in today's #climatewire:… Research increasingly shows that a major factor in glacier retreat, in both Antarctica and Greenland, is the intrusion of warm ocean water -- it seeps beneath ice shelves and helps melt the ice from the bottom up. /2