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Jan 5, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
remarkably common view among the dissident right: do you think the regime cares if you in particular view it as legitimate? do you think it cares if you check out of the process all together? I never mentioned anything about voting. there are more republican voters concerned with fantasy football than will ever interact with any of our content directly. that is not our audience. our audience is ambitious young men of vision and potential that can actually accomplish something if given the opportunity.
Jan 4, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
the republican party today is not ideal, and it is easy to view them with contempt. their continued failures, confused messaging, and corrupted priorities leaves little to admire. regardless, it is still important for the right that they succeed. it is not what they currently represent, but what they enable the right to do moving forward. they provide a stopgap against the left; imagine an unopposed democratic party. every roadblock they present to the left’s agenda is time bought for us.
Dec 17, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
it’s said that things have to get worse before they get better, but the idea that the worse will be some simple collapse is naively hopeful. it assumes the white middle class today is on the level, and will spontaneously rise up to set things right. as things get worse, it’s that class (our only political base) that will be one of the last to really feel the squeeze, and all the imported labor and lumpenproles will be well past the revolutionary point. this is already happening, and will only escalate.
Sep 15, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
a lot of focus on veteran suicides in the last two decades in the context of the global war on terror, and most of it has missed the forest for the trees. it’s not just a phenomenon unique to veterans, but an extension of white deaths of despair. white veterans have double the suicide rate of the next largest demographic, black veterans. in the general population, this rate is tripled. veterans may end their lives more violently, but slower suicides through drugs and alcohol trend higher among whites generally.
Sep 10, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
the ultimate goal of russia's war in the ukraine was never the simple annexation of territory, it was the destruction of ukrainian miltary capability and the elimination of the threat on russia's southern border posed by NATO's incursion into the country. what this has meant in practice since the opening campaign of the war is the use of russian forces dedicated to the theater as efficiently as possible. there is a serious reservation to full mobilization. whether this is still tenable is in question.
Aug 6, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
given the destabilization of law and order occurring in the united states, it is not only important you know how to defend yourself, but also what to do in the aftermath of a self defense situation. the very first thing to do is call 911. remember that all 911 calls are recorded from the moment you dial the number. do not overshare information, it’s all useable in a court of law. relay this information:
Jul 4, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
great nations are born out of legend, and no other nation can claim as powerful and as close a legend as the war for american independence. in our uncertain times, we must remember who fought that war, how they fought it, and what they fought for. the revolution was born from the ambitions of educated elites and established bourgeoisie, it was not a spontaneous uprising of plebs and paupers.
Jun 19, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read

a thread on staying anonymous, means of doxing, and protecting your identity online the obvious first, don’t share your real name. don’t share where you live, where you work, where you go to school, or any one of those things in your past. don’t post pictures of yourself or your location. don’t voicedox. even obscured, they can be used to identify you.
Jun 12, 2022 14 tweets 3 min read
a good opportunity to point out the various problems inherent with right wing organizations, how federal agencies operate in regards to these groups, and what it means for you: “in real life” right wing organizations are functional nonstarters. the problems exist at an essential level; who, how, and why these groups are organized just compounds the issues, but the flaws are inherent to the idea itself.
Mar 20, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
most of the right has a total misconception of the basic organization and archetypical structure of the left, its goals, and how it intermeshes with the current state. a thread: there are three basic types of leftist, the commentator, the criminal, and the commissar. each work together, knowingly or unknowingly, to further the broader political goals of the left, whatever their own niche ideological stripe and self identity.
Mar 2, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read

it’s a well-worn canard of armchair tacticians to asset that “tanks do poorly in urban combat,” but is that necessarily true? what is really being argued? should tanks sit parked on the outskirts of an urban battle?

a short thread debunking this tired maxim: where does this idea come from?

tanks, from their outset, were designed to withstand enemy fire and destroy hard points, while also being mobile enough to exploit breakthroughs in the front. armor, firepower, and mobility is the balanced trinity of good tank design.
Feb 21, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
the ukraine crisis is proof positive that america’s time as a superpower is over, highlighting the decline in our hard and soft power foreshadowed by the defeat in afghanistan and the farce of a stolen presidential election. the failure in afghanistan could be excused away; poor allies, no national will, the challenges of fighting an insurgency. the reality is the US military is a paper tiger. it’s a hollowed out money-pit that can’t actually fight, and is under the control of strategic imbeciles.
Dec 7, 2021 16 tweets 5 min read

80 years ago today, the japanese bombed pearl harbor. the attack and the war that followed is a well known story, but what logic lead to it?

this thread is about two thinkers, alfred thayer mahan and sir julian corbett, and their views on naval strategy! “the influence of sea power on history” was written in 1890 by mahan, a US navy officer, and immediately influenced the nature of sea power soon after. almost directly responsible for the naval arms race preceding world war I, it was translated and read by every major power.
Dec 3, 2021 17 tweets 5 min read

in this thread I’m talking BIG GUNS, artillery and its use in the world wars, and the underlying doctrine and theory that dictated how modern militaries learned to reach out and touch somebody! the rise of the cannon saw its golden age in the wars of napoleon, himself a young artillery officer, and reached its zenith in the first world war. in a war to end all wars, the use of artillery turned the earth into a barren landscape and killed more men than any other weapon.
Nov 9, 2021 15 tweets 3 min read
the biggest challenge facing the right today is a poverty of VISION. there is plenty talk over reactionary negation; stop this mandate, win this court case, but nothing presenting a positive alternative. imagine what could be done if we were serious about taking power. the conservative intelligentsia and talking head aspirants cannot imagine any more than turning the clock back to 2000 or adopting leftist positions on economics and social policy. everyone is chasing cars, and nobody knows what do when they catch one.
Nov 3, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
there is no new conservative movement, there is an organic backlash to an obscene acceleration of globalist agenda. for there to be a movement, there needs to be a unifying set of goals to achieve beyond standing in opposition to absurdist democratic policy. that doesn’t exist. trump was the first to set forward a set of goals that real americans wanted, prioritized in this order: immigration policy that reversed top-down demographic change, foreign policy that refused interventionist “regime change” wars, trade policy that benefited american workers.
Oct 27, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
the myth of the value of human life and the virtue of unlimited population has resulted in the greatest failure of man’s mantle of responsibility as master of this planet. that uncountable animals must be born into abject terror, live in fetid squalor, die in horrid slaughter, so that another two billion bantus may exist, is a dereliction of our duty.
Oct 21, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
read between the lines: the state is telling you, the poster reading this, that you are a threat and as soon as it can, it will go after you with extreme prejudice what can be done?

1. opsec: online, there is nothing to be gained here by sharing identifying information about yourself. IRL, unless you are 100% certain the person you’re speaking to is of the same stripe, they don’t need to know your politics. do not make yourself a target.
Oct 17, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
the US military will never win another war at any scale against any opponent; any nation on earth that wants open conflict with america could defeat it and defeat it relatively easily it is not real military, it is a jobs program top to bottom, an economic pressure valve for the working class, a resume item in management for the middle class, a pipeline for executive positions for the upper class. it is a no-bid guaranteed bill of sale for entire industries
Oct 2, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
the national divorce rhetoric that keeps popping up, particularly through ConInc and ConInc aspirant mouthpieces, capitalizes on a genuine emotion that real americans are experiencing, and the intent is to subvert it. real americans feel powerless, they feel that they have no voice and no stake in the direction this country is heading. through stolen elections, tech censorship, and government mandates, real americans have been essentially exiled from all decision making.
Sep 4, 2021 15 tweets 4 min read
what is the measure that defines a great commander? is it victories? the effective use of available men and materiel? the loyalty he inspires? these are necessary, but a truly great commander has vision!

General Robert E. Lee was one of the greatest american leaders ever born any analysis of the outset of the civil war will tell you the south was doomed; this was to be the first truly industrialized modern war, waged through attrition. production and manpower were the keys to victory, who could build the most, who could bleed the most.