Streetervillian 🧑‍🔬 ⚛️ 🤷‍♂️ Profile picture
Lived in the Gold Coast in Chicago. Or, as some of us like to call it, the Pyrite Shore. Yes, that IS real, imported polyester I'm wearing. Envy us, you plebes
Mar 2 7 tweets 2 min read
@delinthecity_ DEL - I see that you're opposed to the whole idea of conscription. Good for you. I'm opposed to it, too.

But name the country that wouldn't impose a draft, right now, if it were invaded by an enemy that posed a real threat to it. @delinthecity_ You and I both know that American would start drafting men over far less, because it has, repeatedly. But I don't hear you going "F America" or "F Texas."
Dec 12, 2024 19 tweets 5 min read
@AwesSK1 @PepMangione There could be a very simple explanation: he could just be mentally ill, and not really know right from wrong. But here's something that I found a little confusing.

This was the person of interest that the police were looking for.

^…Image @AwesSK1 @PepMangione I made sure to archive that page for reasons soon to become obvious. Now, this is Luigi Mangione.

Page also archived. Even given the low resolution of the first photo, this is obviously not the same man. So, what's going on?…Image
Oct 17, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
@BubbsRubs @nicksortor @hodgetwins @elonmusk @fema I don't know that they are, nor do I know that they aren't, but I can easily find motives for the alleged evil actions.

That part of North Carolina is not likely to go for Harris, and unlike dead Democrats, dead Republicans seldom vote. @BubbsRubs @nicksortor @hodgetwins @elonmusk @fema The Biden administration has been an authoritarian one from the beginning, and Appalachia has never leaned in that direction, so every dead Hillbilly (name capitalized out of respect) makes the world a little safer for people like the tin-plated dictator-in-chief.
Sep 13, 2024 17 tweets 3 min read
@roadtoserfdom3 There really aren't, now. That's not a thing.

* Groan * I can now say, with confidence, that coming online to discuss these issues, in the end, did harm while achieving absolutely nothing of value. @roadtoserfdom3 In 2020, we ran into a group of people with an "ends justify the means" mentality, devoid of any recognition of the value of personal integrity, who fear mongered for the sake of their own political agenda for so long that they fooled themselves into believing their own lies.
Sep 6, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
@jopawo I know somebody who did the challenge, was told that she passed it, and then was told that there was a "technical problem" that kept her from continuing. She was told to try again. She did. The same thing happened, repeatedly.

So she appealed. @jopawo All that Support was willing to do was close the ticket. She now appears to be locked out for life because of a "technical problem" written into Twitter's code, because Twitter isn't willing to be bothered.
Jul 31, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
@goth_incel @lodujeet1 @sighing_sadly @irrationalmale A black guy who just happens to post things that sound like those coming out of the white supremacists on Gab? Really? This is what we're expected to believe.

Old saying: "On the Internet, nobody knows that you're a dog." Look it up. Yes, I'm calling you a liar. @goth_incel @lodujeet1 @sighing_sadly @irrationalmale Even were you telling the truth about your ethnicities, this would be no real defense for your behavior. If somebody uses a racial epithet online, he knows that he's being offensive to those in the group to which the epithet has been historically applied.
Jul 30, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
@lodujeet1 @goth_incel @sighing_sadly @irrationalmale Nice try, Gujji. If anthing, that makes his comment more d - a - m - n - a - b - l - e, not less, because it becomes all the more clearly a disingenuous one. If he knows how offensive something is and acts as if he did not, that makes him a liar. As it makes you one, yourself. @lodujeet1 @goth_incel @sighing_sadly @irrationalmale There is no such thing as having an ethnic pass when you choose to be a bad actor in a discussion.

Also, Indian incels exist, and everybody knows it, so sorry, no, but your brown skin doesn't automatically give you the moral high ground.
Jul 29, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
@goth_incel @sighing_sadly @irrationalmale They're slurs and you know it, Homonuculus. They aren't being used to "make a point," they're being used to be offensive to those who've been refusing to have sex with you. @goth_incel @sighing_sadly @irrationalmale You do not become a man of reason merely by tone policing yourself as you passive-aggressively provoke your opposition.
Jul 25, 2024 27 tweets 5 min read
@CornhillGlen @GrrlScientist Glen, you're in Denbighshire according to your profile. I looked it up - you're in Wales, in the UK, so sorry, buddy, but you don't get a vote in our elections.

Aside from that, your "biological facts" are seriously shaky, a product of a bad tradition which your culture has ... @CornhillGlen @GrrlScientist ... far too immersed in its own ethnocentric self-absorption to ever really seriously examine. I'm referring to the Bri'ish tradition of the round, and what the round has helped lead to: severe social pressure to engage in binge drinking, on a regular basis.
Jul 21, 2024 12 tweets 2 min read
@wankemson @chunderboolt @thanh_neville "N95s need to have a 95% or greater filtration efficiency of particulares at .3 microns, where an airborne particulate would be about .5"

Again, what do viruses do that particulates don't, once they're in the body of somebody they infect? Yes, they reproduce. @wankemson @chunderboolt @thanh_neville Blocking 95% of the virus carrying "particles" - if we are to use such a vague term for any bit of matter that the viruses might travel on - won't prevent infection by a virus one is vulnerable to, because once a virus has infected one cell, it spreads to other cells.
Jun 10, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
@LordBritannica @hexclad @GordonRamsay "I'm a better cook than you,"

This is demonstrably not the case, given the nonsense that you are posting.

"and I've cooked for far longer you have, probably since before you were born,"

Ageism isn't really the flex that you seem to think that it is. @LordBritannica @hexclad @GordonRamsay Experience tells me that, given your tone and the fact that we're on Twitter, that if you were to be tracked down, you'd turn out to be an ignorant 12 year old boy who was trying to pass himself off as a seasoned professional.

This would be far from being a first.
May 27, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
@Patriot22146528 @HansMahncke @julie_kelly2 @barnes_law @hyonschu @adamscrabble @C4CEO @JordanSchachtel "Yo bra ... Do you realize how many millions of folks you just pissed off?"

Yo bra ... boo hoo hoo. You don't have a right to be validated. Your anger management problems are your issue to deal with. @Patriot22146528 @HansMahncke @julie_kelly2 @barnes_law @hyonschu @adamscrabble @C4CEO @JordanSchachtel "There are millions of us but what exactly do you expect us to do?"

To speak up and call bulls h i t what it is when you see it, instead of waiting until doing so is in fashion.

"End up in prison for 2 yrs for doing nothing?"

Hmm. Don't remember doing that prison stint.
May 27, 2024 63 tweets 10 min read
@RonaldNHughes @canmericanized @MicaSaurius Ron - speaking as an engineer-in-training: our bad, sort of. The senior citizen with health issues and immuno-compromised people in general DO need masks. The problem is that the KIND of masks that they need have not, in general, been offered. @RonaldNHughes @canmericanized @MicaSaurius The N95 was oversold in the popular press. It's a dust filter, designed to take out relatively coarse particulates in factory and construction work settings. It was never intended for medical use, and really isn't designed for it.
May 23, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
@sighing_sadly @gimpfactory @Gleem1313 @BanV20202 @WHOWPRO Thank you, Sigh. My reply to Gimpy follows:

Nope. Never have, and I've repeatedly been exposed to it at point blank range from people who were deliberately trying to spread it, while living in one of the most densely populated places in the US - the near north side of Chicago. @sighing_sadly @gimpfactory @Gleem1313 @BanV20202 @WHOWPRO If you've ever been to a restaurant bathroom in Chicago, then you know that the city that I used to live in isn't about to win any awards for its hygiene, or really deserve any.
May 23, 2024 23 tweets 3 min read
@real_lselkirk @Jules31415 @elonmusk Wrong. Here's why, and you're hearing this from a former TA: failing students create drama.

(1/3) @real_lselkirk @Jules31415 @elonmusk University administrations hate seeing a lot of drama, so much so that they'll think nothing of leaning on the professors to avoid it, even when the professors are clearly in the right and the students clearly aren't.

May 22, 2024 10 tweets 2 min read
@Fancyfreedomfry @threadreaderapp @govt_corrupt "This dude wrote a thread worth of rebuttals (even though we’re on the same side)"

No, a s s h o l e, when you lie about a group of people I belong to, dragging its name through the mud, we are NOT on the same side. YOUR issue is not the ONLY issue. @Fancyfreedomfry @threadreaderapp @govt_corrupt "then he blocked me."

What's your point? Did I not do the unroll in such a way as to guarantee that you'd be notified of my comments, and be able to read them, given that they're present in the unroll? Were you not free to ride the unroll message in order to reply?
May 19, 2024 6 tweets 1 min read
@Fancyfreedomfry @govt_corrupt "Who among them had the courage to speak out"

Hi. I'm a PhD student in Mathematics. I've been speaking out since early 2020, starting at a time when many of today's freedom-loving "patriots" were lockdown and mandate loving herd animals. @Fancyfreedomfry @govt_corrupt With confidence, I can say that I've been pushing back against the governmental overreach as long as almost anybody, because my initial bit of civil disobedience took place during the first second of the lockdown in Illinois, the third state in the US to have one of those.
May 15, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
@BartonMarks @hexclad @GordonRamsay It really isn't, for reasons already given. Barton, I'm talking as somebody who has been cooking since he was little. You're talking as somebody who watched a TV show.

Do you understand the difference? @BartonMarks @hexclad @GordonRamsay It's a stupid technique, in part for the reason already given (the speed with which garlic burns), but also because if the garlic doesn't fall off the meat, it's not going to cook enough to really release the flavor.
May 10, 2024 13 tweets 2 min read
@GideonJTrenary Gideon. Dude.

Right now, you're probably thinking that the admissions committee is a pack of humorless dweebs, which maybe they are, but even dweebs can sometimes have a point. Please bear with a graduate student as he tries to explain to you what on earth that might be. @GideonJTrenary Going to an elite university is a powerful, transformative experience that, if approached by the right person in the right frame of mind, will leave one with memories that one couldn't forget, and would never want to. But at the same time, it can be a brutal experience.
May 10, 2024 6 tweets 1 min read
@Toni85814074 @KCPayTreeIt @damonimani @CatchUpFeed @X @elonmusk I kind of expected that this would happen, after I noticed that one couldn't view threads while logged out. @Toni85814074 @KCPayTreeIt @damonimani @CatchUpFeed @X @elonmusk In the past, when some of us would appeal lockings and suspensions and got the obligatory gaslighting from Support, a friend would link to an archived copy of the supposedly rule-breaking tweet(s) in context. This would make the admins look bad, and they'd sometimes back down.
May 9, 2024 28 tweets 5 min read
@bsteeboiler @Denise33591120 @1500_degrees @DiedSuddenly_ This is why I've taken to blocking the Covid Cultists on sight. There is no reasoning with them. No matter how many times we hear about metastudies that show that masking was based on junk science done by unqualified "researchers," they keep doubling down

(1/3) @bsteeboiler @Denise33591120 @1500_degrees @DiedSuddenly_ on the same talking points. No matter how many times people with real backgrounds in Medicine, Physics, etc. point out that this pet theory clashed with what really was established science (eg. the laws of motion), and that it had been dreamed up by an amateur sociologist
