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Sep 19, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
Right now there are sanctuary cities learning what it's like to have to deal with a teeny tiny fraction of the number of illegals invading the southern border daily. And make no mistake - these aren't "asylum seekers" - they're invaders and lawbreakers. But... ...Democrats in these sanctuary cities are expert virtue signalers, & they personify the Not In My Backyard mentality. Offering sanctuary is fine in THEORY because it gives them all the feel-goods. But when asked to actually PROVIDE sanctuary? OMG PANIC. And that's when the...
Jul 13, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
FINALLY. ACTUAL FACTS. And the culprit appears to be an illegal immigrant. 🙄 Still unclear - KY AG's point about the girl's case not needing to leave KY. 🤷‍♀️ Horrific that the rape occurred, but glad that the scumbag is in custody. Cont... No idea why no one was willing to come forward to corroborate until this arraignment. No idea why @indystar or @srudavsky clammed up. What was the point? Still so many ?s. Why sow much doubt unnecessarily? Cont...
Jan 13, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
1)You can't simultaneously claim Biden got more votes than any candidate in history, AND claim that he beat Trump by 7M votes, & ALSO say our democracy and elections are UNDER THREAT. No. Smart people know better.

Dems are trying to... 2)...steal every future election with this latest bill. That's all this is. And every sane person can see this.

How much more disapproval will the polls need to show to Democrats for them to realize that everyone is on to them? We SEE that they don't give a crap about...
Dec 14, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
1) Not getting the whole Text hullabaloo. I said the same stuff - that Trump needed to send a loud and clear message to calm the chaos at the Capitol on Jan 6. I was frustrated that it took him the time it did to do so. But AT THE SAME TIME, just like everyone else that day... 2)...I had no idea who the idiots were at the Capitol that were causing the mayhem. Were they antifa? Were they just a bunch of losers who got out of control? I had no clue. Neither did the various Fox hosts who people are being ripped on today for the texts. What's the issue?
Oct 12, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
Suggested ?s for @PressSec today, @pdoocy.

1. Without using the words "task force" or "envoy" or "discussions" or "conversations," what Actual Action has been taken by this administration to combat the supply chain issues the US faces? 2. What specific ACTIONS are being taken to thwart the thousands of migrants currently headed to our border (same rules apply as in #1).
Jan 9, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
Pretty chilling what @BrandonStraka just said on FNC. It's not just that his page was pulled from FB. It's that every page admin/employee/contractor/associate of his page was pulled from FB PERSONALLY. What does that mean? Well... 2) It means that if you're a gig worker (videographer, editor, writer, etc.) and you were simply fulfilling a contract for a gig to earn a living, and you didn't even give a crap about what Brandon's page was all about, you just lost access to OTHER GIGS. Why? Well....
Jul 9, 2020 10 tweets 2 min read
1)Let’s play this out, then. A trans man is offered the part that Halle Berry just STUNNINGLY AND BRAVELY gave up, simply because he’s trans and our culture now requires it.

It’s now somehow bigoted or culturally appropriative - 2) or whatever new term is made up in the next 10 minutes to have someone NOT trans play a trans part. We’ll firmly plant ourselves in “Only trans men can play trans men” mode, so the new complaint’ll eventually be that trans people are being typecast...
May 12, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
So I'm looking for some clarity here. If the purpose of wearing masks is to prevent coughed or sneezed or "moistly-said" droplets from reaching others, it doesn't matter if I re-use the same mask again and again and touch it as much as I want, right? (Thread) 2) Because a non-N95 mask isn't about protecting me from getting the virus, it's ostensibly about stopping my coughs/sneezes from reaching others as easily as they otherwise might. Homemade cloth masks do next to nothing to prevent the wearer from becoming infected, and yet...