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Just your average showcase of Chinese nationalism PM me new materials! 爆料請私信! Against all sorts of racism. I'll show you what, you'll decide how and why.
Sep 24, 2020 10 tweets 3 min read
#chinasodom episode2
This story is NOT fact checked. Treat it like any story, or a Chinese fable.
The screenshot is a douban user sharing a friend's story:
"My friend told me his experience, from 9 to 16, seven years, his father beat him 98 times,
(1/n) ImageImageImage "...often leaving him black and blue, and red. Everytime after the beating, he would write it down on a notebook, first demanded by his father to help him "learn the lesson", but later, by choice. "I'll get back at him" he said, "sooner or later."
Sep 21, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
New series: #chinasodom episode1.
Now it's not what Chinese think or say, it's what they do.

The screenshot is a Weibo user trying to report a Chinese online streamer who streams child molestation live, where he raped a teenage girl, with the help of his two former victims(1/n) Image ...whom he threatened to hurt if they didn't help him. Unfortunately, the report to local police or CCP's women's union didn't receive any feedback.

Full translation:
"I report: man streams live the raping of a teenage girl, pls retweet!
The video is about 30mins long, (2/n)
Sep 18, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Chinese army officer claimed that China shall "attack Taiwan with bio-chemical weapons" and "make Taiwan a concentration camp", and shall "enslave, prostitute and genocide Taiwanese". It's also claimed that these thoughts are prevalent in CCP's army.
Translation below:
(1/n) Image "I am a soldier on duty, an documented officer of Chinese army.
I believe, to liberate Taiwan, we should use bio-chemical weapon to attack Taiwan, just to prevent the combat happening in city or on mountain.
Sep 17, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Episode2: in another answer to Zhihu question, "Why somebody hate Cantonese", a Chinese user think "CCP is even too kind" to admit Cantonese, as "it is not a human language" and "have no way out but be assimilated"
Translation below:
"Why? Bcs Cantonese is language of bird, (1/n) Image "...It's not even a human language, the Westerners and even CCP are too kind and politically correct to let your Baiyue ppl(an old name for ppl in Southern China) make up stories to fool everyone in UN.
Let's see our ancestors' comments on Cantonese:
Sep 15, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
When a blind people posted a video on TikTok, about the inconvenience of visual impairment in elevator, Chinese users condemned his selfish caprice with indignation of justice.
Selection of translation:
"No need to change everything just few people." (1/n) ImageImageImageImage "Survival of the fittest, no big deal."
"The elevator is for the normal people. Blind ppl trying to go out is always troublesome, you can't demand everything goes by your will.
If it's me, I'll definitely not cause trouble for others.
Sep 15, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
In a deleted but cached Zhihu answer, a Chinese user answered the question "Why US sanctions SMIC(a state-owned Chinese company)?" with a detailed plan to retaliate the sanction, including bombing, nuking, assassination, etc.
Translation:"What China can do is game-changing.
(1/n) Image "...if SMIC's sanctioned, we can attack TSMC in Taiwan, or Samsung's manufacturing factory, or ASML.
If the oil import is cut off, we can destory global trade routes, nuke the major oil company in the world.
If our money oversea is sanctioned, we can bomb Wall street.(2/n)
Sep 12, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
Chinese Weibo celebrity, who's followed by 3millions, threatens to destroy the world (creatively) if USA "dare to fight with China" or "liberate Taiwan".
In case his ideas unheard, he even translated it to English(pic2). The thread is liked by 1700+ in less than one day. (1/n) ImageImage Here're some translation of the comments:
"The viability of the means is one thing, but I definitely support this "let's die together" attitude. Try to let China get bullied as a liberal bixch? In your dream!" (2/n) Image
Sep 11, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
When a Chinese girl was brutally murdered in Sydney, in comment area, Chinese netizens began a new round of carnival. Selection of the comments from top to bottom.
"A girl went abroad and got killed! So why even go there?(1/n) "...It's big enough in China but you have to go abroad. The news said how chaotic it is out there, now you believe?"
"Tasted a black cxxk and died."
"Looks like the daughter of the officer or the rich, deserves a rape and murder." (2/n)
Sep 7, 2020 10 tweets 3 min read
A 12yo girl was brutally beaten to ground by HK police on her way to buy paint. On Weibo, Chinese are exhilarated, and ask for more.
Screenshot 1/4
Translation: "Mong Kok, the police patrolled on the street. This she-cockroach felt guilty, trying to flee. (1/n) Image "...Police are swift and catch her right away."
Retweet translation: "Reportedly, this she-cockroach is 12 years old..."
More to come.
Sep 5, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
In a Zhihu question "Is it an obligation for female to have kids and why?"
Frankly, most Zhihu users disagree.
But one desperate Chinese gave a detailed reason why this question even exists.
Translation below, disclaimer: disturbing content (1/n) "I don't know why you're mad at the one who asked the question.
TBH, women are sexual resourse. If it's not the law, I'll go out and imprison a lot of women and make them pregnant with my kids. Now the problem is women have too many rights. (2/n)
Sep 4, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
The offical Weibo account of Shanghai Women's Federation, a CCP organization dedicated to "promote the rights of women", suggests a useful tip for marriage: "When your husband beats you, hug him, praise him." In a word, don't be a whiny bixch.
Translation below: (1/n) "[10 mins of praise to husband, keep your marriage fresh] In a "happy marriage course", we share some useful tips: "Hugging you, kissing you, asking you." Check out what magic happened to Mrs. Huang, who's under domestic violence, when she decided to hug her husband! (2/n)
Sep 2, 2020 10 tweets 3 min read
Long tweet alert, recently a file spreaded in WeChat among Chinese American groups, calling for interfering US presidential election, seeking fund from Chinese company like Huawei to "restore China-US relation".
(1/n) The first photo shows the detailed plan and fund to reverse the result of election in Florida, Michigan and more.
The other 3 photos is the content of this plan, translation will follow:
(2/n) Image
Aug 30, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
The link to my last tweet. The question is "What's your thoughts on the first case of secondary infection of Covid19 in Nevada, US?" Translation of the second part of his answer(thanks to @kingwong15 !)
"Without the virus, it'll take 50-100 yrs to catch up with the West, or never. In history, the rise and fall of a civilization is bcs of war, which is almost impossible with the invention of nuclear bomb.(1/n) Image
Aug 30, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
In a Zhihu answer(question unknown), a Chinese PhD in Imperial College London claimed "The Covid19 is beneficial to the rise of China and Chinese, including me, are glad to see it."
Full thread translation below: (1/n) "I want to reveal some harsh truth.
If the secondary infection of Covid19 is true, this disease will be there forever, like flu, which is very beneficial for the rise of China. And Chinese, including me, would glad to see it coming. (2/n)
Jun 4, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
#TiananmenSquareMassacre special:
How Chinese think about the massacre?

episode2: How I study abroad and (thus) learn to love Big Brother.
(Comments taken from the clip complimenting the Tianmen butcher Deng Xiaoping:
Translation: (1/n) Image "As a Chinese student studying abroad, out of curiosity I learnt the "June 4th" through various sources. I've heard the story of CCP shooting unarmed students. But so-called democracy and liberty, should it allow us to keep a objective mind...(2/n)
May 28, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
A famous Chinese Wechat "public account" alleged that "massive cannibalism is prevalent in USA" as "a practical way of disposing dead bodies of Covid19 patients". At the same time he reminded his readers "it's only been decades since they stop eating ppl"
Full translation: (1/n) Image "The death rate(of USA) should be way higher than global average. If we take the number of 10%, then death toll will be 1.5 millions. Generally speaking, the death toll shall pass 1m already, which is a conservative guess. (2/n)
May 7, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
When asked about "Why the factories refuse to recruit minority workers in China?" A Chinese in Zhihu(Chinese Quora) replied: "You minorities better sinicized(becoming Han Chinese) soon or you'll be made to soap."
Full translation in next thread(1/n) Image Full translation:
"If you want this bonus 60 points(minorities have bonus points in "Gaokao"), you'll lose all basic 600 points.
I, as someone who's been through this, told you minorities this: sinicizing ASAP, civilizing ASAP, complying ASAP.
Apr 19, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
Communist Youth League of China, an official organization run by CCP, declared on Zhihu(the Chinese Quora) : “95% of Americans don't deserve to live in this world at all!” Read the threads for full translation...(1/n) Image Under the question to comment on "Cases of Covid-19 in US reached 700,000." The CYLC stated:
"Thanks for asking.
First, the scale of this epidemic, along with their medical technology, leads us to conclude: '95% of Americans don't deserve to live in this world at all!'...