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May 17 6 tweets 4 min read
Reverse osmosis (RO) is recognized as an effective water filtration method that produces clean water.

RO systems are used for various purposes, from whole-house filtration to aquariums and restaurants.

It works by using a semi-permeable membrane to remove impurities like salts, metals, minerals, bacteria, and viruses from water, ensuring safe and purified drinking water. RO can remove up to 90% of TDS.Image Total Dissolve Solids (TDS) is a parameter that counts all dissolved minerals in the water. Calcium (Ca 2+), Magnesium (Mg 2+) and Potassium (K +) are minerals that are introduced as " Beneficial Minerals " for human health. TDS levels of municipal supply water can usually range from 100 to 500, whereas seawater can have a TDS as high as 35000 due to the presence of high amounts of salts and other impurities in it.

That is why seawater is not suitable for drinking at all.

Based on the recommendations by the World Health Organization (WHO) and Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS):Image
May 10 9 tweets 6 min read
I run a fitness company. We cater to thousands of clients every month. Our team includes doctors, MSc/BSc dietitians, PhD holders, and certified coaches.

We want to ask some questions directly from @ICMRDELHI and @ICMRNIN

Please read this thread patiently and repost only if I make sense.Image The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) and the National Institute of Nutrition (NIN) recently released revised Dietary Guidelines for Indians (DGIs).

The guidelines caution against consuming protein supplements due to the potential risk of bone mineral loss and kidney damage associated with prolonged intake of a large amount of protein.Image
Mar 18 14 tweets 7 min read
Yesterday, I saw an article published in India Today saying that Dal is not a source of protein.

Some things aren't correct so I am gonna highlight them here.

Bookmark this thread for future reference. Image This thread is a bit long because of Brandolini's law.

So stay with me. Image
Jan 26 8 tweets 3 min read
Losing weight is easy for many people. But gaining weight is one of the MOST difficult thing for people who are skinny and under weight since their childhood.

There are many reasons you are not able to gain weight. Read this thread to know more.

Save for later. Important. Image 1. Acceptance. - There is a false acceptance in underweight community - "I eat a lot but I still don't gain any weight, I have tried everything"

No dear. You don't eat a lot. You might be eating a LOT in comparison to your family n friends, but as per your requirements, you are not eating ENOUGH.
Dec 18, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
I did this last year. You can, too, if you implement these 10 Tips, Tricks and Truths in your daily routine.

A thread that you MUST read before 2024.

🧵Image 1. Truth - There is no shortcut. The Internet is filled with people and content selling 'shortcuts' for virality, but trust me, there is no shortcut. The "hacks" you see on the internet will confuse you more. All you need is real work and dedication.
Dec 4, 2023 11 tweets 2 min read
New Year's is approaching, and many of you will set resolutions to get fit. The Fitness Industry sees the maximum client influx during this period.

But why wait till 1st January?

This thread will help you start your Fitness journey today. Straightforward and basic steps. 🧵 1. Whatever you eat daily, reduce the portion by 50% or at least 30%. Every meal.

Do you eat 5 chapatis? Make it 3.

(I know you would ask, by reducing, how will I curb my hunger or how will I get my nutrients? Please read the entire thread for it.
Oct 6, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
I am really tired of listening and reading that vegetarians cannot get protein in their diet.

Here is a meal-by-meal thread on how a vegetarian can eat up to 120g of protein daily WITHOUT any additional supplement.

Bookmark this thread! And Repost to help a vegetarian. Breakfast - You should have good protein in the meal. Here is my dish recommendation.

Take 50g of besan flour. Make a besan chilla out of it. (around 3) use oil spray
Take 100g tofu, dip & saute and grate it on a chilla. Eat with Green chutney.

Total protein - 24g protein.
Mar 27, 2023 38 tweets 11 min read
➡️ Last week, I asked you if you want to bring down your cholesterol levels, and almost 700 people collectively replied "yes" to that tweet and DMed me as well.
Let's deep dive into one of the most famous words in the health sector 'Cholesterol.'

A very long ride. Thread 🧵 I don't need to tell you what cholesterol is and how it works; thousands of videos and AI are available to say that; let's start directly by dissecting your lab reports.
Mar 25, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
Kids can go to the gym, lift baby weights, and progress as they get stronger.

At what age?

At what age do you allow your kid to play sports like cricket, basketball, and badminton? At what age do you let kids play without supervision? That's the age.

Thread. The first argument - Height will stop - no, it won't. There is no evidence or citation which states this. I don't know why and which noob started this myth, and we all believed in it. Your height depends on genetics and nutrition. You cannot stop height this easily lol
Mar 11, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
What is a Keto Diet, and why is it harmful to you? A detailed thread.

The Keto diet is a diet where you lower the carbs to almost nil and add only lots of fats and protein to your diet.

If you see any diet with 10-40g carbs only, it is a sort of Keto diet. People who promote and recommend keto diets or similar diets under the shadow of Low carb ideology do so because they think carbs are the reason for every lifestyle disorder. They act like fanatics and crazy when you show them the carbs
Jan 28, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Promises made in public are my real motivation for me. Some days were scary. What if I couldn’t do it? Some days were full of energy. But this public announcement helped me to stay on track.

My tweet was my accountability partner. Find yours and promise them something. Promises can be made to your family, your friends or in a form of public announcements. Anything which keeps you moving. My next target is to go for ironman in 2024.
Jan 27, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
I lost 12kgs in 15-16 weeks by fixing my relationship with food and eating habits.

Here are some tips that can help you shed extra fat from your body without stressing too much about calculations.

Thread. 1. Make sure you eat a protein-rich breakfast every day. Some options:
- Omelette
- Muesli with cold milk mixed with whey
- Poha/Upma with crushed tofu or soya chunks
- Some fruits.
- A cup of black coffee

Protein-rich breakfast helps you to control hunger throughout the day.
Jan 20, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
- Sugar is Sugar
- Jaggery is Sugar
- Honey is Sugar
- Microwave and Air Fryers are safe
- 5g sugar in your tea won’t harm you
- Everything is not about diabetes
- Deep frying in any oil/ghee is harmful because of excess calories
- Intermittent Fasting is just calorie deficit - You don’t have to be a non vegetarian to get healthier
- Non veg is not at all necessary for protein intake
- You don’t need a coach to follow keto, two clowns doesn’t make things right.
- Eating local doesn’t meal eating parathe and bhature
- 5g is safe
- Sunscreen is safe.
Nov 9, 2022 13 tweets 2 min read
We are touching the 9500 mark of people coached for their fitness and health. This includes coaching them on their diet and workout, supervising them and developing accountability habits

Here are the top 10 tips I want to share which worked for these people to get healthier. 1. Adding a simple routine of clocking in 7-8k steps daily does wonders for your body and overall health. Walk when on the phone, park your car far in the malls and other places, and take the stairs whenever possible. Steps are one of the best exercises.
Nov 1, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
We voted for this man because he promised us that the VIP treatment and तव्वजो given to politicians will end. But what we used to see 15 years ago, रंग रोगन of roads whenever a CM/PM used to arrive in city is happening again and same in morbi hospital. The “hope” is dying slowly पर इसमें ग़लत क्या है? Aap apna ghar saaf nahi karte kya maa baapu ke aane se phele? 😭
Oct 31, 2022 17 tweets 3 min read
Unfortunately, you are a vitamin-D-deficient guy
Low vitamin D levels are disturbing your mental health and testosterone levels.
A 🧵 thread -

Vitamin D deficiency is almost very common in India (most of the studies report a prevalence of 80%–90%.)[1] Go and have a blood test
I am sure you will find that you are vitamin -D deficient.
Aug 12, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
As a Founder of an online fitness coaching company, @thepfcin , it is my responsibility to tell you what causes heart attacks at the gym and how you should calculate your “intensity” of workout to avoid such threats and what drugs to avoid at all cost. Read this thread. The problem with intensity calculation is that you really don’t know your limits, but to achieve a good healthy physique one has to break limits.

For example, today you can run 90m without any breathing issues, try for 93m tomorrow and 97m the next day.
Aug 11, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
Gyms or high protein diets have nothing to do with heart attacks.

Drugs cause this, which are commonly available at every medical store without any prescription.

I don't want to take names, (I cannot) but I know what drug they were consuming before the 'attack' at the gym. And, you will see a huge rise in such cases in the coming 2 years. Uneducated people will blame it on gym exercises and a protein diet.

People with a scientific temperament already know the real cause of why it is happening.
Apr 13, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Yesterday’s it was my wife’s birthday and I took her to 5-star dining for dinner. While she was enjoying the food, I was, as usual, focusing more on the service and the feel of it. They didn’t keep salt or pepper at the table. I asked the reason, the waiter and he told me if you don’t like the taste, the chef will cook it again.
Later on, the chef came, and the restaurant manager came to ask me about the food and the feel.
Apr 7, 2022 11 tweets 2 min read
कल मुझसे मेरे काफ़ी मित्रजनो ने पूछा की वह अपने बच्चों की डाइयट में प्रोटीन की मात्रा कैसे बढ़ा सकते है?

चलिए मैं आपको बताता हूँ कुछ तरीक़े जिससे आपका बच्चा शांति से प्रोटीन युक्त खना खा लेगा। - सबसे पहले आपको अपनी इस दक़ियानूसी सोच को छोड़ना होगा कि बच्चे है कुछ भी खा सकते है सब पच जाता है बचपन में कौनसी डाइयट।

देखिए मेरे पास इस साल, जबसे से स्कूल खुले है, 37 बच्चों के ऐसे केस आए जिसमें वह घर पर रह कर काफ़ी मोटे हो गए और इस वजह से वह काफ़ी सुस्त और पढ़ाई में कमजोर
Dec 20, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
The reality of gym and heart attack.

Now, if you ever google them together and get curious about it you’ll see lots of misleading news about it and even many whatsapp forwards that may misguide you. According to studies, around 5500 people die because of heart-related ailments every day in India. There may be a chance that among those 5500, 1 - 2 people could be at the gym at that time. This doesn’t mean gym caused or aggrevated the heart attack.…