President, Alameda Health Medical Group @AlamedaHealth | Co-founder @hi_cleo | @harvardmed @HBSAlumni | Mom, daughter, she/her | Views my own.
May 11, 2020 • 12 tweets • 3 min read
We are not ready to reopen.
Last week, approx 4 days after interacting with a patient, I found out that she had tested COVID positive.
I had been wearing only a surgical mask and gloves to examine her for a potential post-birth complication. She was not masked. 1/
She had presented 3 weeks earlier for an obstetric complaint and had a sore throat. She lives in a crowded home with a dozen others. One had had a cough for 2wks. But due to a lack of qualifying symptoms or a lack of testing or both, she was not tested at that time. 2/
Dec 4, 2019 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
Here’s an idea: an inclusive conference on maternity care feat OBs, FM docs, Peds, midwives, L&D RNs, lactation consultants...
Or a gynecological surgery meeting w MDs, NPs, surgical techs, Anesthesia, pelvic PT, pain specialists, wound care experts. 1/
Interprofessional collaboration is not only a critical part of women’s healthcare delivery, but also can provide immense joy in work. Far too often, we retreat into our corners, take a zero sum mentality, and rely on stereotypes of one another when things get hard. 2/