@maxsec Screenshot 4 provided by @maxsec himself, how gracious of him to deboonk himself!
Oct 7, 2023 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
@maxsec @TBD77 @TakethatCt @GarethBarkley Remember how I showed the first two screenshots (1) (2)
Which you reinforced by giving me another EU-ATMP website that confirmed.
So we have both agreed on something - that "mRNA-vaccines" (the very first 'Genetic Vaccines') are designated as ATMPs.
@maxsec @TBD77 @TakethatCt @GarethBarkley ...So it's established that mRNA-based vaccines have ATMP designation.
How could this be?
Which classification do they fall into?
My answer is simply because mRNA-based vaccines are a form of gene therapy, I've backed this answer up.
What's your answer?
Oct 3, 2023 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
@DHShades @COERSO_VAXXER You really need to be told what to think to operate?
@DHShades @COERSO_VAXXER A perfect example of low iq response