Society for the Rule of Law Profile picture
We are conservative and libertarian lawyers standing up for the rule of law. RTs are not endorsements; views expressed may not be those of all members.
Blaine Bynum Profile picture 1 subscribed
Jan 7, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Checks and Balances and some likeminded constitutionalists have issued a statement calling for the immediate removal of the President of the United States:
Jun 20, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
US Attorney Berman has made clear that Attorney General Barr’s attempt to fire him implicates ongoing criminal investigations. And apparently Berman’s office has been investigating the president’s personal attorney and possibly other matters potentially affecting the president. What’s more, a great deal of other conduct by Attorney General Barr during the past two years has improperly politicized and jeopardized the impartial administration of justice.
Nov 23, 2019 7 tweets 3 min read
“Members of [Checks & Balances] have sharply denounced what they described as abuses of power by Mr. Trump .... The speech by Mr. Barr ... , in which he argued that the president had never overstepped his authority, so alarmed them that they felt compelled to push back publicly.” “Checks & Balances is made up of Republican and conservative lawyers, including some who served in recent administrations. George T. Conway III, one of Mr. Trump’s most vocal critics, ... is one of the group’s most prominent members.”…
Apr 23, 2019 8 tweets 2 min read
Some of our co-founders and additional members have issued a statement:…