Randy Milholland Profile picture
Cartoonist. I draw a pudding cat and I draw Popeye for Sundays. He/Him. Opinions are my own, and probably very grumpy.
Jul 27, 2024 15 tweets 3 min read
I know a lot of people love to pull, "Well, if it's so bad there, move somewhere better." So I wanna talk a bit about moving expenses as I take a break from packing up our kitchen since we have to be outta here by like 5pm. Rental truck was $1751. I admit, I splurged $135 for the best insurance on it (no deductible) and emergency assistance ($7). Also an appliance dolly ($12), a furniture dolly ($12), and furniture blankets (I wanna say $40?). But most of that is the truck itself.
Jun 2, 2024 27 tweets 5 min read
OKAY! Let's go. Why does spinach work for Popeye in the comics but not for Bluto.

This is gonna be long. I apologize. But there's a lot here to cover.

First off, you have to remember Bluto was BARELY ever in the comic strip. (1/?) He appeared in one storyline under Segar, appearing September 11, 1932. He was seen as the one person who might beat Popeye - and didn't.

Segar would draw him for promotional art for the cartoons but he didn't use Bluto again in the comics. (2/?)
Jan 12, 2023 7 tweets 1 min read
I love Scooby Doo. Like, it's a show I adored as a kid. I bought all the VHSes of the new movies when they came out in 1998, starting with Zombie Island.

I am 7 minutes into the Velma pilot episode and holy fuck I hate it. It's such a shitty, cynical take. "What if we made Fred a rich, racist idiot?"

... then he's not Fred. That's a different character.
May 20, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
Chip & Dale movie was actually enjoyable. I still hate Chip's animation, especially as other TV characters didn't look like that, but I can get why - from a time & expense reason - they went that route. But yeah, it's basically Roger Rabbit's spiritual successor. In fact, reminded me a LOT of the Roger Rabbit comic book series. The addition of claymations, cgi characters, and puppets as toons was nice.
Oct 7, 2021 12 tweets 3 min read
I am seeing a lot of people upset that some twitch streamers have gotten rich off their work. I see a lot of excuses why, but let's be real - people don't like the idea of content creators being paid. I've had people tell me to my face they don't like I make a living off my comic And I am talking about people who purport to be fans of my work. That me paying by bills "sullies" the art. 10 or so years ago I almost did a bunch of art sales so I could afford health insurance. I talked about it on Twitter.
Oct 5, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read
Fun fact, wanting to have a serious talk with me but starting off with basically saying, "I know you're think is being fucking horrible" pretty much guarantees I just come away thinking you're a piece of shit. Specifically, it was apparently a rando upset about yesterday's S*P. At no point was I celebrating that isolated people who need social media for, y'know, not feeling abandoned, were fucked. I was specifically making fun of bigots and conspiracy assholes.
May 30, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
If you're angry about the riots going on, here's an honest question - did you offer any support for all the peaceful protests that have occurred against police brutality and killing black men? Did you support politicians who would have done something? Did you do anything then? If not, then just ignore the riots like you ignored the pleas of people demanding justice when they attempted to do it in a "civil" manner.
May 9, 2019 83 tweets 14 min read
So, who wants an RPG storytime?

Too bad, you're getting one. This is the tale of how my @littlefears players almost got themselves killed over someone else's imaginary friend. Pre-emptive apologies to @jasonlblair - If I didn't break the game on Saturday, I certainly bent parts of the rules into pretzels.
Nov 20, 2018 54 tweets 9 min read
Who wants to hear a nice story about meeting a hero? So this is a lot, I apologize. But this is the story of how I met one of my teenhood icons while I was still a teenager. But there's a bit of lead up.
Feb 5, 2018 4 tweets 1 min read
This thread. Politics have been in comics since they started. Put your big kid pants on and deal.