Lynn (so is she gone or not??) Profile picture
music, math, computers, linguistics, cute things! 💕 @fluidvolt
May 26, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
I'm playing around with visualizing decompression:

• yellow+orange+red are dictionary lookups
• cyan are single bytes (Huffman coded)
• gray are slice copies an excerpt of Alice in Wonderland, color-coded according to brotli uses a big dictionary of common bits of English text, like "perhaps" or "New Zealand".

it also defines a set of "transforms" to apply on the results of these dictionary lookups, such as "omit the last character and append -ing" screenshot of some transforms brotli defines
Nov 2, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
some wise words about letter-writing from lewis carroll (1890) 8th Rule. When you say, in ... it makes sense, but wow, "forgetting to actually attach the damn file" is an at-least-131-year old blunder
Nov 1, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
I hear this is relevant once again oh, between writing this and now, I've been asked by someone from Japan, “what do people without IMEs do when they want to type a beta or something (if not type ベータ and then hit space until it becomes β)?”

and my answer was like “well, 🥴🥲”
Nov 1, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
fun fact: I actually can't read sheet music, at least not without counting the little lines… I transcribe stuff into sheet music because I know it's intuitive to other people, but mostly because I think it's nice and satisfying to look at (especially when there's a little cursor, dancing over the contours of the music)