Chris Brown Profile picture
by igloo, for People, Place & Planet
Apr 4, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read
The @IPCC_CH #WG3 report buildings chapter is punchy. Calls for downsizing taxes because growth in residential floorspace per head is the biggest driver of CO2 in buildings 1990-2019 (56%). @UKGBC @ArchitectsCAN Report rubbishes the idea that hydrogen will heat buildings - cost 'much higher' than cost of heat from heat pumps.
Apr 2, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
"Baseline scenarios without any new climate policies, and without the implementation of current pledges, lead to a median global warming of 3.3C-5.5C by 2100" says leaked draft of @IPCC_CH WG3 report summary out on Monday. And, the longer we wait the harder it gets. UpSum - we need to go further, faster, NOW. And that's just looking at the 1.5C-2C range. No more than 1.5 is harder still.