Chris Randall Profile picture
May 17, 2024 25 tweets 4 min read
Since last fall, I have recognized that I am currently in the middle of what I would say is a third #deconstruction. Unlike the first two I am more self aware about what is happening & what the process is about. I definitely wasn’t expecting this.
For those who know my journey, I grew up extremely culty on the more ‘cult then church’ side of faith. It took major two deconstructions over a 15 year period to start to recognize & process the indoctrination & programming I grew up with.
Jun 26, 2023 21 tweets 5 min read
Yesterday I dropped off my 14 year old son & his friend in Martensville at the skate park. If you know me and my son he has loved skateboarding since his uncle gave him one when he was two years old. Skateboarding has been so good for my indiginous/jewish son. It has kept him positive and happy through the ups and downs of life & made him a lot of friends over the years.
Jun 17, 2023 24 tweets 4 min read
In addition to being a massive educational failure due to huge gaps in the curriculum. ACE Curriculum (Accelerated Christian Education), the curriculum currently used at Legacy was created exclusively for the use of “Segregation Academies” in the Deep South. #legacyofabuse The authors of the curriculum are white supremests. They glorify the confederacy and southern slavers as “godly.”