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Philosophy PhD student. very powerful. love birds (she/her) 🐝
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Jun 9, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
The year is 1912. Guess how Zionist colonists are responding to Palestinians raising early concerns about how exclusionary Zionist settlement was impacting them. That’s right, by accusing them of antisemitism
text in pastebin link in next tweet No one needs to speculate about what made Palestinians resist Zionism because it is documented, you can watch it develop
text also in pastebin
Jun 4, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
people are like “Zionists did NOT colonize Palestine. it was a Jewish kingdom in 500 BC” as though Europeans showing up somewhere brown people live like “this all belongs to us…. We have a connection from two thousand years ago…..” isn’t the most colonial shit you’ve ever heard literally just uncut colonial idiocy. look at it, it’s fucking embarassing
Mar 6, 2024 23 tweets 12 min read
ok summary thread: A good citizen noticed Britain’s leading transphobe Helen Joyce next to him on the train having a meeting about not letting trans people use the toilet. Then he noticed she was multitasking with a little Harry Potter porno on her phone

I'm sitting across from a TERF rn, who's editing some online doc about "Same sex spaces" Which she then sent to a WhatsApp group entitled "Sex Matters Staff"
AND THEN SHE SWITCHES TABS AND STARTS READING HARRY POTTER FANFIC PORN! God, I wish I was joking. The is the most cartoon-ass caricature l've ever seen in my life.
I'm 1000% certain I have seen the phrases/words: Hermione, Granger, Mudblood, breasts "The pulse in his cock was almost unbearable"
I hate that my camera is so bad but I swear this sentence says "he kept pumping" [sentence underlined that does visibly say that]  Casually reading Harry Potter porn while your colleagues are calling someone about a Guardian Article omg.  It also definitely says “cock" on this page.  I should've done this on a public account. I might repost it on Twitter later
And look, it didn’t seem likely. But he found what looks exactly like what was on her screen and it is Draco Malfoy jerkin it to Hermione Granger’s underpants

Ok so I read way more Harry Potter porn in the last few hours than I ever imagined or asked for Also sorry about the spelling mistakes earlier, but I was excited
Chapters 3 AND 6 of this were open on her phone at some point within like half an hour. [a photo of a screen showing harry potter porn including the sentence “the pulse in his cock was almost unbearable”] Chapters 3 AND 6 of this were open on her phone at some point within like half an hour.
the pic of Helen’s phone next to a screenshot of the matching text:  'Fuck it, he told his mirror image. He pulled his belt open and released his aching cock. He took it in his left hand and started to rub back and forth. He had to grip the sink to steady himself as his frustration was finally being relieved. He opened his eyes and looked at himself, brow furrowed, mouth hanging open, panting. He felt disgusted by the man in front of him, but he kept pumping. He looked down at his right hand holding Hermione's knickers. He had to know. He quickly buried them in his face before he could stop...
Jan 29, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
I don’t think people fully appreciate what the @nytimes has done here. Nothing this extreme had been published in Israel and, as anyone could have predicted, the reaction was exceptionally genocidal

#0, new details from the "Times" article about the sexual assaults that were censored in the Israeli news. Severe reading warning!! I have no air. The "Times" reporters heard testimonies about the discovery of more than 30 bodies of women and girls… #39, I need to tell! "Remember what (Gaza) did to you Amalek" Requires thorough care like Amalek #124, how haven't we killed everyone yet written how? how? #24, All the residents of Gaza are complete Amalekites and it is forbidden to show mercy to anyone, not even to a newborn baby, And the entire IDF and political ...
#58, Y We have no right to leave one creature alive in Gaza, to exterminate them all, there are no innocents except animals, all creatures mistakenly called people including women and children to exterminate!!! #62, we will not forget We will destroy all the Gazans, we will burn the subhuman Gazans alive!!! with a genetic defect #78, to remember to remember to remember and not to forget. Every Arab wants to realize his plot in the daughters of Israel. They are all the same, a bunch of horrible monsters in human form. We were chosen to be the ones who have to destroy them or drive them out u...
every soldier serving in Gaza must read this This eliminates many questions and apparent "moral dilemmas". These human savages grew up in an environment that encourages it, and supports it. There are no innocents in Gaza! #89, Y I always mention the. It's for reservists there. that of course they know about it in response to message #85 #103, a soldier in Gaza/pilot and anyone who has the ability to kill the citizens of Gaza who knows that he would have done so without hesitation if it had been a member of his family Every woman in Gaza raised her children who became Jewish bloodt...
Every soldier serving in Gaza must read this. This eliminates many questions and apparent "moral dilemmas". These human savages grew up in an environment that encourages it, and supports it. There are no innocents in Gaza screenshot with same text as post
Jan 10, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
To be clear the normal evidence for weaponized sexual violence in war is not forensic pathology, it is witness and victim testimony about a pattern of cases. What Israel is missing is just testimony from independent witnesses about multiple incidents, it is basic stuff After months of searching Israel appears to have found one witness who claims to have seen 5 women raped and murdered at the Nova festival with a friend that partially backs her up, but no one can identify any of the victims among the 144 women that actually died there.
Dec 11, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
oh in the same way that people were too focused on South African apartheid
There is no single, simple answer to these questions, but we believe that starting to answer them is an essential step in the renewal of the left. We offer our analysis of what we see as some of the most important problems here.  Fetishisation of Israel/Palestine  Israel/Palestine has become the central morality drama for much of the contemporary left, in a way that South Africa was for many in a previous generation. Look I just feel the same way about this as I would feel about a “leftist” making a big deal about America getting disproportionate attention when it is just one among many countries that perpetrate criminal wars of aggression At the same time, both mainstream and leftist media outlets pay vastly more attention to Palestine/Israel than to Syria, Kurdistan, Sudan, Ethiopia, the DRC, Sri Lanka, Myanmar or any number of other global flashpoints in which militarist states (or non-state actors) oppress national and ethnic minorities, or carry out massacres.  The point is not to establish a political or moral hierarchy of global oppressions, or to apportion attention and activity on the basis of which involves the most suffering. Rather, solidarity with the Palestinians should flow from a commitment to universal rights...
Dec 3, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Kind of essential context for the 10/7 attack is that the kibbutzim (full of civilians) were built around the Gaza perimeter essentially as self-sustaining paramilitary infrastructure to occupy and defend it until formal forces arrived, until very recently armed by the IDF
a map showing the kibbutzim encircling Gaza
The IDF Took Away Weapons From Gaza Border Communities in Recent Years, and Armed West Bank Settlers The Israeli army believed that the chance of terrorist incursion after fence was 'close to nil.' They removed forces from the area, leaving local security as the last line of defense. 'As much as we banged on the table, it didn't help,' says one local security coordinator Rafi Babian When the IDF informed him, as the security officer for the Sdot Negev Regional Council, that it intends to take away most of the weapons from the security details in the council's locales, he warned that this wa...
I think they always self-conceived as communities defending themselves but they had a military function and would actively engage in hostilities. By 10/7 they’d clearly largely lost their combat capabilities, just civilians living in this kind of paramilitary infrastructure
Dec 1, 2023 33 tweets 7 min read
Lucy Letby was convicted of killing babies in ways that left no evidence and in some cases aren’t known to be physically possible (immobilizing lungs by putting air into stomach by ng tube) and if people learn you ever said the case was really concerning it’s all out hysterics (The insulin results were for babies that didn’t die and weren’t independently considered suspicious. none of the babies that died were allegedly killed with insulin. If you care about wrongful convictions this being the only thing presented as hard evidence is a huge red flag)
Nov 30, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
One of the most surreal moments of my life was when this picture was everywhere about the Nova party massacre and no one was like “is this a fuckin airstrike? what the fuck is this!” Image o a burned building. as we all know them Image
Nov 16, 2023 12 tweets 2 min read
The actual reality of the Israel/Palestine conflict, uniformly missing from American coverage, is that international law is clear: Israel has an immediate obligation to end its military control of Palestinian territory without conditions, which it has baldly flouted for 50+ years The “Israel wants Palestinian self-determination, but they keep acting out :(” thing is completely fake, the obligation is immediate withdrawal, not withdrawal once the occupied peoples become sufficiently docile
Nov 7, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
It is not getting enough attention that Israel keeps killing journalists IN THEIR HOMES. They are not dying in the field as war correspondents, they are dying because Israel bombed their house
Three photojournalists, Ibrahim Lafi, Mohammed al-Salihi and Mohamad Jarghoun, were killed in the very early hours of the war, on Day One on 7 October, while covering the Israeli army's response to the Hamas attack. Saïd al-Tawil, the editor of local media outlet al-Khamisa, one of its reporters, Hisham al-Nawajha, and Khabar photojournalist Mohammad Sobboh were killed by a strike while covering the war three days later, on 10 October. That same evening, four other journalists were killed by strikes in their homes, along with members of their families. In the days that followed, and up to t... Israel knows where everyone in Gaza lives and bombed the homes of 3 journalists from a single outlet on the same day. They are terrorizing Arabic-speaking journalists knowing English media will shrug it off
Oct 10, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
People talk about dehumanization as though it’s all conceptual, like a collective delusion, but a pretty important part of it is inflicting conditions on people that actually change them in ways people independently consider less than human Living amid incessant death and tragedy is not really psychologically conducive to seeing every human life as sacred and infinitely valuable. put people in conditions that devalue human life and then say look at these animals that don’t value human life
Sep 20, 2023 11 tweets 2 min read
Canada was basically the world’s top producer of anti-trans psychology, which has been really influential in the current global backlash It’s not a fluke that Blanchard and Zucker were Canadian, their research was only possible because the Canadian government uniquely enabled it
Sep 10, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
It’s fun how the past decade or so people across art and theory and commentary were like ah we are no longer collectively capable of producing something that seems categorically new. maybe there just aren’t new things left. that makes sense and is normal i think just broke remotely functional selection mechanisms and also all microwaved our brains
Sep 7, 2023 22 tweets 4 min read
i never want to talk to people on this website anymore because I remain kind of disgusted by the reactive mobilization against the idea that the Letby prosecution is incredibly concerning, which it is. Consensus by social force 🤪 I do not know if anyone is really doing journalism anymore but here is a tip from me: you should ask non-UK doctors what they think about the available specifics of the medical care provided to the babies in the indictment, because it sounds terrifyingly unsafe
Jun 27, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
the gender critical movement has been very successful at taking trans inclusion out of a human rights framework and getting people to instead think of it as a matter of, like… metaphysics The human right against discrimination gives people a claim against facially neutral policies and systems that nevertheless particularly disadvantage them in virtue of some personal status. You cannot avoid it by saying “it’s based on sex and humans can’t change sex.”
Jun 14, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Holly Lawford-Smith gave a talk that asks why conversion therapy bans cover both sexual orientation and gender identity when conversion therapy isn’t done on gender identity. conversion therapy isn’t done on gender identity, that’s the premise of the talk youtube screen shot “Dr. Ho...As you can see here in the ...[That’s] my starting point ... She’s like “I did world’s least competent lit review and only found a few outcome studies for gender identity conversion therapy. so it seems it doesn’t happen.” oh well if you did worlds least competent lit review and only found a few outcome studies I guess it doesn’t happen (?
Jun 13, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
I like how gender critical faculty are trying to ridicule me for saying they think students should not be allowed to say they are transphobic but cannot make it 5 minutes without one of them implying it Molly Gardner  Hm. I don't ...Moti Gorin @GorinMoti - 23h... To be clear I—and everyone else who believes in free speech at all—for sure think people have a right to describe faculty campaigning for policies that would violate trans people’s human rights, as they are understood by human rights bodies, as “transphobic.” Easy case!
Jun 2, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
it is lowkey very funny that Dr. Stock’s persecution problem is 99% people intractably thinking she sucks on twitter, which the noblemen or whatever can’t really control 100% media stronghold to push the ‘doc stock has literally any clue what she is talking about’ narrative and on this website miscreants unrelentingly persist in being like uhhhh. haha. What
Jun 1, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
In Gender Wars Kathleen Stock says the intense controversy is ultimately whether trans women are women, and I do not think that’s true! It’s about 1) how trans people exist in society, 2) state regulation they’re subject to, and 3) how it is acceptable to treat them People ofc care how others think of them, & gender categorizations of trans people pretty universally reflect positions on how they should exist in public & how it is acceptable to treat them. But people’s intense investment is (of course??) not in your theory but their own LIVES
Jun 1, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
im still so sad this wasn’t actually for sale. I was one hundo percent ready to put it in our apartment to support Jen jen needs a bisexual hand couch !! she needs a couch with bisexual hands