Kitty Kavanagh | Black Lives Matter Profile picture
Disabled activist, queer/enby, skincare & makeup enthusiast, human genetics major, writer, drummer & needle craft hobbyist. She/They
Nov 9, 2019 18 tweets 4 min read
So there's a story I've told here before, but I've gained a lot of new followers since then & it bears retelling.

It's a story everyone should read.

A dear family friend died cuz drs blamed her very fucking serious symptoms on her weight & "laziness". Out of respect, I'm not using her real name, so we'll call her Mary.

Mary was the first real mother figure I ever knew. She was a full-time mum & an amazing homemaker. She married her equally wonderful husband quite young & they had 2 kids.

Mary devoted her life to her family.
Oct 30, 2019 8 tweets 3 min read
TW: Ableist Abuse

Just got glared at while putting on lipstick in public & was reminded of an incident from a while back. I'm waiting for meds to kick in before I can move, so I figure, why not share?


Thread. I was sitting in the food court at my local mall, having just finished eating & was putting on my favourite then-new lip tint. It's the one in the pic (highly recommend! 😁). A woman walked up to my table & asked if I was done with it, cuz she wanted to sit there.
Sep 10, 2019 7 tweets 2 min read
Me: *Sitting in a food court, minding my own business*

Random white woman: "You should be ASHAMED!"

Me: *Sighs* "Fine. I'll bite. Why?"

Her: "You can't not know how bad plastic straws are!" *Pointing accusationally at my can of Sugar-free V with a pink plastic straw* Me: *Commencing well-rehearsed response* "Plastic straws make up less than 0.025% of ocean plastic. That phone in your hand does FAR more harm than my MEDICALLY NECESSARY plastic straw. The straw ban mvmt is a farce based on zero evidenceand it's harming disabled ppl."
Feb 6, 2019 7 tweets 2 min read
So a weird thing happened to me, today. Walking thru the shops with my cane, I noticed an older woman glaring at me. We made eye contact & she shook her head in disgust, so I gave her a wtf look. As I passed her, she stopped me & said, "That's not a fashion item, you know!" It took me a moment to realise wtf she meant -- meanwhile, she continued: "SOME ppl actually NEED those and it's extremely disrespectful for you to prance around in public with it, like it's just the latest trend! SHAME on you!"

So it being me, I laughed. How could I not? 🤣