XCfalcon Profile picture
Smart ass, grumpy old man in training, bully hater, parent, husband, queer adjacent.
Jan 12, 2021 7 tweets 8 min read
@dougducey Average amount of new cases over the last 7 days was 8880!!!! You shut AZ down when it was 81 new cases and reopened when it was 485. 1/3/21 was a new record w/ 17,222 new cases of COVID-19 in a single F,n day and you do NOTHING!!! @dougducey 17,222 is more than entire population of Douglas, @paysonaz , Paradise Valley, or Coolidge. It’s = to more than entire population of any of those cities being infected in a single day. The 7 day average is = would be 73 and is roughly an entire @TubaCityAZ every day for a week.