cicer Profile picture
thirtysomething. she/her. fanfiction writer. bottomji and mpreg enthusiast. a/b/o-friendly. often nsfw, minors please dni. 🔞 🍑🐰
mohd-milot 🤪 Profile picture Yuu Profile picture Nikki ( Profile picture Kazahaya Profile picture ruoye ☁️ Profile picture 52 subscribed
Dec 31, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Oh many. So many of my friends are doing year-end wrap ups that are like, "The only good thing I can say about this dumpster fire year is that I LIVED TO SEE THE END OF IT, BITCH". And that is a mood, right there. 😭 This year tried VERY HARD to unalive at least two of my loved ones, but we all SURVIVED OUT OF SPITE. So there's that, at least.

Now I would like this stinky poo-poo garbage year to get in the bin and go away. Zero stars, would not recommend!! 😘
Dec 9, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Day is RUINED, I'm not going to be able to think of ANYTHING but yuyu's Pilotji for the REST OF MY LIFE, I am now USELESS!!! cw bondage

You know what I want, though?

I want pilot LWJ and flight attendant WWX to be doing some sort of anti-terrorism training that requires LWJ to be tied up!!
Dec 8, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Modern office worker LWJ has the most heinous written communication style you've ever seen. I just know it.

He will 'per my last email' you into an early grave. People try to tell him his emails come off as a bit passive aggressive.

LWJ: I see. Rest assured that is not at all what I intended.

Coworker: Hah!. I mean, I was sure that you-

LWJ: They're meant to be openly aggressive.
Nov 18, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
I am still in hopes that twitter will be around for at least a SMALL while yet, but if things really are going downhill rapidly enough to warrant a little farewell message:

Thank you so much to all of you for hanging out with me here over the past couple of years! These have been a super hard couple of years for me, and twitter has been a bright spot.

I've loved chatting with everyone, seeing everyone's art, reading everyone's little headcanons, trading ideas, group threadficcing, etc.
Jul 25, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
I really, really want a post-canon thingy where WWX is traveling on his own and suddenly gets cursed and turns into a dog.

Has someone written this yet? WWX: Haha, wild, I got cursed and I shapeshifted! Welp, let me peer into this stream, check my reflection, and assess the damage.

WWX: ...

Jul 17, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
I just like to think of WWX seeing LWJ rocking/cuddling his rabbit like it's an infant, and blurting out, "HAHA LAN ZHAN MAYBE WE SHOULD HAVE A REAL BABY TOGETHER JUST KIDDING UNLESS??? 😳' WWX, internally: Gotta think of a super casual way to bring up my raging baby fever.


WWX, internally: ...Nailed it.
Jun 25, 2022 18 tweets 3 min read
I'm in such a Foxxian mood today.

I just think it's cute if LWJ is a prince with a beautiful court and gardens and a pond full of exquisite koi fish, which are being mercilessly stolen, one-by-one, by a thieving fox. The palace groundskeepers want to set traps to capture and kill the fox, but LWJ won't let them!

He starts leaving plates of food out, to discourage the fox from eating the fish.

And the fox is clever enough to accept the food and he learns to leave the fish alone!
Jun 24, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Today is absolute hell with bad news coming out of every corner. But there is also a lot of fat Pigeonji on my timeline, and I just want all of you participating in this to know that you're doing the lord's work. 🙏 yuyu and all the other commenters on this tweet are the heroes we need and deserve in these dark times. 😭

May 28, 2022 13 tweets 3 min read
#WarprizeJiSeason with bonus Dragonxian!

Let's just say that WWX is somehow cursed into dragon form, or uses an esoteric form of cultivation to change himself into a dragon, or something.

(He will, naturally, be stuck in this form until he receives True Love's Kiss.) (Sorry, WWX. I don't make the rules!)

Anyway, the dragon form is very good for killing his enemies, protecting his friends, and defending his territory! Yay!

It is not so good for making NEW friends or getting people to trust him or seeming at all benign or nonthreatening.
May 25, 2022 11 tweets 2 min read
Anyway, when I do Merji AUs, please know that this is EXACTLY what I'm picturing inside my head. Fisherman WWX (or marine biologist WWX!) sees this particular creature floating up to his boat and goes 👀👀👀
May 15, 2022 18 tweets 4 min read
#mermay #pregjiseason

Now, stay with me on this.

I'm thinking that WWX is a marine biologist who meets Merji while studying some type of warm-water zooplankton.

Obviously they fall in love, because they are weird and the cross-species thing is not an issue for them! After some careful investigation of Merji's body (😏) WWX determines that his new boyfriend qualifies as a mammal!

This is all very interesting as a scientist, and he takes lots of notes. Now, he won't ever publish anything about mer-creatures, obviously!
May 13, 2022 37 tweets 6 min read
cw mpreg

I am very fond of wangxian accidental pregnancy AUs that take place when WWX and LWJ are, like, 17-25.

But you know what's an underrated concept? Accidental pregnancy AUs where they're both like 40. I'm imagining a situation where WWX adopted A-Yuan, and LWJ adopted LJY, and they both had entire lives and jobs and raised their kids for almost two decades.

And then they collided into each other's lives when A-Yuan and LJY became college roommates during their freshman year.
May 9, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
A #WarprizeJiSeason adjacent concept: I simply think!! That LWJ should be draped in jewels and delicate silver and gold chains!!! At all times!!!!

I think he should be carried off by the YLLZ, who uses his OTHER spoils of war to keep LWJ perpetually decked out in pretty jewelry!

Thank you for coming to my TedTalk!!
May 8, 2022 28 tweets 5 min read

cw mpreg

In an A/B/O AU where LWJ and WWX never met: I just think it would be Fun if Omegaji meets a handsome traveler in an inn and gives in to a moment of reckless passion. Yes, yes: debauchery is forbidden in Cloud Recesses.

But they are not IN Cloud Recesses. Cloud Recesses was burned and there's a literal war happening, and this guy is very attractive and flirtatious and obviously DTF.

And LWJ is just...tired.
May 7, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
...This is the face that LWJ and the bunny make, whenever LWJ smuggles a new bunny into the household and then lies to WWX about it. Relevant thread, with many thanks to @/lanerjie who started the whole thing:

May 7, 2022 17 tweets 3 min read
Thanks to @/enigmatree, I am thinking of Dragonji hiding his egg away for safekeeping during a dangerous situation, and Foxxian stumbling upon it.

Foxxian: ...Free baby?! :O YOINK. MINE NOW. Don't worry, sad little abandoned orphan! Baba is here to save you! Foxxian proudly carries the egg off, already dreaming of cradles and nappies and the carved wooden toys he saw in the market.

How sad that the egg's parents just tossed it away into the bushes like that! >:(
May 6, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read

cw mpreg

But what if...the YLLZ somehow NEEDED to have a child?

I am handwaving the reason. (A curse! A manifestation of his unique method of cultivation! Fill-in-the-blank!)

The point is, he needs to knock someone up ASAP, or he will die. And he wouldn't MIND having a child, exactly! That's not the bad part!

The bad part is the part where there aren't any convenient uteruses lying around that he can borrow.

(We're gonna say, for the purposes of this AU, that WQ has a uterus but isn't able to carry a child.)
Apr 24, 2022 11 tweets 2 min read
I'm thinking of this thread again.

But, like. What if. This same general concept. But grown-up!Foxxian and babie!Dragonji? Foxxian rescues the tiny injured noodle baby!

He kills whatever yao was trying to kidnap and eat the baby! He takes the baby back to his den, licks its scratches clean, soothes it, and alerts the Lan clan to come pick up their missing noodle!
Apr 23, 2022 14 tweets 3 min read
cw mpreg

Thanks to @/lamusadelils, I am once again thinking of modern LWJ deciding to have a baby on his own via donor sperm. I just love this concept so much, for so many reasons.

But I especially love the idea of wangxian getting together AFTER LWJ is already knocked up. I love the idea of LWJ reaching the point in his pregnancy where he's REALLY horny,, meeting WWX in a Starbucks or something.

And LWJ just looks him up and down like, "...Yes. Yes, this one will do nicely. Follow me to the nearest hotel, sir, and take off your pants."
Apr 21, 2022 17 tweets 3 min read
Also, because I'm me, I'm just gonna say it:

I think it would be extremely fun if Omegaji (the illustrious Second Prince! a model of virtue and decency! literally always getting painted into murals as a living symbol of chastity and purity!) gets knocked up out of wedlock. I think it's fun if LWJ's reputation is SO strong that the common people are like, "...Second Prince is so virtuous, he was impregnated by the gods through mystical and entirely nonsexual heavenly forces?! 🤯"
Apr 17, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
cw mpreg

I think LWj gets very horny in the final weeks of his pregnancy, and very desperate to shake the baby OUT of his body, so he wants to have sex with WWX a lot.

But he keeps forgetting that he's enormous and he can't do 95% of the sex acts he initiates. >:( LWJ starts getting things going! Time for X-rated husband fun-times!

And then, when WWX is excitedly taking off his pants, LWJ just stops.

And he sits there like