Korobochka (コロボ) 🇦🇺✝️ Profile picture
The Dumb△ss of Donbass. Ice fairy hunting lunatic shrine maidens. Warning: Extreme baka individual. ニュータイプ I do this for you Nasrallah,Maya,Darya,Aaron,Sinwar.
32 subscribers
Mar 25 9 tweets 3 min read
US wins because it protects its allies territory like it was its own.
The "good guys" lost because they abandoned or betrayed each other.

The consequences for Syria's destruction are being felt right now, but the history books will regard it as a coup de grâce. /🧵 Image The US spent literal trillions of its money and its allies money on the destruction of Syria. It wasn't a nice to have but an essential move.

Now Iran's missile bases are continually within tactical firing range.
There's no Syrian army or air defense force anymore. Image
Mar 23 5 tweets 3 min read
Engels before and after.
The overpressure was clearly coming from an elevated position.
There is no target on the ground that could potentially create this kind of damage -- no "warehouse" or "weapons depot" to use as cover.

Open and shut case. Nuclear attack. ☢️Image
No one can explain how all of that material combusted simultaneously and went into the air as one block either.
We have some unclear video of what appeared to be a nuclear mushroom cloud and a Rayleigh Taylor instability. The sun behind this made me think there was a second much larger explosion initially.Image
Dec 1, 2024 10 tweets 25 min read
What's wrong with the wifejak meme and why are wifeguys such cringelords?

Why does it evoke such a primal rage in real men and a defensive reaction among low-T white knights?
Most importantly, what is the true and dark purpose behind it?

It's actually a much more important question than it appears to be on the surface. So important that shill commentators on the "right" launched an impressive gay-defamation campaign against Nick Fuentes to try and salvage it. They have failed, but the risk this meme represents still lingers. I believe by fully dissecting this meme we can unravel their intent and make the whole thing backfire through counter-subversive awareness.

I will trust that by now, you have come to accept that this wifejak meme is astroturfed. It is not organic! It was flooded on image boards, a sh*tcoin was made around it and major accounts who push pro-regime narratives from the "right" pushed it in unison and forced it down our throats. Nevertheless, I will demonstrate that it indeed could only be an astroturfed meme.

What the hell is this meme and what is in it for the regime?

As strange as it may sound, this wifejak meme is homosexual in nature, reflecting the state of all relationships that are allowable in the west. The intent is to sell this onto a generation that has so far rejected participation in relationships, and by overcoming this "hesitation", giving them stakes in a system that has largely lost them. They need men because a massive war is coming and recruitment numbers have plummeted to almost nothing for white men, whom they wish to render extinct.

This probably confuses you or sounds like a huge leap or stretch -- how could this possibly be related to a silly doodle, right? Is Korobochka finally losing it after covering way too many wars? If this is you, you MUST read this megathread to its conclusion.

To make this conclusion water-tight we must understand the origin of this meme and what that entails: what has been imbued within it by its creator -- who actually had nothing to do with the PSYOP associated with it!

Then, to understand the risk it represents, I must explain what memes truly are. You know the name, you kind of know what they make you feel, but you probably don't quite understand what they truly do and how they're made. I don't want to get too deep into human psychological models, but some understanding of them is absolutely necessary to truly dissect the meme and the PSYOP behind it.

To put it all together, I'll explain the ultimate goal behind this meme and how it's connected to global state power and our current collapsing rates of fertility. This meme is actually proof of a strong disconnect by state actors, I believe it not only failed but actually BACKFIRED. As such, this thread may very well inform them and allow them to calibrate their next attack -- this was one of my concerns!

Yet, should this thread receive sufficient distribution among other meme warriors, we may exploit the holes left behind by it and take so much ground that the enemy will have brand new problems on their hands. With this in mind, don't forget to RT and share, not only this tweet but all to follow, and share across all networks available to you.

So sit back, relax and enjoy this mega-thread by your trusty shrine maiden hunter, Korobochka. ❄️

/🧵Image Origin of the Wifejak meme

Let's begin with the meme itself, as understanding how this meme was developed and dissecting it carefully will give us insight into what it truly represents.

Wojak, formerly widely known as "feels guy" first appeared on a Polish image board back in 2009.
It was often used to express wistful or melancholic feelings towards a particular subject, often paired with "tfw" or (that face when). This expressive meme was often used for commentary about our current dark situation and the feeling of helplessness towards it.

The format was perfect -- and the wojaks mutated, into countless other memes adaptable to different personality types, situations, often bad stereotypes of people. One of my favorites are the soyjaks, which are becoming their own category of memes.
The meme itself is just a bunch of dark strokes on a white background, but our brain miraculously associates it with an emotion without requiring prior contact or memory with it. Humans fill details in from their past experiences and artistic expression of said details requires both empathetic observation and introspectiveness. It is a natural meme and this is why it became so popular!

People who mutate memes will render other expressions, situations or truths, imbuing a bit of themselves in their creations in the process, or using their power of empathy to imbue bits of others in it! It's from observation and creation that memes are born, and artistic expression and imagination -- as well as freedom to render such things -- is the lifeblood of image board culture that dominates all of modern internet society.

There is one particular, and rare, form of wojak that represents something that is the complete inverse of the feels wojak. If you've never used image boards, you have probably never encountered the following unnerving meme, the sociopath wojak:

When this meme is usually dropped on image boards, it represents some dramatic and inhuman realization that upturns assumptions within the thread. Sometimes it's just someone LARPing as a sociopath who is either enjoying sadistic pleasure out of an unfortunate situation or exercising absolutely no empathy towards a subject!

Ironically, creating this artistic work did require empathy from its artist, as it is excellently portrayed in the eyes of the observe -- it is meant to be unnerving. This could not have been drawn by a sociopath! It would require at least empathy or introspection -- and sociopaths lack that.

The rarity of this meme is due to the nature of memes, which actually do require empathy -- even through expression of violence/destruction and so on. You have to know what your target will feel and calibrate the meme to get a rise out of them. Most of the time indifference itself is expressed as strength by people making memes, not sociopathy, as they wouldn't project anything but strength on their stoic position. Furthermore, one of the hallmarks of a sociopath is lacking the self-realisation that they are a sociopath. They will usually project themselves onto the most convenient prototype instead -- ultimately revealing a contradiction in the eyes of the viewer in the process, killing their memes.

After all, memes and good art are an expression of the truth, or multiple levels of irony towards it -- a lie rarely propagates well as it requires manual intervention to do so, and is far more difficult to express in art that is to become popular.

I guess the question is what happens when a sociopath decides to draw themselves? Well, you probably already know the answer...Image
Oct 17, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
These are the main events the Jewish people used to take over the United States:

1. Sinking the Titanic (actually was the Olympic, more on that later) 1913
2. Federal Reserve 1913
3. WWI 1914
4. FDR presidency + Forming the deep state 1933
5. WWII 1939
6. JFK assassination 1963 Image 7. LBJ presidency + Civil Rights Act 1964
8. Gulf of Tokin -> destruction of an entire generation of white American males in Vietnam. 1964
9. Israeli nuclear blackmail for Yom Kippur 1973
10. Coup against the Nixon presidency 1974
11. Destruction of the Soviet Union/transfer 1991
Sep 24, 2024 8 tweets 4 min read
Ground Zero:
56.5079842, 31.6971997

Using warehouse length of 51 meters,

I still stick to the initial estimates of 11kT.

Fireball radius of 180 meters when detonated at a height of 130 meters. Damage profile consistent with moving fireball (at cruise missile speed).

Heavy blast damage matches at 550 meters. Image
Sep 22, 2024 36 tweets 13 min read
What do nuclear weapons SOUND like?
The short answer is a gunshot (akin to a shotgun), followed by a turbulent roar. Here is a rare, captured example from the Upshot-Knothole Annie test, 1953.

This thread will explain why nukes sounds like gunshots & why regular bombs don't!
/🧵 Just in case there is any doubt, the media agrees:
In an article posted by the Atlantic "The Sound of an Atomic Bomb", the audio is described in this manner:

"The boom is more like a shotgun than a thunderclap, and it’s followed by a sustained roar."
Sep 17, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
Reading the words of Jesus Christ brings out satanic spirits with viperous tongues out of people that you do not expect. It's quite amazing, they will spill out all that satan has taught them in opposition to Christ.
Remember this: The red letters never lie. The black letters may Image I have a great hostility to every single lie I hear no matter how minor.
I came to the gospel very late in life without any priors as I believed in nothing but a loving God. What I found in Jesus's words are nothing but truth and I couldn't stop reading about him and what he said
Sep 17, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
With every success you get, after overcoming every adversity, satan's demons wait for you to adopt a sense of pride, their entry into your soul.

Always be humble and have humility, knowing every success was enabled by God alone, and thank him for his support and protection. Image After every failure, and setback, satan's demons always await you, to adopt a sense of wrath or envy.

Always have faith, this world is owned by Satan, not God. God is your protector and the only one facilitating your success. No matter what always believe he loves you. Image
Sep 13, 2024 14 tweets 6 min read
9/11 Thread #2
MAJOR correction on the required energy for a mechanical wave to bring down the WTC:
The unit conversion didn't quite work, k50 should have been 0.008cm.
The result was accidentally right so I didn't cross-check it, 156kT. By this model it would be 6MT minimum.
Image This result is wrong for major physical (and even legal) reasons, whereas 150kT would be dead on correct for the energy yield of the device itself.

What would be required for the building is a LOT less and I can explain why briefly without spoiling my future thread/formulation.
Sep 12, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
What did the Israeli art students mean by this?
Who was Gelatin and E-Team? /🧵

(bonus thread of clues to thank you all for your support) Image What was the B-Thing and why were they allowed to punch a hole through the tower to “film” something?
Sep 11, 2024 42 tweets 16 min read
It has been exactly 23 years since the terrorist attack on 9/11. On that day one event seemed like magic:

How did the WTC towers vanish into thin air? Like a cigarette butt! 🚬

This question will make you RETHINK reality!

Forget jet fuel & steel beams. Think PULVERIZATION!
/🧵 I'm going to assume you've already come by the idea that 9/11 involved controlled demolitions and what not. You may or may not agree with that hypothesis -- that won't matter.

In this thread we will eliminate answers, rather than answer questions.

How did the towers disappear? Image
Aug 31, 2024 19 tweets 5 min read
Debunking modern marriage. A short thread. /🧵

What we regard as marriage today, isn't what marriage used to mean. Today we associate a marriage with a wedding, registration, a semi-official ritual and all kinds of nonsense.

This all represents the death of love, not its birth. Image Let's start, right off the bat, with the most formal part of it in our soyciety: The marriage registration, which results in a certificate.
What does "register" mean? It's in the name, "regis" meaning the authority of the nation. Or the REGIme!

It means handing it to the regime. Image
Aug 18, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
Why is the US demanding that Iran wait for the “ceasefire process” before it exacts its revenge?
It’s quite a transparent attempt to gain additional initiative:
They want to control the timing of Iran’s attacks and thus go from the defensive to a preemptive offensive!
Recently Blinken (the acting president of the United States) cancelled his trip to the Middle East in recognition of Iran’s current attack posture — in which he, as the leader of the Judeosatanic empire — is a target!
This has crippled US diplomacy in the region!
Aug 1, 2024 15 tweets 7 min read
Good evening my dearest of oomfs.

It's reading time tonight, and I have just the book.

This book was written just as the Soviet Union was collapsing, and people fear limited nuclear war and out of control nuclear proliferation. It is assumed that didn't happen... or did it? /🧵
I'm going to skip straight to chapter 3: The Nuclear Guerilla.

In here we are going to read about the opinion of Chinese generals and planners, as well as their American counterparts. Image
Jul 19, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
MUST WATCH VIDEO, very hard to find. I made no edits.

It's a summary of a book I recommended reading: Under the sign of the Scorpion by (Jüri Lina 🇪🇪).

It's about the crimes of the Jewish Bolsheviks (Reds).
Know their names & stories!
[Russian subtitles included 🇷🇺.]

#1 /🧵 #2
Jul 13, 2024 31 tweets 11 min read
Red vs White species. Part 4

In the previous threads, we discussed milk, Gog and Magog & then blood rituals.
Rather than blood & milk, this will be Copper & Tin: The Bronze Age Collapse. The greatest blood ritual of all:
Our origin and end of the entire ancient white world.

/🧵 Canonically, 3300-3200 years ago, an event happened that changed the entire world: The Bronze Age Collapse (BAC).
The (BAC) was less of a collapse and more of a world war!
Despite the importance of this event, it's rarely taught in schools & was usually blamed on climate change. Image
Jul 7, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
Before publishing part 4, I'm going to talk a little bit about science.
Andrew Cote is a typical scientism type person, who thinks experiments is where science ends and beings -- that's not true, it begins with a formulation of a hypothesis. An experiment does not PROVE it! /🧵 All an experiment can do is TEST it. Thanks to the advent of dishonest scientists over the last 120 years, beginning with Einstein, people planted the idea that a model that "predicts an experiment" almost "prophetically", MUST be the correct one. That isn't true either.
Jul 1, 2024 8 tweets 3 min read
I want you to take a look at these images.
1. This is a schematic diagram of a bacteriophage.
2. An electron microscope photograph of these self-replicating bio-nanodevices -- sorry, viruses.

This is the most abundant thing on our planet.
It contains its own DNA in the "head".

This DNA describes the proteins that make up its body.
This shape should be instantly recognised by someone who isn't mentally ill (i.e. a small minority of western people) as an ENGINEERED OBJECT with 6 fold and other convenient geometries.

Only 48,502 base pairs are needed.
Jun 29, 2024 29 tweets 11 min read
Red vs White species. Part 3.

In part 1, I identified Gag&Magog as the Red Jews.
In part 2, I established a link between the Levant, Europe & England -- and milk! I revealed the desire for their destruction by the "Jews".

We will now return to the subject of milk...& blood!
/🧵 Image
Reminder: The people identified by Jews as Amalek (from England to the Levant) all drink milk. The Israelites were promised milk & honey, and had laws on milk consumption.

Yet the [Red] "Jews" admit that 75% of them are lactose intolerant. They aren't who they claim to be. Image
Jun 26, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
It's usually on the bottle. E.g. here's a Pasteurised (🤮) version of it.
I'll dive deeper into the differences later but essentially, there is a A2/A1 genomic variance in the main phosphoprotein of milk (comprising 80% of cow milk), where proline is substituted with histidine./1

The protein is cleaved by your stomach and the rest of your gastrointestinal system at this exact amino acid position, resulting in the generation of a peptide called BCM7. This is an opioid.
It also causes severe long term illnesses in animals and presumably human beings too. /2
Jun 24, 2024 35 tweets 15 min read
Red vs White species. Part 2.

Last thread, I spoke about the history of the red species, or "Gog and Magog". Most importantly, their agent Rothschild demanding Palestine & pasteurisation of milk, in England.
We'll now dive deeper into the origin of the white species&Lebanon.
Lebanon, as we call it today and in fact as we called it in ancient times, is named as such from the Phoenician language : 𐤋𐤁𐤍 (L-B-N) triliteral root word for "milky white". It is also the root word of "Laban", the yogurt of the same colour & the curiosity doesn't end there. Image