Chijioke Kaduru, MD Profile picture
10M people, mainly young & mostly poor, die yearly from conditions for which safe, effective & affordable prevention & treatments exist. We are changing that!
Mar 6, 2021 14 tweets 3 min read
There’s always the tendency for us, to see the world purely through our own lenses. And in spaces where trust has been consistently eroded, it’s hard to see things through any other perspective.

Our trust is constantly eroded, so everyone is tired of shenanigans & the system. It then makes sense that many people merely see the launch and roll out of the COVID-19 vaccines in Nigeria as another typical ceremony, frittering away scarce resources.

Plus in general, we have a history of “grand ceremony” and they are not always easy on the eye.
Mar 27, 2020 20 tweets 5 min read
A lot of thoughts, opinions and perspectives have been shared on how “Nigeria definitely has more cases of COVID 19, but we will not know because we are not testing enough,” and that is a narrative we should be careful about. Two caveats: We must continue to advocate for Universal testing as the ideal step. We must recognise that we may be experts at outbreak preparedness, readiness, response and recovery, and yet the picture attached applies.

Still think otherwise? See this
Jan 7, 2018 36 tweets 6 min read
If you are going to Candidate for House of Representatives in most States, and do not want to be a part of the existing political infrastructure, you are in for a rough ride come 2019.

Yet you can do it! You see, the existing political infrastructure has 3 things going for them:
- Funds
- Grassroots structures, largely built on "stomach infrastructure"
- Access to security infrastructure