Cj Z 🎯 Profile picture
Founder https://t.co/uyKGfu1OnW {a Startup Studio} | Launching 12 Startups in 12 Months | 3 in process...
Eric Bossieux Profile picture Tony Hayes 🏆 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🍀 Profile picture Senti 🪄 Profile picture Jon Profile picture Franklin Stewart Profile picture 5 subscribed
Jun 26 13 tweets 3 min read
Claude Prompting is different than ChatGPT.

It has a Coding brain.

You need to use tags <>, and markers to make it understand the request.

After playing with Claude's all 3 models for over 3 months now.

Here are the 12 main tricks I found that work the best:Image 1. Use XML tags:

Think of it like a camera lens.

When you input a long text, Claude models don't focus on finding important information.

However, using XML tags makes retrieving information easier for the models.

Example: Youtube transcript
Sep 21, 2023 12 tweets 5 min read
Sam Altman (@sama) tweeted about DALL-E 3 yesterday.

Top points:

1. ChatGPT + Image Generation = DALL-E 3
2. DALL-E 3 can Spell right!
3. Own your Art with DALL-E 3

DALL-E 3 integrated directly into Bing (completely free to use)

Here's ALL you need to know about DALL-E 3
Image Releasing Date?

DALLE - 3 will be released to ChatGPT Plus users & Enterprise users by October. So in 3-4 weeks max.

DALL-E API is also coming this fall. (that's a big step) Image
Sep 17, 2023 17 tweets 5 min read
I spend 45 minutes on Instagram daily.

To consume content on "AI"

Honestly, I'm impressed with the High-Quality content on few Instagram accounts.

Here're my 13 Favorite Instagram Accounts that post BEST content on AI.

Image 1. overpowered ai

These guys bring latest GitHub AI projects and experiment with them live. Image
Sep 11, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read
Forget AI Agents!

Now you can build an Army of AI agents that can:

- Communicate with each other.
- Take commands from each other.
- Complete complicated tasks with ease.

I am talking about an Open-Source AI project called: ChatDev.

All you need to know about ChatDev:

Image ChatDev is trending on GitHub right now with 4,400+ stars.

But why?

Multi-Agent Collaboration: Build full stack team of AI Agents.

In Digital Marketing Agency, you have:
- Copywriter
- Marketing specialist.

Now imagine they communicate with each other on 1 project Image
Sep 1, 2023 13 tweets 4 min read
I unlocked GPT 4.5 in ChatGPT with "Custom Instructions"🎯

(Bookmark this if you want to turn your ChatGPT into a Personal Assistant)

I built 3 AI Agents in ChatGPT

1. Idea Brainstorming Agent
2. Long-form Content writing Agent
3. Actionable step-by-step guide maker Agent

🧵 1. Step-by-Step Guide maker Agent

I just type /a and the agent appears in new chat.

The goal of this agent is to write step by step guides in actionable tone.

So I can:
- Understand any topic.
- Explain to anyone in simple language.
- Build my knowledge base on that topic. Image
Aug 16, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
Master AI Prompting in 1 WEEK.

Here's a Master🧵with all the PROMPTING Frameworks.

👇 Image 1. Master Prompting Structure

1. Role
2. Job
3. Paste all question answers as context
4. Define input
5. Define output
6. Share 3-5 examples


Jul 21, 2023 9 tweets 5 min read
Prompt Engineering is overrated

That's what I thought after I failed to use ChatGPT

Turns out, I was a poor prompt writer

But after 563+ hours of experiments, I finally cracked it

And now "Jarvis" my AI assistant runs my job

Here's how you can become an Expert Prompt Writer Image 1. Learn the basics

Start with the basics of prompting.

This guide will cover all the basic topics that you need to understand.

You'll learn:
• Basic prompting
• Zero shot prompting
• Few shot prompting
• Different LLM models
and much more

Website: https://t.co/ElOLjNOsYLpromptingguide.ai
Nov 30, 2022 17 tweets 4 min read
Twitter 2.0 has changed its Engagement policy.

Understand the new Engagement system in next 2 minutes.
🧵 Twitter Algorithm is a machine learning AI code.

Algorithm collects data when you post on Twitter.

That data is "keywords"

Make Algorithm your friend.

• Write about few topics.
• Post tweets consistently.
• Post when audience is online. Image
Nov 25, 2022 17 tweets 4 min read
"We are still early" is a LIE.

There is good news and a bad news.

Bad news: Only 3% of us will be successful.

Good news: You are sitting on a goldmine.

Read this till the end.., to find your gold.
🧵 Let me take you back in 1800s

California's soil was spitting gold. Everyone in US was so obsessed with gold hunt.

300,000 people left their jobs. They moved to California & started digging.

But gold diggers failed to become rich.

Shovel sellers became millionaires. Image
Nov 10, 2022 14 tweets 9 min read
Guys! We did It.

We found our first 1000 friends. ✨️

I want to acknowledge the beautiful souls I met on Twitter.

A Thread for my pack. 🙌
🧵 🔸️ @NFT_GOD

A teacher, a friend, a brother to me. I found him when he had 17k followers.

He is producing value-added content from Day 1.

• Actionable tips
• Personal betterment
• Coding value + resources
• Writing style + Frameworks
and much more.

Follow this guy.
Nov 3, 2022 17 tweets 5 min read
98% Web3 Whitepapers suck.

Whitepapers are important to win investor's confidence.

but, 9/10 whitepapers fail to do that.

As a data analyst, I've been reading Web3 whitepapers for 3 years now.

Here is an investor-friendly whitepaper model.
🧵 Image What is a Whitepaper?

In short, whitepaper is a report, that is designed to do two primary things:

Educate and persuade.

Whitepaper enables you to build trust with your audience.

It shows that you're reliable, experienced, and an expert on this topic.
Oct 29, 2022 18 tweets 5 min read
How to build a mega Web3 brand?

Apple and Nike became mega brands, by using this 4 step formula.

Save this blueprint for your startup:
🧵 Image Founders are building great products, cool art & amazing services,

yet most of the projects are failing.


Lack of content and poor marketing?

Maybe yes, but there is one bigger reason than that.

A dull & unexciting brand.

*A mediocre brand is a startup killer.
Oct 24, 2022 13 tweets 7 min read
Let me tell you a secret.

The best writers on Twitter, use Tweet Templates.

I am sharing 10 twitter templates with you for FREE.

Write content like a pro.
🧵 🔸️ Bad vs Good Template

Bad {Thing}

• Point 1
• Point 2
• Point 3

Good {Thing}

• Point 1
• Point 2
• Point 3

Here are few Examples: ImageImage
Oct 22, 2022 18 tweets 3 min read
Are you struggling to find new content ideas?

This is for you.
🧵 🔸️ Write 10 thread titles everyday.

Content writing is all about creativity and practice.

Train your brain to be creative.

We think we have no ideas but that’s not true.

Unlock your brain with this daily practice.
Oct 21, 2022 18 tweets 5 min read
I investigated 9,430 viral tweets to find viral tweet formula.

Give me 3 min. & I'll teach you how it works.

Here's the viral tweet template + bonus at the end.

🧵👇 Image 🔸️ Don’t follow virality. Follow creativity
All viral content writers are philosophers.

Think of tweet as a personalized letter.

Write for 1 person.

· Make him laugh.
· Help him with knowledge.
· Motivate him to get better.

Say everything in style. Your style is creativity. ImageImage
Oct 18, 2022 16 tweets 5 min read
Mr. Beast – The Santa of YouTube

• 18 YouTube Channels
• 200 Million+ Subscribers
• 50,000 sq. ft. studio

He built an Empire of content in 10 years.

I studied his unique content framework.
• Videos
• Interviews
• Analytics

Here's Mr. Beast's Content Strategy for you. Image 🔸️ KYA - Know your Algorithm

Mr. Beast studied the YouTube algorithm everyday, for 1000 days.

• Art of catchy thumbnails
• Use of emotions
• Best title hooks
• Best camera shots
• How to grab & hold attention

He micro-analyzed every tiny detail with his 4 friends. Image
Oct 16, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
Twitter Advanced search is complicated.

8/10 people doesn’t know how to use it.

This tool simplifies and improves advanced search.

Install @TwemexApp

1. Discover viral tweets from any account
2. Keyword search
3. Idea inspiration
4. Template study
5. Profile search 🔸️ Find best tweets from your favorite accounts & study:

• Topics
• Templates
• Formatting
• Tweet structure

See what's working in your niche.

Steal best templates and use them in your tweets & threads.
Oct 15, 2022 20 tweets 7 min read
75 days ago, I decided to post on Twitter every day.

I spent 407 hours to write 2,230 tweets.

88% new writers quit after 14 days.

If you are reading this. Don't quit Twitter.

Here's my FREE Twitter Growth Playbook for you.
🧵👇 🔸️ A champion's mindset

It doesn't matter if you have 5, 500 or 5000 followers. Carry yourself like you have 100k followers.

Twitter game is a marathon & you are the best runner. Believe in yourself.

• Show up daily
• Learn something new
• Improve 1%
• Share with others
Oct 12, 2022 18 tweets 4 min read
I analyzed 324 Web3 projects in last 15 days.

98% projects suck at content creation & community building.

* Founders are not understanding the web3 culture.

Here is the simple framework to guarantee you success.
🧵👇 Image Issues:
• Founders are not focusing on community building.

• Founders are not utilizing the power of content.

• Projects are not explaining the vision to public.

• Whitepaper, litepaper and roadmaps are chaos.

• 96% projects are copied projects.

What is the solution? 👇
Oct 7, 2022 18 tweets 6 min read
Find out how Twitter works to grow your audience 100x fast.

I discovered 10 facts that 97% twitter users don’t know.
🧵👇 Image This thread is part 2, of my investigative analysis on twitter.

If you missed the first part. Here it is:
Oct 4, 2022 22 tweets 6 min read
Twitter has 396,000,000+ users.

98% don’t know how this bird app works.

As a data analyst, I investigated & found 11 points than can blow your mind.
🧵👇 Image 1. Science behind Retweets

• Twitter counts retweet as "vote of confidence".

For example: If 100 people retweet your tweet.

The algorithm boosts your tweet and shows it to more people.

100 retweets = 100 votes + bonus engagement