Craig Sewall Profile picture
Father of twins | Husband | Postdoctoral Fellow @PittPsychiatry | Clinical Social Worker | Leveraging tech & computational modeling to predict suicidality
May 25, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
The timing of the rise in U.S. teen mental health problems coincides with huge changes in healthcare & health insurance. I lay out the case in full on my blog (link in bio!). But follow along below for a shortened, X-friendly version 🧵 The gif above shows how the timing of various healthcare-related changes lines up w/ the trends in teen MH problems. The lines show the rate of ER visits for self-harm (solid lines, left-axis) and reported depression (dashed lines, right-axis).
Apr 22, 2024 9 tweets 8 min read
I believe that @JonHaidt’s central claim that social media (SM) is the primary cause of an international youth mental health crisis, especially among girls, is based on a flawed understanding of the underlying data generating process (DGP). In this thread, I’ll show you how. Haidt’s understanding of the DGP appears to be something like this diagram (below). Gender is a common cause of both SM use and MH, so failing to account for it results in biased estimates of the SM→MH effect. Studies indicate that girls report more SM use and MH problems than boys, so this seems plausible. However, Haidt argues that gender is not just a confounder of the SM→MH effect but, more importantly, a moderator. That is, the magnitude of the effect of SM use on MH depends on whether you’re a boy or a girl (depicted here by the dashed orange line). Again, this seems plausible, as numerous studies have (generally) shown a stronger SM→MH effect among girls.Image
Jan 27, 2022 10 tweets 4 min read
Our paper examining the prospective effects b/w digital tech use & psychological distress has been accepted at Clinical Psychological Science!
Overall, we found little to no evidence that fluctuations in digital tech use impacts psych distress.
🧵 1/x We addressed critical gaps on this topic by 1) using digital trace data, 2) examining effects b/w diff aspects of tech use (smartphone use duration & frequency; SM use) & psych distress (depression, anxiety, social isolation), & 3) testing w/in-person prospective effects.
Nov 21, 2021 8 tweets 4 min read
Most studies in this area used self-reported SM use, which is notoriously flawed. So there's no way we can claim the evidence is "strong" b/c we can't even be sure we've been accurately measuring SM use. What do these effects look like if you use more accurate measures?
🧵 1/n Usage loggers (e.g. "Screen Time" app) are a great way to get good data on SM use b/c it doesn't rely on people guesstimating how much time they spend on SM--which is really difficult (& inaccurate) b/c SM use tends to be very frequent/habituated.
Apr 21, 2020 9 tweets 5 min read
Interesting to read @jean_twenge's critique of @OrbenAmy & @ShuhBillSkee's work ( recently published in Nature. Although Twenge et al touch on the importance of how we measure digital tech use (DTU), I think the issue deserves more attention [1/9] Twenge et al title their critique “Underestimating digital media harm.” But it’s the base of that first word (ESTIMATE) and how it relates to measurement that has important implications for the findings in this field. Most studies examining the link b/w DTU and well-being…[2/9]