Christopher Soto Profile picture
Personality psychologist @ColbyCollege. I study personality structure, measurement, development, and relations with life outcomes.
Dec 30, 2019 11 tweets 4 min read
1/n. New paper!

Links between the Big Five personality traits and consequential life outcomes REPLICATE pretty well, but do they GENERALIZE? Between men and women? Younger and older adults? Majority and minority ethnocultural groups? While controlling for overlap between traits? 2/n. To find out, I analyzed data from the Life Outcomes Of Personality Replication (LOOPR) Project. More than 6,000 US adults each completed the Big Five Inventory-2 and a subset of 83 outcome measures. This let me systematically test 415 possible trait-outcome associations.
Jun 23, 2019 7 tweets 3 min read
1/n. New paper out in @BJPolS!

In most countries, do people who hold conservative social attitudes also hold conservative economic attitudes? Ariel Malka, @ylelkes, and I analyzed data from 99 nations to find out. The answer might surprise you... 2. We used World Values Survey data from 325k adults in 99 nations. Social conservatism measured by opposition to immigration, abortion, homosexuality, and women in the workplace. Economic conservatism measured by opposition to welfare programs and government-owned businesses.
Apr 29, 2019 12 tweets 3 min read
1/n. Hey personality nerds!

Jaap Denissen, Oliver John, and I tried to develop a supplemental Honesty-Humility (H) scale for the Big Five Inventory-2 (BFI-2). We failed.

Probably won't write a paper, so here's a THREAD with findings and conclusions, in case you're interested. 2. We used Goldberg-Saucier adjectives and IPIP statements to develop a pool of 24 candidate BFI-2-H items measuring three facets: modesty (vs. arrogance/narcissism), sincerity (vs. deceit/Machiavellianism), and greed avoidance (vs. greed).
Apr 11, 2019 16 tweets 7 min read
1. If by "legit," @mattyglesias, you mean "has a solid scientific foundation, can be measured reliably, and predicts real-world behavior and life outcomes," then the answer is... yes!

I think this calls for a THREAD on personality psychology. Extra nerdy, with citations. 2. Re: scientific foundation, early evidence for the Big Five model came from studies of natural language and psychological tests. We have thousands of words for describing personality traits, and most of these words can be categorized in terms of the Big Five.
Feb 1, 2019 10 tweets 3 min read
1/n. New paper!

Does personality research replicate? I tried to replicate 78 previously-published links between the Big Five traits and consequential life outcomes. You won't believe what happened next... 2. Original studies selected from Ozer and Benet-Martinez's (2006) landmark review. Personality measured with the BFI-2. Outcomes measured as similarly as possible to the original studies. Large samples (median N = 1504). Preregistered hypotheses and analyses.