Pitt Transplant Infectious Diseases physician-scientist with a flair for the dramatique. I want ev'rybody to be free.
Apr 3, 2020 • 13 tweets • 10 min read
OK! @ErinMcCreary and I have been giving weekly #COVIDー19 updates to the entirety of @UPMCnews. Until I figure out whether or not I can post the recording, here is a synopsis (thread follows). @IDPittStop@IDPittStop
Fever (defined as > 38C or > 100.4 F) in #COVIDー19 only happens in about HALF of cases. Do not rely on fever to rule #coronavirus in or out. The “more than 90 percent” data come from the papers from China, which defined fever as > 37.3—it’s in the methods!