Carol Livingston Profile picture
Richard Ettelson Profile picture 1 subscribed
Mar 22, 2020 12 tweets 2 min read
Please share this widely, especially with any friend or acquaintance who thinks Trump and his minions are doing a fine job. This is the reality of intensive care units in America, before the coronavirus surge even hits hard. 1/ A friend of mine is an intensive care nurse. He can't get tested, even though he works on a ward with patients who are coronavirus positive. That celebrities can find tests so easily makes him righteously bitter. 2/
Apr 22, 2019 13 tweets 5 min read
@JillWineBanks Between our freshman and sophomore years of college, three friends and I rented a two-bedroom apartment. We were nineteen. We waitressed & took summer courses. The Watergate hearings, watched on my tiny, black & white set with rabbit ears and bad reception, was our entertainment @JillWineBanks Nixon’s approval rating was 67% in early 1973. The hearings began on May 18th, just as we moved into the apartment. Nobody had air conditioning then and summer in Hartford, CT is hot. 2/