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One man comic book brand. My current project is a book series titled Amber Blitz.
Sep 16, 2019 6 tweets 10 min read
@CalebGafford @MikeWLynch @Edwin_Boyette @AbacusMike @MulletDread @DougTenNapel @Englentine 1)What was really darkly fascinating was watching the end results of using Twitter's pronoun rules against the sjw that people like Ethan were originally constantly fighting.

The result was a separation of the two groups stopping the fighting. Then cg infighting cropped up. @CalebGafford @MikeWLynch @Edwin_Boyette @AbacusMike @MulletDread @DougTenNapel @Englentine 2) it's like a lot, a serious mountain of people were just looking for an excuse to fight. War campaign started to piss off more and more people.

What I never expected to spark the real conflagration was people being openly Christian. One of the innocents sjw attack constantly