Cody Clarke / Kill The Lion Films Profile picture
Filmmaker & Author | Director of 20 feature-length films including No Shark, Ramekin I & II, Bed, Attack of the Giant Blurry Finger, Mute Date, et al.
Bunmi Profile picture chimchim Profile picture 2 subscribed
Nov 13, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Skepticism is at an all-time high for the first time since the cringe atheist libertarian skepticism of the 2000s. But now it’s not tethered to that subculture—it’s a genuine skepticism that all can engage in There were so many blatant biases that turned me off of the whole ‘Randi is our god’ era of skepticism—I appreciated some of the contributions, but other stuff was dead wrong. There wasnt much room for self-reflection amongst those types
Nov 11, 2022 36 tweets 8 min read
im editing INVISIBLE SHARK right now—1 like = 1 random screenshot i'll grab from the footage. everything is straight from the camera, no color timing or whatever Image
Jul 13, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
how do you make a twitter account that just tweets out all of a particular text? i want to make one that just tweets out every word of NO SHARK (~25000 words) over and over 🚫🦈 They say that it’s hard to do something, whatever it is that you want to do. Have you noticed that? Not just that it’s ‘hard’—they say it takes luck. Everything is a million-to-one shot, apparently, or worse—hundreds of millions, billions, I don’t know.
May 23, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Well said: To piggyback off what he said, there's a certain bad karma to any art made as mere product. That bad karma must be offset as much as possible with projects whose worth only needs to be its brilliance. To chase money wholly is the definition of greed—to chase it partly is survival
Apr 12, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
when I think about the future of filmmaking, i envision a world without 'producers' in any traditional sense

for instance, i dont want my name on your film, and i dont want any % of your profit—but im open to being paid to consult you so your film doesnt suck 🤷‍♂️ it keeps the process a lot more specific towards adding actual value—it avoids the pitfall of a producer who is just a name attached to a thing and nothing else, or is a tyrant, etcetera. makes everything just transactions of 'how do i do this?' 'well, here's how i'd do it'
Apr 10, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
After trying the first 290 movies made during the Oscars, i found 16 worth watching. In the next 80 i found 6! Lesson: work longer on your films—those first 290 were completed and uploaded WAY before the deadline. The people who used more editing time made better movies 🤷‍♂️ I am going through each and every one of the 580 films made that night, by the way. I try each for a little bit and see if it’s tolerable. If it is, i add it to my watch list and then watch it later. I’m currently 361 movies in 👍
Feb 13, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
i feel like Pete Davidson gets with so many famous women not because he's more desirable to them than other male celebs, but because he doesnt turn any down. we're not look at the right stats. yes i am sabermetrics-ing pete davidson's conquests take a John Cusack or whatever who reads as a very picky individual. not saying this is accurate but im sure the rate in which he turns down famous women is astronomical, or at least has been in the past
Feb 1, 2022 16 tweets 3 min read
Redefining words is power. Everyone knows what words have been redefined over the years, but an important one has escaped notice—film. There is a war against us truly independent filmmakers (waged by the studio system) to classify what we make as 'content' and not 'film'. In truth, an art form doesn't even exist yet until it's democratized—film is such a young art form that only recently has it becomes something The People are allowed to do on their own like pen to paper, fingers to guitar. The studios' lie is a HUGE one.
Jan 5, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
The purpose of an idea is to be explorable

Most movie ideas fail at this right off the bat, because they have already been explored by the idea haver. Thats why you get movies that feel like a book report about itself ‘What if thing i understand fully’

Jan 5, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Creating and fostering genuinely new things is the hardest thing in the world for conservatives—and yet all they want to do is have and raise kids 🤷‍♂️

They are natural creators and nurturers, yet have difficulty extrapolating that—which means they have been perverted in some way Conservatives have become cautious to the point of extinction in most spheres—and mistrained to believe that to be their virtue, their core

Poking holes in the new is how they attack their enemy—but also how they stifle their own side’s mavericks and innovators

Huge problem
Jan 1, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Make a movie this year.
You have 365 days to do it.
But you really only need 1.
Just make something, anything.
Even if it sucks.
*Especially* if it sucks.
All steps forward are a step forward.
Create! Don't 'plan'.
Don't 'pitch'.
Don't 'have a meeting'.
Just *DO*.
The goal is not to convince someone to *let* you make a movie this year—the goal is to let YOURSELF make a movie this year.
Be your own greenlight.
Dec 21, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
Christmas just came early. 🎄
RAMEKINS: RAMEKIN II is now available for FREE on YouTube! Read this thread to find out why, if you're curious—it's important information.
Starting Nov. 1, 2021, Amazon Prime Video drastically changed how you are able to find truly independent films on its platform—from that date onward, only STUDIO films are allowed to be 'free to Prime members', and as such, show up when browsing.
Dec 20, 2021 13 tweets 3 min read
As the saying goes, when a news piece is written about you, you finally realize without a doubt how full of shit the news is. Similarly, when you make movies you learn how full of shit a lot of bad reviews are. I will be breaking down the following review of RAMEKINS: RAMEKIN II: 'I saw this recently through another who had bought it'
This starts out on the defensive because I have accurately pointed out that the same BS complaints are made in the same way across multiple 1-star reviews / fake names—meaning the same idiot writing them with fake accounts.
Nov 28, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Mike Leigh stumbles upon the Netflix paradox here— which is also a smoking gun about their whole operation. Netflix is happy to grossly overpay (money laundering) for certain movies, but will not give a fair amount to a filmmaker who has made great movies for the last 50 years Never forget:
Nov 7, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
Much like how Amazon quietly ended Made-on-Demand discs, they no longer allow what they call 'unsolicited' films/TV to be free to prime subscribers on Prime Video. This means that if you want to watch the best actually independent releases, you will need to pay a few bucks. I owe so much of my fanbase to my films being able to break through on Amazon Prime Video, reaching people browsing for free movies to watch on there. When it's paid, it doesn't even get the same exposure—you have to dig for the movies, they sometimes dont even come on on search.
Nov 7, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
its an inordinately dangerous thing when the people in control of your life believe that suffering is virtuous notice how every fucking thing they take away from you lately is 'bad for the environment anyway'

they are using their green cult bullshit to erode every facet of life that makes life worth living

covid is just the tip of the iceberg, the trojan horse, etc
Nov 7, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
dudes will be all secretive about their 'big movie idea' and then after you pass like 50 security doors of friendship they finally tell you and it's like 'what if bad guy is like fauci' the virgin 'i gotta keep my ideas to myself' vs the chad 'cody clarke just gave away 100 free horror movie ideas on twitter'
Nov 6, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
there's more than enough art of a given type at any given time to support a mainstream culture comprised entirely of it. a billionaire could convince you we were living in a golden age of rap, rock, jazz, dance, pop, whatever. you are purposely kept from knowing whats out there when people say 'there's no good rock bands now' what they mean is 'there's no good rock bands being force fed into me right now'. we are being deprived out of spite—the evil music industry is still angry with consumers and artists
Sep 2, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
for a lot of people covid isnt covid—its mortality. it's not so much a war on covid as it is a war on mortality. this lines up perfectly with the futurist dystopian shit we all know the elites are heading us towards. can't 'die' if you're digital of course this is all a canard. we see shit disappear digitally left and right all the time. one click and it, or you, is gone. they don't want to create immortality, they want to create god and cast themselves as the lord
Aug 31, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
What I think is confusing people about DONDA, leading to mixed reviews, is that it's a fucking tome. There's no other way to slice it—it's impossible to slice through this thing entirely overnight. If it ever comes out on CD, the case should weigh as much as an 800-page hardcover I honestly think the ultimate thesis of DONDA—a complex, long work—could be his recognition that the death of his mother, and love for his mother, looms over every possible thought/opinion he could ever have about anything. That love guides his principles more than religion even
Aug 30, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Folk film seems temporarily stuck in a rut of navel-gazing as of late. I think it’s because of newer filmmakers being inspired by surface elements of others’ work. I mean this all with zero shade, just an observation. Aim higher and be inspired on a deeper level If it’s gonna be about nothing, at least make it beautiful.

If the conversations are gonna be natural, at least make them meaningful.


I’m saying what others are thinking but not saying 🤷‍♂️